Embryology Flashcards
Mesonephric duct
will form the wolffian duct
forms from intermediate mesoderm
drains into cloaca
will form epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct; seminal vesicle
paramesonphric duct
forms from intermediate mesoderm
drains into cloaca
forms the mullerian duct
will regress in males except for the appendix of the testes and prostatic utricle
Indifferent gonad
weeks 6
has outer cortex and inner medulla with primitive sex cords
testicular descent
- About 97% of newborns are born with descended testes; of those that remain undescended, most will descend within about 3 days after birth.
- Controlled by testosterone; but exact mechanism remains unknown.
pulled by the gubernaculum with the processus vaginalis
cloacal-urethral folds
mesenchymal swelling around cloacal membrane
shaft, root of penis and penile urethra
a. Elongates along with the genital tubercle.
b. Urethra groove is an open grove on ventral penis.
c. Later, the two folds fuse to form the penile urethra.
d. The remaining portion of the urethra (in the glans penis) is formed by ectodermal cells that grow inward.
later divide into urethral and anal folds
genital swellings
form on each side of cloacal membranes
will form the scrotum
genital tubercle
under the influence of DHT and T
will form into the glans penis and the CS and CC
penile urethra opens in abnormal position
- Caused by incomplete fusion of the urethral groove on ventral surface of penis.
T dependent
often with extrophy of bladder
T independent
urethral opening on top of penis
due to urethral plate developing more dorsally than normal
fluid filled space around the testes
tunica vaginalis are serous membranes, which become hyperactive and exs serous fluid fills the testes (usually can just be absorbed in the first few mo. of life)
testosterone dependent undescended testes
teste can be found anywhere (often in the abdomen, inguinal canal or spermatic cord)
this teste will be infertile due to temperature problems
**big risk factor for testicular cancer
Formation of female genitalia
**E2 independent
just needs the absence of MIH (AMH)
the cortex forms the ovary and the medulla regresses
female genital ducts
mesonephric ducts (wolffian) regress- MOSTLY, if they do not, they can form Gardner's cysts Paramesonephric ducts internal genitalia
cranial portion of paramesonephric ducts
form fallopian tubes,
caudal end of paramesonepthric ducts
fused, forms uterus, cervix and superior vagina