Elevators Flashcards
2.4 Fire Department elevator operations are divided into two categories;
Describe Each ?
A stuck elevator with trapped passengers not in immediate danger and no
evidence of injury.
A situation where one or more of the following exist:
A. Fire endangering passengers in a stuck elevator.
B. Passenger of stuck elevator injured.
C. Passenger of stuck elevator in panic
Methods of communicating with passengers at a stuck elevator. What are they ?
A. Elevator car telephone.
B. Elevator car intercom.
C. Call or yell up hoistway, or speak through car and hoistway doors.
Sec 3.2.2
3.2.3 Methods of passenger removal at a stuck elevator. What are they ?
A. Primary Removal Procedures, section 3.3.
B. Secondary Removal Procedures, section 3.6.
C. Emergency Removal Procedures, section 3.7.
During Primary removal procedures of a stuck elevator, is power shut off ?
Primary removal procedures are simple approaches performed without turning off the
elevator power.
Sec 3.3
There are two types of primary removal procedures. The order in which they are tried is
not important. What are they ?
Checking Electrical Contacts and
placing elevator into Fireman Service
Sec 3.3.1-2
The second type of primary removal procedure is activating Firemen Service if
available. Will this over ride the Emergency Stop Button ?
YES of course!!
Firemen Service will over ride the Emergency Stop Button.
Sec 3.3.2
The first type of primary removal procedures checks whether simple electrical
contacts might have been broken
What must first be done in order to accomplish this ? How are these electrical contacts checked ?
The passengers must be
instructed to deactivate the Emergency Stop Button otherwise these methods will not work
A. Have a passenger press Door Open Button.
B. Press lobby call button.
C. Instruct passengers to insure the car door is fully closed.
D. Have members physically close all hoistway doors on the shaft. Air
movement in shaft may have opened an interlock cutting power to the car.
Check the hoistway doors in the vicinity of the stuck car first.
Sec 3.3.1
During primary removal procedures of a stuck elevator when shall fireman service be deactivated ?
B. Firemen Service should be deactivated when the car responds by returning
to the lobby or if it’s clear that the car isn’t responding.
Sec 3.3.2
If Primary Removal Procedures Fail at a stuck elevator who must be called and where can this number be found ?
3.4 Summon an elevator mechanic if Primary Removal Procedures fail.
3.4.1 Telephone number of the mechanic is REQUIRED to be posted in the machinery
room near the elevator power switch.
3.4.2 Consider the possibility of an elevator mechanic on duty in a nearby building.
3.4.3 Secondary Removal Procedures may be initiated prior to the arrival of the
3.5.1 Power Removal
Whenever Secondary or Emergency Removal Procedures are used, power
removal is essential. Dispatch two members to the elevator machinery room to
shut off the power to the stalled car. The machinery room may be located where ?
top of the shaft, at the bottom of the shaft or TWO levels above the highest floor serviced by the elevator. Sec 3.5.1
When passengers are removed from a stuck elevator Never remove them to the lower landing. True or False
When passengers are removed from a car between floors they should be
taken up and out of the car if practical. This eliminates the possibility of a
passenger falling down the shaft after exiting the elevator. If they are
removed to the lower landing, the shaft opening must be protected.
Sec 3.5.2
When operating in an elevator shaft members must be what ?
C. Members operating in the shaft are to be secured by a life saving rope.
Sec 3.5.2 C
Members are Never permitted to enter the shaft below the elevator car
Agree or Disagree
Members shall NOT NORMALLY be permitted to enter the shaft below the
elevator car. During a rescue necessitating members entering the shaft
below the car, the power switch must be turned of
Sec 3.5.2 D
In Newer elevator installations if the condition of the elevator brake is
doubtful additional protection can be provided by placing a heavy timber,
iron bar or tool between the spokes of the hoisting drum after power is
removed. Agree or Disagree
DISAGREE!! OLDER installations In most NEWER installations this procedure can be dangerous and impractical Sec 3.5.2 G
If conditions indicate that the elevator is unstable, additional precautions
must be taken to prevent the movement of the car in either direction.
Consider securing the car to structural members of the building using what ?
utility ropes, chains or shoring
Sec 3.5.2 H
3.6.3 If the elevator has a two speed system, commonly found in buildings over ______
stories, the following procedure may work: What is it ?
A. If Emergency Stop Button has been activated have passengers deactivate it.
B. Have members in elevator machinery room shut power to the stuck car
and turn it on again.
C. If the car is to restart it will do so within 10 seconds.
Sec 3.6.3
Note: This is the only circumstance in which the elevator power may be RESTORED
by members of this department
When can POLING be used to remove passengers in a stuck elevator ?
