Embryology Flashcards
Explain the events that lead up to fertilization
- oogenesis
- spermatogenesis
ovulation-mature oocyte released
final maturation of sperm
-acrosomal reaction
3 phase process of fertilization
During the embryonic period, all organ systems are established and all major structures go through initial development, True or False?
- some even become functional (heart)
- period where the basic form and shape of what is developing is created
During the embryonic period, all organ systems are established and all major structures go through initial development, True or False?
- some even become functional (heart)
- period where the basic form and shape of what is developing is created
What is the fetal period and when does it occur?
The period during which differentiation and growth of organs & tissues occurs, from the 9th week (57day) to Term, or the 38th week (measured from fertilization)
-form portions of lungs
growing the organs and tissues you laid down in week 1-8 so that the fetus can thrive and survive by term
Week 1 starts with a fertilized cell, and lots of cell division occurs very quickly, via what process?
Mitosis begins with one cell with _N and ends with _ cells of _N
1 cell, 2N -> 2 cells of 2N
In what order are the stages of Mitosis?
1 Cell 2N Preprophase 4N Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telephase Cytokinesis 2N
N represents
haploid numbers of chromosomes (23 chromosomes)
ploidy = # of copies of chromosomes present in a cell nucleus
N = # of copies of each unique double stranded DNA molecule
Normal cells duplicate themselves via Mitosis, then meiosis occurs in germ cells to produce haploid offspring. Describe the process in terms of ploidy and N.
(normal cell division where a diploid cell (2N) replicates its DNA (becoming 4N) and undergoes a single division to yield 2 diploid daughter cells. The diploid germ cell replicates its DNA to become 4N but undergoes 2 successive (qualitatively different) nuclear and cell divisions to yield 4 x 1N or 4 haploid offspring.
Somatic cells and Primordial germ cells (PGCs) both start as _ploid _N cells, they both replicate their DNA to become _N.
Diploid 2N, 4N
How are the male and female mitotic and meiotic processes different?
The mitotic processes are the same for both females and males.
The meiotic male and female processes are each different from each other. The female meiotic cell divisions are dramatically unequal
Oocyte (1:3) 1N
Spermatids (4) 1N
What are the stages of Meiosis?
Meiosis I Preprophase 4N Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telephase Cytokinesis 2N Meiosis II Prophase 2N Metaphase Anaphase Telephase Cytokinesis 1N
Oocyte (1:3) 1N
Spermatids (4) 1N
Describe Meiosis I vs MeII?
Meiosis I Preprophase 4N Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telephase Cytokinesis 2N Meiosis II Prophase 2N Metaphase Anaphase Telephase
Germ cells are also known as _____
Primordial sex cells (PGCs)
How do germ/primordial sex cells originate?
As specific cells lining the yolk sac (umbilical vesicle)
-from the endodermal cells of the umbilical vesicle near the origin of the allantois
-large spherical cells 1st recognizable 24 days after fertilization.
Where do germ/primordial sex cells migrate to?
to occupy gonads and mature into gametes (mature sex cells)
When do PGCs migrate to the gonadal region and how?
PGCs originate in the lining of the yolk sac and migrate along the dorsal mesentery of the hindgut to the gonadal ridge during the 5th week of embryonic development.
What happens during week 6 with the PGCs ?
They enter the underlying mesenchyme and are incorporated into the gonadal cords. At this time the gonads of the 2 sexes are identical in appearance and are thus = indifferent gonads.
Male and female differentiation begins during the _th week for the males and at approximately the _th week in females the ovaries are distinguishable histologically.
7th week for males
10th week for females
What is gametogenesis (gamete formation)?
the process of formation and development of specialized generative cells,gametes(oocytes/sperms) from precursor cells. This development, involving the chromosomesandcytoplasmof the gametes, prepares these sex cells for fertilization. During gametogenesis, the chromosome number is reduced by half and the shape of the cells is altered.
During gametogenesis, the chromosome number is reduced by half and the shape of the cells is not altered, True or False?
FALSE, the chromosome number is reduced by half but the shape of the cells is altered as well during gamete formation
male vs female gametes
sperm; oocytes
male gamete: 23X or 23Y, motile
Acrosome, head, neck, tail, mitochondrial sheath
female gamete: 23X, immotile
-do not move self, depend on smooth muscle movement and pressure changes in fallopian or uterine tubes
Zona pellucida, Corona radiata
zona pellucida
thick glycoprotein cell layer, EC membrane on top of oocyte itself
corona radiata
follicular cells, follicular layer around zona pellucida
Spermatogenesis is the process by which spermatagonia become mature sperm (spermatazoa), True or false?
