The Code of Federal Regulations 29-CFR 1910.146 defines a confined space as
any area that is:
• Not designed for continuous human occupancy ; and
• Large enough and so configured that a person can enter and perform work; and
• Has limited means for entry and escape.
Sec 1.1.1
If a confined space poses a danger to anyone that enters it, it is designated a
Permit Required Confined Space (permit space)(OSHA). A Permit Space is any
confined space that has one or more of the following potential problems: HESS
• Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.
• Contains material that could potentially engulf a person.
• Is shaped in a way that a person could be caught or asphyxiated by inwardly
tapering walls, or floors that slope downward, tapering into a smaller cross
• Contains any recognized serious health or safety hazard.
Sec 1.2.1
The hazards to persons inside confined spaces, in addition to engulfment and tapering shapes,
can be divided into two main categories; atmospheric hazards and physical hazards.
Atmospheric hazards are the most deadly, accounting for almost 65% of all confined space
deaths. Atmospheric hazards can be of three types: ??
• Asphyxiant
• Toxic
• Explosive
Sec 2
can be displaced by another gas, such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen, both are inert
gases. Oxygen can be used up in a space by the action of biological decay, even
steel rusting in a ship’s tanks can use up the oxygen. In most of these cases there
will be no hint to give indication of any lack of oxygen-no visible cloud or any
other outward sign. The only safe way to detect a lack of oxygen is through what tool ? Who carries them ?
the use of an oxygen meter carried by Rescue Companies and Haz Mat.
Sec 2.1.1
Due to the potential for life threatening atmosphere, all members entering any
confined space must be breathing air from their SCBA at all times, until the
atmosphere is verified safe !
Agree or Disagree
Sec 2.1
Toxic atmospheres are more difficult to evaluate and operate in than are asphyiant
atmospheres. What tool can be used to detect all toxic materials ?
There is no accurate way to test for the presence of all possibly
toxic materials in a field setting
Sec 2.1.2
3.1.1 As a bare minimum, the rescuer who is entering a confined space must know:
• The hazards within the space, including signs of danger and symptoms of
exposure to materials in the space.
• How to escape the space in an emergency.
• How to communicate with the attendant outside.
• How to use the equipment needed to perform the rescue, especially the
rescuers personal protective equipment and patient handling equipment.
• First Aid procedures and C.P.R.
Sec 3.1.1
If possible, the members selected for the initial entry to the
confined space should be CPR and first aid trained or CFR-D certified
Sec 5.1
Prior to entry into a
space, one member should be designated as the SCBA control timer. This member
should ensure that each member has a full SCBA cylinder for entry and write down the
time that each member enters the confined space
Agree or Disagree
Dons their face piece.
Sec 4.2
As a general rule, each member operating with a 30 minute cylinder must be withdrawn
to fresh air in 15 minutes in order to ensure their safety. Members must be aware of the
need to be out in fresh air before removing their facepiece. The vibralert on the mask
may not provide the wearer with sufficient exit time if a complex entry and/or escape
path must be followed. For this reason, it is critical that ??
the rescuers remain in direct
line of sight with the outside and their exit
Sec 4.2
Each member entering a confined
space must be secured to a LSR. What type of knot is used ?
in a bowline on a bight and slippery hitch
Sec 4.3
Can an aerial be used as a high point anchor ? What is its weight supporting capacity ?
The tower ladder is preferred due to its greater weight supporting capacity, at least 800
lbs., compared to only 250 lbs. for an aerial.
Sec 4.4
When using a TL or Aerial as a High Point Ancho, The most important point to be remembered
LIFT A PERSON. The tower or aerial is only to be utilized as a high point anchor over
the opening, as a place to secure the pulley. Once the boom or ladder is in position, what must be done next ??
Sec 4.4
Medical treatment of injured victims in dangerous confined spaces, while following the
standard ABC’s of Life Support, will of necessity, vary from treatment given in less
hostile environments. If the victim is breathing but the atmosphere is a threat, what is the highest priority ?
establishing an airway and placement of a mask facepiece is the highest priority. The
rescuers shall never remove their facepieces. A separate mask should be lowered for the
Sec 5.2
Use of the resuscitator may not be possible and requires careful evaluation prior to use.
Introducing oxygen into a flammable or combustible atmosphere (e.g., inside a petroleum
storage tank) could cause an explosion. Even a non-hazardous atmosphere can be
oxygen enriched by a resuscitator if the space is very small and not well vented.
Performing CPR in a hazardous atmosphere is always to be discouraged.
Agree or Disagree
Generally discouraged
Sec 5.3
Generally, it is best to remove the victim to a safe
atmosphere as quickly as possible where definitive life support measures are available
instead of only partly effective efforts in the confined space that delay removal. For the
same reason, it may be necessary to forego a secondary survey of injuries in a dangerous
confined space.
Agree or Disagree
Sec 5.3
Packaging a victim for removal from confined spaces can be a severe challenge. The
overall size of the victim and any attachments such as splints, backboard, etc., must be
able to fit through the smallest dimension of every opening in the path of egress. Can a victim be removed without spine immobilization ?
At times, under extreme conditions, it may be necessary to forego nearly all attempts at
immobilization in order to secure patient survival. Unless conditions demand immediate
removal, it is usually best to await the needed special equipment.
Sec 5.5
What must be set up before a member enters a confined space area ?
Means of hauling members out of space (retrieval system) must be set up before
member enters space.
When preparing the victim for transport, be sure to thoroughly review the route to be
taken and obstacles that will be encountered. Try to imagine yourself in the victim’s
position, strapped into a stretcher and passing through a narrow space such as a pipe. A
rescuer should be in position to monitor the patient throughout the removal. Where shall this member be placed ??
NOTE: The Incident Commander should ensure the response of Advanced Life Support
Personnel from EMS to all confined space rescue incidents.
At the very
least, he/she should have access to the victim’s head to ensure an open airway and
provide ventilation if needed, as well as monitoring the patient’s status and signaling the
person doing the hauling if that status changes during transport.
Sec 5.6
At all confined space rescue incidents, who ensures ALS responds ?
The Incident Commander should ensure the response of Advanced Life Support
Personnel from EMS to all confined space rescue incidents.
Sec 5.6
What are safe O2 levels ?
19.5% to 23.5%