Emboli1 Flashcards
What percent of peripheral arterial emboli are from the heart
What is the MC etiology of cardiogenic emboli
atrial fib (used to be rheumatic heart disease)
What is the 2nd MC etiology of peripheral emboli
Other cardiac etiologies of emboli
valvular abnormalities, vegetations on prosthetic valve replacement, cardiac tumors (atrial myxomas)
Noncardiac etiologies of emboli are more likely to cause micro or macroembolization
microembolization (occlusion of terminal vessels)
The MC source of micrembolization
atheromatous debris from aortoiliac ds greater than aortic aneurysm
Classic sx’s for acute limb ischemia
pain, pallor, pulselessness, poikilothermia, parasthesias, paralysis
What will a pulse exam show in n acute embolic event
Water hammer pulse proximal to the occlusion with no pulses below the occlusion
What diagnostic tests should be performed when an embolic event is suspected
US and ABI
What tissue is the most sensitive to ischemia
neural tissue (neurologic status is a good marker for degree of ischemia)
Will revascularization of a nonsalvageable limb restore function
What labs should be drawn in a patient with an embolic event
check for a hypercoagulable state: anticardiolipin antibiodies, antiphospholipid antibodies, antiplatelet factor IV antibodies and fibrinogen
What is the best test to check for cardiac abnormalities
TEE with bubbles
what is the initial medical tx in embolic events
what is the bolus dose of heparin and the infusion rate
bolus dose: 80-100Ukghr; infusion rate: 10-15 Ukghr