3.6.4 If stuck car is in a multi car hoistway “POLING” can be used to remove the
During Emergency and Secondary removal procedures of a stuck elevator what must be off ?? DUHHHHHHHHHH
Sec 3.7.1
During emergency removal procedures using the Top Hatch Method of a stuck elevator, A straight ladder must be used.
Is this correct ?
INCORRECT!! Use straight ladder if possible. If an extension ladder is used tie the halyard around the rungs of both sections of the ladder. Sec 3.7.2 A 3
During emergency removal procedures using the Top Hatch Method of a stuck elevator. How many members are allowed on the roof of the elevator car ? How many actually go into the car ?
Maximum of TWO firefighters are to be
permitted on the roof of the car at one time.
Sec 3.7.3 A 4
One member equipped with a HT enters car. Member in the car
must determine the order of removal. Secure each person with a life saving rope.
Sec 3.7.2.A 8
During emergency removal procedures using the Side exit Method of a stuck elevator car the rescue car is brought adjacent to the stuck car. What tools are needed to access the side exit door from the shaft side of elevator car ?
Open side exit of stuck car. It is openable by hand from the shaft side.
Sec 3.7.2 B 4
car Bring rescue car even with stuck elevator.
If mechanic is present, use his operating key to bring the car level with stuck car.
True or FALSE
Sec 3.7.2 B 2
During emergency removal procedures using the Side exit Method of a stuck elevator is it necessary to shut power off to the rescue car ?
Remove power to rescue car. Power to the stuck car was previously removed.
Sec 3.7.2.B 3
During emergency removal procedures using the Side exit Method of a stuck elevator, What size planks are needed to act as a bridge ?
Planks of sufficient lengths (6’ or longer) should be used as a bridge
between cars.
Sec 3.7.2 B 6
3.7.3 Forcible Entry
Forcible entry of hoistway and elevator car doors is the preferred method of Removing passengers from a stuck elevator
Agree or Disagree
Forcible entry of hoistway and elevator car doors should only be attempted under
the direct advisement of an elevator mechanic OR as a last resort during
Sec 3.7.3
When using forcible entry as a method of gaining access, what is the preferred method on sliding type doors ?
- Maxi Force Air Bag System.
This is the preferred forcible entry method. It is less likely than the others
to push the door off its hangers or out of its track
Sec 3.7.3
Elevator Pit Description.
The Elevator Pit is the lowest portion of the elevator shaft.
Describe the Jump PIT
A. Jump Pits.
1. Usually 4’ to 6’ from lowest landing level to base of pit.
2. Elevator descends to within a couple of feet of the bottom of the shaft.
3. Pit is entered by opening the lowest hoistway door and using a portable
Sec 4.1.1
Elevator Pit Description.
The Elevator Pit is the lowest portion of the elevator shaft.
Describe the WALK in PIT
B. Walk In Pit.
1. Usually 6’ to 10’ from lowest landing to base of pit.
2. Car descends to the floor level above bottom of shaft.
a. A high buffer and lower limit switch prevent the car from entering
the pit.
3. Access to the pit is via a door located at the bottom of the shaft.
a. Door is not required to have an interlock switch.
b. Door is opened by a regular key. Emergency elevator keys are not usable
Sec 4.1.1
In an EXTREME EMERGENCY (immediate action necessary to save
life) entry to a Walk in Pit before the elevator power switch is off may be
made using the following precautions:
- Open a hoistway door on shaft to be entered. The interlock will prevent
car from moving. - Use caution around mechanical and electrical components.
- Turn off power as soon as possible.
Sec 4.2.2
In all buildings classified in occupancy group E, 100’ or more in height, the
number of elevators that must be equipped for Fire Service is as follows:
A. Where a floor is serviced by three or less elevator cars, every car shall be
equipped for Firemen Service.
What if there is more than 3 ?
B. Where a floor is serviced by more than three elevator cars, at least three
elevator cars with a total rated capacity of not less than 6,000 pounds shall
be equipped for Firemen Service.
Such cars shall include not more than
two cars which serve all floors, and at least one other car in another bank
servicing that floor.
Sec 5.1.4
In all buildings classified in occupancy group E, 100’ or more in height, the
number of elevators that must be equipped for Fire Service is as follows:
If the total load capacity of all cars servicing the floor is less than _______
pounds, all such cars shall be Firemen Service
Sec 5.1.4
When POLING be used to remove passengers in a stuck elevator. What is done with A
Hinge type door
Sliding Type Door
Hinge type Depress roller
Sliding Type Push up on Locking Arm
Sec 3.6
Forcible Entry
Forcible entry of hoistway and elevator car doors . The deformation of the doors and
locks may add to the problem and delay the rescue. Upon completion of forcible
entry operations have who secure hoist way door ?
Who can warn people have danger ?
maintenance personnel secure the hoistway door OR have
police or security warn people of the danger
Sec 3.7.3