When does this process begin?
TRUE, spermatogenesis begins at puberty
1 precursor becomes 4 gametes
What is oogenesis? When does it begin?
the process by which Oogonia become > mature oocytes
- Begins before birth, is halted at METAPHASE stage of MEIOSIS II, continues at puberty
- -primary oocyte (diploid still….starts going into Me 1 but halts)
- ONLY finishes oogenesis (meiosis II) IF FERTILIZATION occurs
How is the secondary oocyte transferred to the fallopian tube?
via the action of the fimbriae
What happens with the secondary oocyte during ovulation?
~3 hours before ovulation, 2° oocyte enters meiosis II and arrests in metaphase
Will complete meiosis II upon fertilization
Smooth m. contractions help to expel 2° oocyte
Surrounding the oocyte is the zona pellucida & corona radiata (all ovulated together)
Beginning at puberty, cyclic FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) + LH (luteinizing hormone) released from the anterior pituitary gland
FSH (triggers follicular growth) + LH surge (triggers ovulation)
The mature Oocyte is released from the ovary during ovulation
Ampulla of the uterine tube is the normal site of fertilization
When are FSH and LH released first, and from which portion of the brain?
Beginning at puberty, cyclic FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) + LH (luteinizing hormone) released from the anterior pituitary gland
What is the role of FSH in ovulation?
Triggers follicular growth
What does the LH surge trigger?
What is the normal site of fertilization?
The AMPULLA of the uterine tube (fallopian tube)
Which stage in the final maturation of sperm allows the acrosome to react with the corona radiata & zona pellucida (ZP) to release enzymes?
Capacitation, the first stage of the final maturation of sperm, during which surface proteins are removed from the acrosome
What is the acrosome reaction?
Occurs upon contact with the ZP
Results in release of enzymes from acrosome, allowing sperm to penetrate ZP
What is capacitation?
(takes place within uterine wall)
Begins after ejaculation is initiated by substances secreted in the uterus and uterine tubes. Capacitation is required to mature the sperm allowing removal of the glycoprotein coat and seminal proteins from the surface of the sperm acrosome to allow the acrosomal reaction to occur.
hyperactivation of the sperm (increased activity) happens between this and the acrosomal reaction
What is the acrosome reaction?
Occurs upon contact with the ZP
Results in release of enzymes from acrosome, allowing sperm to penetrate ZP
occurs when the capacitated sperm acrosome binds to the zona pellucida. The acrosome begins to perforate in the presence of several enzymes and substances, breaking down the membranes producing apertures. Several enzymes are released to facilitate fertilization.
What are the three phases of fertilization?
Phase 1: Penetration of the corona radiata
Phase 2: Penetration of the zona pellucida
Phase 3: Fusion of the sperm and oocyte cell membranes
Phase 1 fertilization
Sperm penetrates the corona radiata
Phase 2 fertilization
Sperm then penetrates the zona pellucida (ZP) > ZP = a specialized extracellular matrix surrounding the developing oocyte (egg) within each follicle within the ovary.
At this point, the sperm that penetrates the ZP contacts the oocyte cell membrane enabling a reaction where the ZP becomes impermeable to other sperm
Phase 3 fertilization
The cell membranes of the oocyte & sperm fuse and break down
The pronuclei of the oocyte & sperm fuse, forming zygote > pronuclei = the nucleus of a sperm or an egg cell during the process of fertilization, after the sperm enters the egg, but before the genetic material of the sperm and egg fuse
If there was any chromosomal abnormalities during the gametogenesis period for either the sperm or oocyte and those respective structures go through fertilization this could lead to what?
spontaneous abortions
What results from fertilization?
Haploid pronuclei (of sperm and oocyte) fuse, forming diploid zygote
Restoration of diploid number of chromosome
Determination of genetic sex
Initiation of cleavage
What week starts with a fertilized cell? What is this called?
Week 1, Zygote
Zygote Cleavage
~30 hours after fertilization, zygote undergoes cleavage (mitosis) to make early embryonic cells called blastomeres
ZP hasn’t broken down providing framework/protection
Cell divisions result in successively smaller blastomeres that remain confined within the space available within the zona pellucida = compaction
Compaction begins
@ ~ 8 cell stage
blastomeres are
early embryonic cells created when the zygote undergoes mitotic division (cleavage) about 30 hours after fertilization
begins at 8 cell stage
Cell divisions result in successively smaller blastomeres that remain confined within the space available within the zona pellucida
When does the zygote become a morula?
