Elimination Flashcards
Remove waste from the blood to form urine
Transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Urine travels from the bladder and exits through the urethral meatus.
What is the range of bladder capacity?
600-1000 mL. Adults normally void every 2-4 hours
An accumulation of urine due tot he inability of the bladder to empty
urinary retention
Results from catheterization or procedure
Urinary tract infection
What might be seen when assessing for urinary retention?
Distended abdomen, reports of pressure, restlessness, no UO or scant for hours, bladder scanner
CAUTI prevention?
Use aseptic technique with sterile equipment, secure indwelling catheters, maintain closed drainage systems, no obstruction of urine flow, urine bag below the level of the bladder, bag never touches the ground, empty bad hand half full, clean tip with alcohol, perform perineal and catheter care
How to care for a catheter?
Keep meatus free of secretions/encrustations, pericarp and cleansing first four in of catheter, every 8 hours or less, after defecation. Maybe chlorhexidine wipes.
What are the six different kinds of incontinence?
Transient, functional, chronic, stress, urge or urgency, reflex
What factors can influence urination?
Diseases, medications and medical procedures, sociocultural factors, psychological factors, fluid balance.
What disease conditions might affect urination?
Renal classification, lower urinary tract conditions, diabetes mellitus and neuromuscular diseases, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cognitive impairments, diseases that slow or hinder physical activity, end-stage real disease (uremic syndrome)
Medication causing urinary retention or overflow incontinence
Cause urgency and incontinence
Change the color of urine
Care for older adults as far as urinary goes?
Offer toileting every 2 hours. Encourage to empty bladder before and after meals and at bedtime. Encourage to increase fluid intake 6-8 glasses a day unless contraindicated.
Assessments for kidneys?
Assess hydration, looking at the skin and mucosal membranes.
Flank pain may occur with infection or inflammation, kidneys.
Distended bladder rises above symphysis pubis.
Observe urethral meatus for discharge, inflammation, and lesions.
What to assess for with urine?
Intake, output.
Collection must be random sample, clean catch, sterile, timed.
Examples of urinary nursing problems?
Urinary incontinence: functional, stress, urge. Risk for infection, toiling self-care deficit, impaired skin integrity, impaired urinary elimination, urinary retention
How can one stimulate the voiding reflex?
Maintaining elimination habits, maintaining adequate fluid intake, promoting complete bladder emptying, preventing infections
What can improve bladder emptying?
Parasympathetic stimulation of the detrusor muscle
Cholinergic drugs increase bladder contraction and improve emptying
Restorative care for the urinary system?
Strengthening pelvic floor muscles, bladder retraining, habit training, self-catheterization, maintenance of skin integrity, promotion of comfort
What are indications for dialysis?
Renal failure that can no longer be controlled by conservative management. Worsening of uremic syndrome associated with end-sage renal disease(ESRD). Severe electrolyte and/or fluid abnormalities the cannot be controlled by simpler measures.
A symptom, not a disease; infrequent stool and/or hard, dry, small stools that are difficult to eliminate.
An increase in the number of stools and the passage of liquid, unformed feces.
Dilated, engorged veins in the lining of the rectum
Results from unrelieved constipation; a collection of hardened feces wedged in the rectum so that a person cannot expel
Temporary or permanent artificial opening in the bowel wall.
Surgical opening in the ileum or colon
Ileostomy or colostomy
What are examples of bowel nursing diagnoses?
Disturbed body image, bowel incontinence, constipation, perceived constipation, risk for constipation, diarrhea, nausea, deficit knowledge of nutrition