Hierarchy in Tsarist Russia
Ruling Class -0.5%
The Church
Govt. and Upper Class - 12%
Commercial + Professional Middle Class - 1.5%
The Police - 1 policeman to every 3850 peasants
Industrial Working Class - 4%
Peasants - 80%
68.8million not actually ‘Russian’
When was the Crimean War?
“I hand over to you my command, unfortunately not in as good order as I would have wished” - Nicholas I, March 1855
The Emancipation Edict
“Serfdom could not continue forever and…it would therefore be better if the transformation took place from above rather than below” - Alexander II, Jan 1861
Terms of Emancipation
- 23 million serfs given ‘freedom’
- Nobles kept+compensated for land given to serfs
- 1864 - ZEMSTVA set up with local powers
- Peasants had to pay all feudal dues to former lord
- VOLOST COURTS under nobility supervision
- REDEMPTION PAYMENTS - 49 years at 6%
Military Reforms
-Conscription compulsory from age 21 - service length reduced
-Punishments less severe
Military colleges + improved weaponry
Local Government Reforms
-Zemstva - chosen through electoral college that was nobility dominated
1870 - Dumas set up
Judiciary Reforms
Equality before the law
Cases heard before judges and jury
Education Reforms
Alexander Golovnin - Minister for Education(1862-67)
-Schooling transferred from Orthodox Church to the zemstvo
-‘Modern Schools’
1870 - women could attend for non-vocational education
Censorship reforms
When was Alexander II Assassinated?
March 1881