3-4 days following fertilization as the embryo enters the uterus, the zygote is in the 12-32 cell stage and is renamed a morula, as it now resembles a mulberry. (IN WEEK ONE don’t need to know exact day)
Morula Stage
During this stage, the blastomeres begin to organize into an inner cell mass (which will lead to the emrbyo proper) and an outer cell mass (which is the primary source of the fetal component of the placenta.)
When and how does the morula become a blastocyst?
By four days of development, the morula begins to absorb fluid. A large cavity called theblastocyst cavity (synonym = blastocoel)forms within the morula. It is now called a blastocyst.
The embryoblast cells (which was the inner cell mass) then form a compact mass at one side of this cavity, and the trophoblast (which was the outer cell mass) organizes into a thin, single-layered epithelium. The side of the blastocyst containing the inner cell mass is called theembryonic poleof the blastocyst, and the opposite side is called the abembryonic pole.
embryonic poleof the blastocyst
side of the blastocyst containing the inner cell mass
abembryonic pole
the opposite side of the inner cell mass of the blastocyst
Attachment & Differentiation of the Trophoblast
Trophoblast cells attach to endometrium (posterior or anterior wall of body of uterus)
Upon attachment, trophoblast differentiates into (around day 7):
differentiation of trophoblast creates this division of cells that line the wall of the blastocyst
Cells that are directly embedded in the endometrium
Ectopic pregnancy
Occasionally, a blastocyst implants in the abdomen, on the surface of the ovary, within the oviduct, or at an abnormal site in the uterus. Theseectopic pregnanciesoften threaten the life of the mother because blood vessels that form at the abnormal site are apt to rupture as a result of growth of the embryo and placenta.
Typically, ectopic pregnancy is revealed by symptoms of abdominal pain and/or vaginal bleeding.
Drugs or surgical intervention is usually required to interrupt the pregnancy.
Where do ectopic pregnancies occur usually?
Within the uterine tubes *most common
Within the abdomen (ex: surface of the ovary, rectouterine pouch, mesentery)
Abnormal site within the uterus (internal os, cervix)
Summary of Week 1
What is the developmental process of the embryo during week 1?
The fertilization & formation of zygote
The zygote undergoing cleavage to get to the morula stage and continuation into the blastocyst stage
We also saw the attachment to the endometrium & formation of cytotrophoblast & syncytiotrophoblast.
Describe the developmental processes of the embryo during the second week.
During this time we will see the trophoblast differentiating into 2 layers, the embryoblast forming 2 layers, the extraembryonic mesoderm splitting into 2 layers, and 2 cavities forming. These membranes and cavities serve in the maintenance of the developing embryo. (“Week of 2s”)
-Implantation completed-fully implanted by week 2
-Trophoblast differentiates into 2 layers
- Embryoblast forms 2 layers
- then 2 cavities form
- then 2 yolk sacs form
- Extraembryonic mesoderm splits in to 2 layers
- Uteroplacental circulation established
At the beginning of Week 2, where and how is the embryo implanted?
The embryo is superficially implanted in the endometrium (attached Day 6)
-not fully invested in tissue, just superficially implanted
In week 2, which two layers does the embryoblast differentiate into?
- Epiblast
- columnar type cells
- rather tall
- will form 3 primary germ layers in week 3* - Hypoblast
- inferior to epiblast
- cuboidal type cells
- will form part of lining of one cavity
- will start to be origin of how we form ___
While the embyroblast is differentiating in week 2, what are the other 3 events that are occurring simultaneously?
- Amniotic cavity forming
- Implantation continuing
- Syncytiotrophoblast continuing to grow
How are epiblast cells different from hypoblast cells?
epi: columnar and tall, form 3 primary germ layers (week 3)
hypo: cuboidal, form lining of cavity, inferior to epiblast
Primitive endoderm is another name for which layer of the differentiated embryoblast? Once differentiated, the two-layer embryoblast is called what?
Bilaminar embryonic disc
At what point does the embryoblast become the bilaminar embryonic disc?
By day 8 (week 2), when the embryoblast has differentiated into 2 distinct layers
How is the Amniotic cavity formed? When?
Fluid begins to collect between cells of the epiblast and overlying trophoblast (~day 9)
-Amniotic cavity
A layer of epiblast cells expands toward the embryonic pole and differentiates into a thin membrane separating the new cavity from the cytotrophoblast. This membrane is the lining of the amnion. Although the amniotic cavity is at first smaller than the blastocyst cavity, it expands steadily. By the eighth week, the amnion encloses the entire embryo.