Elevers mobiler skader frikvarteret Flashcards
the movement of children
børnenes bevægelse
the mobile phone harms students’ ability for exercise and camaraderie.
mobilen skader elevernes mulighed for motion og kammeratskab.
over-consumption of social media,
overforbrug af de sociale medier
friend request
you can monitor your child around the clock
du kan overvåge dit barn døgnet rundt
to put filter down in relation to content
at lægge filter ned i forhold til indhold
to detach ourselves
at løsrive os
to watch countless episodes of a TV series in a row.
at se et utal af afsnit af en TV-serie i træk.
reach the end of the road: So 5) let go then
når til vejs ende: Så 5) lad gå da!
It has become much more acceptable 6) to devote his time to the TV series compared to before.
Det er nemlig blevet langt mere acceptabelt 6) at vie sin tid til TV-serierne sammenlignet med tidligere.
cultural upgrade
kulturel opgradering
nerdy fans bingewatching, who bingewatcher
nørdede fans, der bingewatcher.