Embryology Flashcards
Where does the testes develop?
Testis develop in the extraperitoneal connective tissue in the superior lumbar region of the posterior abdominal wall.
What connects the testes to the anterilolateral ab wall?
What site does the gubernaculum connects the testes?
site of future deep ring
What does the processes vaginalis carry with it as it migrates down?
crosses the developing inguinal ring carrying the muscular and fascial layers of the anterolateral abdominal wall before it as it enters the scrotum.
Where are the testes in the 12th week?
in the pelvis
Where are the testes in the 28th week?
near the deep ring
how long does it take the testes to pass through the ring and the inguinal canal?
3 days
Where are the testes after one month?
entering the scrotum
What is the distal part of the process vaginalis called?
tunica vaginalis
What s the gubernaculum called?
scrotal ligament
Where does the ovaries develop in the female?
in superior lumbar region of the posterior abdominal wall and migrate to the lateral abdominal wall in the pelvis
What does the gubernaculum connect in females?
fibrous cord connecting the ovary and the primordial uterus to the developing labium majus
what does the gubernaculum become in females?
ovarian ligament (between ovary and uterus) and the round ligament (uterus and labium majus).
Why doesn’t the ovaries descend into the inguinal region?
because of the ovarian ligament
round ligament passes through
Which inguinal canal is narrower males or females?
What happens if the process vaginalis stays open?
inguinal hernias can develop