Elizabeth Flashcards
When was Elizabeth born
Who was Elizabeth’s mother?
Anne Boleyn
What was Elizabeth’s religion?
Protestant - raised by Catherine Parr
Why was Elizabeth emotionally cautious of men her whole life?
Due to childhood events with Thomas Seymour who had intended to marry her after the death of Catherine Parr.
This moment was described as a ‘turning point’ in Elizabeth’s life
How had Thomas Seymour used Elizabeth?
For political gain, he was jealous of his brother’s power - Edward Seymour who currently had the titles of Duke of Somerset and Lord protector
How had Elizabeth lived in Mary’s final years of reign?
After the Wyatt rebellion she spent 8 weeks locked up in the tower of London, she then spent a year under house arrest
How had Elizabeth been used in the Wyatt rebellion?
Used in a plot to overthrow her half-sister Mary. She would marry Edward Courtenay in order to strengthen his claim to the throne
What was Elizabeth hailed as during her coronation?
The restorer of protestantism
When did Elizabeth implement her religious settlement?
2 mains acts of Elizabeth’s religious settlement?
Act of supremacy
Act of uniformity
What did the act of supremacy establish?
Elizabeth as supreme governor of the church
How did the act of supremacy appease to Catholics?
They could only ever consider the pope to be the supreme head of the church and God’s representative on earth
What did the act of uniformity say?
- The 1552 book of common prayer should be used
- Everyone had to attend church on sundays or they would have to pay a fine - 12d to poor relief
- Required all members of the clergy to swear upon an oath of supremacy
- Church vestements from the second year of Edward’s reign were to be reintroduced
Overall what was the Elizabethan religious settlement?
a mixture between the religious settlement of Edward’s reign and Henry VIII’s reign
What extra religious acts did Elizabeth pass?
- Repealed heresy laws
- act which ensured clergy would preach at least 4 times a year
- Act which required every church in England to present an English bible
- Dissolution of monastries and chantries that Mary had restored
Implementation of the court of fruits and tenths
Consequences of the religious settlement?
- Because churchmen had to sign an oath of supremacy 400 members of the clergy resigned and just 1 bishop agreed to sign the oath
- Caused divisions - some of the acts pleased neither the protestant reformers or religious conservatives, for example the law implemented which required christ to be shown at the Eucharist
Which religious act upset both, the protestant reformers and religious conservatives?
The law passed that required for christ to be shown at the eucharist
Which religious acts brought in revenue to the crown?
The act of first fruits and tenths
Dissolution of the monastries and chantries re-established by Mary - increased crowns revenue by £40,000 yearly
How much did the dissolution of the monastries and chantries, as well as the act a first fruits and tenths increase the crowns revenue by?
£40,000 a year
Why was the increased revenue for the crown through the implementation of religious policies beneficial to the crown?
They were expecting Scotland to declare war at any point and were still at war with France
Who was the next heir to the throne after Elizabeth?
Mary Queen of Scots
How did Mary Queen of Scots have a claim to the English throne?
Through her grandmother, Margaret tudor who married James IV of Scotland
Who did Mary Queen of Scots marry, strengthening her claim to the English throne?
Lord Darnley