Elizabeths foreign policy Flashcards
What significant event happened between France and Spain in 1559?
Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
When did Elizabeth allow sea beggars to attack Spanish ships?
When did Spain place embargos on the Netherlands?
Why did Spain place embargos on Netherlands?
Cecil ordered bullion to be unloaded from spanish ships at English ports by pirates
How did Elizabeth provoke Philip to plan the Armada in 1583?
Philip planned Armada due to Elizabeths interference in the Netherlands
When did the War between England and Spain start?
What triggered the War to begin?
Phillip seized English ships in Spanish harbour.
Drake attacked Spanish ports.
What advantage Elizabeth gain due to Drake’s raid in 1587?
Drake raided Cadiz, setting fire to ships, setting the Armarda back
What failed tactic did Spain do in 1588?
Spain went around Ireland to England but due to the wind and English tactics meant they were overthrown
When did England raid the Azores?
When did Elizabeth’s pirates raid the Caribbean?
When did England capture Spanish treasure ships and hinder Phillip further?
When did Phillip die?
What was the significance of the Netherlands?
Cloth trade
Basis for English and Spanish traditional friendliness
What was happening in the Netherlands in 1562?
Calvinism began to spread and unite against the Spanish rule
What was the significance of the trade embargo for Elizabeth?
It meant Elizabeth had to change her foreign policy
What did Spain do in 1567 to try and restore order in the Netherlands?
Philip sent army under Duke of Alva
When did Elizabeth expel dutch sea beggars?
When was the ‘Spanish fury’?
What did Elizabeth do in response to the Spanish fury in 1577?
She threatened to invade
When was William Orange assassinated?
When was the Treaty of Nansuch?
What happened with the Treaty of Nansuch?
Elizabeth sent an army to the Netherlands (leader being Leicester who returned in 1588)
When was Spain driven out Northern Netherlands?
When did North Netherlands become independent?
What was the North Nertherlands renamed to?
United Provinces
What tensions occur in 1559 between France and Britain over Scotland?
When Henri II dies, France sends troops to Scotland to help Mary of Guise (plus Francis II marries Mary Queen Scots)
Elizabeth sends an army to Firth of Forth in December
When was the Treaty of Edinburgh formed and what was the significance?
France withdrew
When was the Catholic and Huguenots violence in France?
What happens when Elizabeth sends help in the religious war in France?
Is driven out
Who led the Massacre of the Huguenots in 1562?
Guise (Mary Queen of Scots relatives)
When was the French Treaty of Blois?
When was the French massacre of St Bartholomews ?
When was Henri III assassinated by the Catholic enemy?
What happened when Henri IV became King of France?
People protested and were opposed by his subjects.
When does Elizabeth send a small army and money to Henri IV?
What does Philip do when Elizabeth sends aid to Henri IV?
Philip helps those against Henri IV
What does Henri IV do to appease the French public in 1593?
He pretends to be Catholic to take back Paris.
The French become an ally to England- creating a balance for Elizabeth against Spain
What do Scottish protestant lords do to Mary of Guise in 1559?
They rebel as they are tired of domination by foreign Catholic power. So they dispose of Mary of Guise.
What does Cecil do in 1559 during the Scottish rebellion?
He threatens to resign unless Elizabeth helps prevent French take over.
When does a civil war in Scotland start between Catholics and Protestants?
What does Elizabeth do in 1570 for Scotland?
Sends aid to James VI
Supports Earl of Morten’s regent
Whats the impact of protestant leadership in Scotland?
Atmosphere calms down
Strong border and ally
When is the Treaty of Berwick?
Whats the significance of the Treaty of Berwick?
James becomes the unofficial heir
James gets Elizabeths pension, buying his loyalty
What does Robert Cecil do in the 1590s?
He contacts James to prepare for a peaceful transition
What did Elizabeth inherit in regards to the take over of Ireland?
- Failed attempt to influence English culture- hostile
- Potential first colony which they can exploit (Irish resentment)
- Quick take over with no long term efforts and conviction of self-financing, as unwilling to spend English money to colonise
When was the Shane O’Neills Rebellion?
What was the cause of the Shane O’Neills rebellion?
Earl of Sussex plantation- control, reduced expenditure, enforced 1559 religious settlement.
Reactive policy after the rebellion in Ulster- unable to defeat due to Elizabeths slow, minimal support.
What was Sir Henry Sidney’s involvement in ending the Shane O’Neill rebellion?
Used rival clans to stop rebellion by manipulation them to turn against O’Neill (divide and rule)
How did Sir Henry Sidney fail in securing peace after diffusing the Shane O’Neill rebellion?
He proposed setting up regional councils along the council of the north. This caused an uprising in Leicester. Sidney therefore had to return to England
When was the first Fitzgerald rebellion?
When was the second Fitzgerald rebellion?
1579- 1583
What was the response to the Fitzgerald rebellion (1569-1572)?
Elizabeth feared Fitzgerald would call for foreign aid from Spain so quickly subdued
Considered military conquest and failed to stop the expenditure issues
It added to the English internal Catholic issues (overreaction)
What failed during the Fitzgerald rebellion (1569-1572)?
2 privately based colonisations
Who was recalled for the Fitzgerald rebellion (1569-1572)?
Sir Henry Sidney
What was significant about the Fitzgerald rebellion (1579-1583)?
Reinforcement was sent in from Spain .
What was the significance of Grey in putting down the Fitzgerald rebellion (1579-1583)?
Army of 65,000 in 1580.
Put down the conspiracy in Garrisons and Smerlwick savagely. He massacred after surrender and killed cattle. He was sent home for extremity
Where did Desmond spread to in Ireland?
Munster Leinster Ulster Connact (four provinces in Ireland)
When was the Tyrone rebellion?
refer to ‘last years’ for rebellion
How big was the army Essex was sent with?
16,000 men- the largest army ever sent to Ireland in the Tudor period.
How significant was the Tyrone Rebellion?
Elizabeth was facing a rebellion in Ireland that was a threat to England and Elizabeth as it had foreign support from Spain.
When does Tyrone get a taste of victory?
At the Yellow Ford 1598. He defeated and killed the English COmmander at the battle and only half the English troops which returned safely to their base in Armagh.