Elizabeth I: Religious Settlement Flashcards
What were the two key aspects of Elizabeth’s religious settlement
- Legal status of the church
2. Books to be used in Church services
What was there no doubt of regarding religion under Elizabeth
That ties with the Papacy would be severed and a return to that of Henry VIII
What type of Church did Elizabeth want
A church with Protestant Doctrine that could retain traditional structure
Retain Catholic ritual to help avoid foreign challenges
What was the Pope likely to do and why was this a problem
Excommunicate her
This was a problem because many members of the gentry/nobility were Catholic
What was the situation of Protestants at the time of Elizabeth’s accession
Many Protestants had fled to exile in Geneva and other parts of Europe. They thrived in Protestant strongholds
What was the legal status of the church like on accession
No changes to the legal status
What 4 key components made up Elizabeth’s early religious settlement
- Act of Supremacy 1559
- Act of Uniformity 1559
- Royal injunctions 1559
- 39 articles of religion 1563
What did the Act of Supremacy in 1559 do regarding Royal Supremacy
It restored Royal Supremacy over the Church.
Legislative authority to the crown was held in regards to religious matters
What were the three key factors of the Act of Supremacy
- A repeal of Marian Legislation
- Extension of Crown’s influence over the Church
- Appointment of Elizabeth as ‘Governor’ of the Church
What Marian legislation was repealed
- Papal supremacy was rejected
- The reformation legislation passed under Henry VIII was restored
- An Oath of Supremacy was to be taken by Clergymen
What did the Act of Supremacy allow the Crown to appoint
Commissars to ‘visit’ and ‘amend’ Church abuses
This gave the Crown huge amounts of power to intervene with the Church
What title did Elizabeth undertake as a result of the Act of Supremacy
‘Supreme Governor’
What was the significance of the title ‘Supreme Governor’
It was concession to Catholic opinion - an acknowledgement that God was the only head
What fine was introduced
A 1 shilling fine for recusancy was introduced (non-attendance of church)
What was the impact of the Oath of Supremacy
1/5 of all Bishops that refused to take the oath were deprived of their position
When was the Act of Uniformity
What did the Act of Uniformity specify
It specified the use of the Book of Common prayer - a modified version of Cranmer’s protestant book of 1552
What modifications were made by Elizabeth regarding the Book of Common Prayer
Black Rubric - Why Kneeling was banned when praying
When were the Royal Injunctions passed
What was the aim of the Royal Injunctions
To impose the crowns will
Where was emphasis placed
- On the suppression of superstition
2. On the 1547 injunctions that outlined the use of a communion table rather than an altar
What did the Injunctions attack
Pilgrimages and the use of candles
‘Works devised by Mans fantasy’
What did the Royal injunctions force parish churhces to do
Buy English Bibles and use them
What did Elizabeth need to maintain regarding Religion and why
A healthy atmosphere because Religion was intrinsically linked to Domestic policy and Foreign policy
Why was the settlement regarded as a ‘compromise’
Because Elizabeth maintained Catholic doctrine while also introducing Protestant features.
Why did Elizabeth compromise
Because Elizabeth understood that Catholics felt bad when going to church
What did Elizabeth want
Conformity - she didnt mind if they were catholic, just that they conformed and attended church.
Happy to allow secret services to occur
What compromises did Elizabeth make regarding the settlement
1560 Requiem celebrations for the dead - very catholic
1561 Ban on clerical marriage
The death penalty for saying mass not introduced until 1577
Blind eye turned to secret services