ELO B APU Flashcards
APU location
Top of transition section aft of the #1 enginge
APU Fuel consumption
120 lbs/hr
APU Functions
Pneumatic power: Cabin heating, main engine starting
Electrical power: Ground ops, emergency in-flight ops
*What does the APU provide penumatic power for?
Cabin heating and main engine starting
Fuel cell for APU
1 main fuel cell
Difference between APU fuel supply lines nad main engine fuel system
Hydraulyic accumulator location and purpose
The accumulator is located in the aft midsection cabin ceiling and provides the hydraulic pressure for driving the start motor
Hand pump location and purpose
The hand pump is located near the accumulator in the aft cabin ceiling, it allows manual recharging of the accumulator when the APU fails to start or if he accumulator pressure is low and an AC power source is not available.
*PSI to start APU
2800 PSI
Hydraulic start motor
Located on APU accessory gearbox
Hydraulic pressure released from accumulator is used to start APU
Type of electricity APU
DC energy source
*Which fuel cell supplies the APU?
What happens when APU fire T-handle warns the pilot and they pull it
a. Fuel to APU is shut off
b. A stop signal is sent to the ESU/DESU.
c. The fire extinguisher system arms.
d. The directional control valve is set to the APU position.
*What must you do in the event of an APU compartment fire?
Visually confirm there is a fire before taking action.
Hit the t handle