Embryology and CAH Flashcards
True or false: Richardson syndrome is 45, YO.
False. 45, YO is lethal.
Presence of __________ determines male development, regardless of number of X chromosomes.
SRY (the Sex-determining Region of Y)
How does SRY determine male sexual development?
It is a transcription factor that activates a cascade of genes that determines male development.
What is WT1?
Wilms Tumor-related gene
The genital ridges form just medial to the proliferating ________________.
WT-1 deletions and mutations are associated with _________________.
gonadal dysgenesis and Wilms tumors
NR5A-1 is also called __________.
Steroidogenic Factor-1 (SF-1)
SF-1 regulates development of ________________.
the adrenal glands and genes involved in gonadal development
SF-1 deletions result in gonadal dysgenesis and ____________.
adrenal failure
Germ cells migrate from the ____________.
yolk sac
The primitive sex cords development into the ____________.
Sertoli cells
One of the most important transcription targets of SRY is _______________.
SOX-9; mutations in this result in gonadal dysgenesis and skeletal dysplasia (due, in part, to lowered levels of anti-Müllerian hormone)
The urogenital ridge develops into the ________________.
bipotential gonad
Duplication of the DAX gene results in ________________.
dysgenesis of the testes; this is normal in females, but if a male has a DAX duplication, then he will develop small testes
(“It AXes the testes.”)
Which genes stimulate ovarian development?
Wnt/RSPO1 -> beta-catenin
In females, what happens to the medullary sex cords?
They degenerate. The cortex becomes the cords.
AMH is secreted by ____________; this must occur by the 8th week.
Sertoli cells
What two hormones are needed for proper development of the internal ducts in males?
AMH and testosterone
What two hormones are needed for proper development of the internal ducts in females?
Trick question –females need absence of AMH and testosterone to develop properly
The paramesonephric ducts development into _____________.
fallopian tubes, uterus, and the upper portion of the vagina
In ________________ syndrome, women have absent Müllerian structures.
Rokitansky (46, XX)
What two molecular abnormalities can lead to persistent Müllerian structures in 46, XY males?
Defects in the AMH receptor or AMH synthesis
The ____________ develops into the glans penis in males and the clitoris in females.
genital tubercle
What structure becomes the labia majora in females and scrotum in males?
The labioscrotal swellings