Embryology Flashcards
ICM produces this layer that has amitotic nuclei
Trophoblastic cells that do not become part of syncytiotrophoblast become…
Bilaminar germ disc
Epiblast and hypoblast
Decidua reaction
Glandular secretions cause endometrium surrounding embryo to become edematous with glycogen and lipids
ICM laminates into….
Amnion, epiblast, hypoblast
Membrane that forms along interior of cytotrophoblast
Sheet of columnar cells from which entire fetus develops
Amniotic cavity
Fluid filled cavity between amnion and epiblast into which fetus will grow
Between epiblast and blastocoel; produces yolk sac
Extraembryonic endoderm
Hypoblast spreads along cytotrophoblast to create this membrane of flattened cells
Yolk sac
Extraembryonic endoderm and space it surrounds
Extraembryonic mesoderm
Forms between cytotrophoblast and extraembryonic endoderm; derived from extraembyronic endoderm
Chorionic cavity
Extraembryonic lacunae that expand and coalesce into this layer within the extraembryonic mesoderm
Splanchnic extraembryonic mesoderm
Surrounds yolk sac
Somatic extraembryonic mesoderm
Lines cytotrophoblast
Extraembryonic mesoderm, cytotrophoblast, and syncytiotrophoblast
Connecting stalk
Projection of extraembryonic mesoderm that attaches to amnion, germ disc, and secondary yolk sac; develops into umbilical cord
Hensen’s node
Secretes GFs that induce tissue differentiation and embryogenic patterning
Primitive streak begins…elongates….then….
At caudal end around day 15….toward cranial end until day 18 (about 2/3 the length of the germ disc)…regresses, disappearing by end of week 4
First mass movement of embryonic cells that compartmentalizes the embryo into endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm
Forms gut and endothelial lining of numerous organs
Forms everything between epidermis and endothelium
Forms NS and epidermis
Sacrococcygeal teratomas
Primitive streak fails to regress completely
Caudal dysgenesis
Primitive streak regresses prematurely causing insufficient mesoderm in caudal region; anywhere from clubbed foot to sirenomelia
Embryos develop from….to….
Cranial to caudal end
Notochord derived from….
Hensen’s node; mesodermal
Produce vertebrae by differentiating into cartilage and bone
Differentiate into the muscles
Produce underlying dermis of skin
Notochordal process
Epiblast cells invaginate and extend in the cranial direction to form this hollow tube
Notochordal plate
Formed when notochordal process fuses with endoderm and opens ventrally, flatenning
Prechordal plate
Region with adherent hypoblast and epiblast cells that block further progression of the plate; at this point the primitive streak regresses