Element 3 Flashcards
Identify the typical forms of ill health associated with poor work design?
- Back injuries and back pain.
- Work Related Upper Limb Disorders.
- Other chronic soft tissue injuries.
Collectively, all of these conditions can be referred to as MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (MSDs).
What does WRULDs stand for?
Work Related Upper Limb Disorders
List some repetitive activities which give rise to a higher risk of MSD?
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE) use.
- Factory assembly of small components.
- Supermarket checkout operation.
- Bricklaying.
Define “Ergonomics”?
The study of the relationship between the worker, the work that they are doing, and the environment in which they are doing it.
Ergonomics is concerned with the interaction of people with…..?
- Tools, equipment or machinery.
- The workplace environment (lighting, etc).
- Organisational factors (shift patterns or hours of work).
What is the aim of Ergonomics?
- To minimise ill health.
- Optimise efficiency.
- Adapt the workplace to suit the individual.
- Take into account a persons physical attributes.
- Take into account a persons mental attributes.
Outline the ill health effects of poor task and workstation design?
- Fatigue or strain on the eyes from excessive glare, poor lighting, screen flicker, etc.
- Headaches from excessive glare, noise, poor lighting, etc.
- General fatigue due to temperature difference, humidity, monotony, poorly placed controls or difficult to read displays.
- Aches and pains, muscle strains from over reaching, continually getting up and down, turning, twisting, etc. Poor positioning of key boards and display screens.
- Aches and pains from poor seating design and positioning in relation to workstation items and tasks.
Identify the Ergonomic factors that influence risk, which relate to the Task?
- Repetition.
- Force.
- Posture.
- Twisting.
- Rest.
Identify the Ergonomic factors that influence risk, which relate to the Equipment?
- Equipment Design.
- Equipment Adjustability.
Identify the Ergonomic factors that influence risk, which relate to the Environment?
- Lighting.
- Other environmental parameters.
Outline some control measures for Display Screen Equipment?
- Carry our a workstation assessment to ensure that the equipment and environment meets minimum standards, and that it can be adjusted to suit the user.
- Provide basic DSE equipment that meets good ergonomic design.
- Plan the users work routine: short, frequent breaks.
- Provide DSE users with free eye tests and specs.
- Provide information, instruction and training on the potential health risks of DSE. Educate on use of preventative measures.
List some good ergonomics at a workstation?
- Adjustable height and angle seat back.
- Adjustable height seat.
- Good lumbar support.
- Foot support.
- Space for postural change.
- Screen height and tilt should be adjustable.
- Space in front of keyboard to support hands/wrists.
- Desk laid out to minimise the need for twisting/over reaching.
- A document holder may be required.
- A headset for the telephone.
- Workplace lighting.
Identify the 4 main factors by which “Manual Handling” can be assessed?
- The Task
- The Individual Capabilities
- The Load
- The Environment
List the common types of Manual Handling injury?
- Back injury
- Tendon and ligament injuries
- Muscle injuries
- Hernias
- Cuts, burns, dislocation and broken bones
Define Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)?
Seeks to compare monetary value of benefits with the monetary value of costs.
Define “Benefit”?
Anything that increases human well being.
Define “Cost”?
Anything that decreases human well being.
When Manual Handling, outline factors on how the TASK can be risk assessed?
- At what height is the load being picked up, carried or put down?
- Is the task very repetitive?
- Is a long carrying distance involved?
- Does the task involve stooping (bending back), to move the load?
- Does the task involve twisting?
- Can rest breaks be taken as the worker requires them?
- Does the task involve lifting the load through a vertical distance?
- Does the task involve reaching above shoulder height?
- Does the task involve the worker holding the load away from their torso?
When Manual Handling, outline factors on how the LOAD can be risk assessed?
- How heavy is the load?
- How large and bulky is the load?
- How stable is the load?
- Where is the centre of gravity (C of G) of the load?
- Is the load difficult to grip?
- Is the load hot, sharp or otherwise hazardous?
When Manual Handling, outline factors on how the ENVIRONMENT can be risk assessed?
- Are there restrictions on the space available?
- Is the floor surface slippery or uneven?
- Are there changes in the floor level (steps, stairs, etc)?
- What are the light levels like?
- What is the temperature and humidity?
When Manual Handling, outline factors on how the INDIVIDUAL can be risk assessed?
- Does the activity require unusual ability (significant strength, stamina, size or technique)?
- Does the activity present significant risk to vulnerable individuals (pregnant women, or persons with pre-existing back injuries)?
Outline the hierarchy of control when managing/minimising manual handling risks?
- Eliminate the manual handling.
- Assess the manual handling that cannot be eliminated.
- Use handling aids.
- Modify the task, load and environment.
- Ensure individual capabilities are matched to the activity.
List some methods of eliminating manual handling?
- Use an automated or mechanised method.
- Conveyor belt systems.
- Forklift trucks.
- Electric pallet trucks.
- Cranes.
- Hoists.
List some “Handling Aids”?
- Trolleys.
- Barrel lifts.
- Gin wheels.
- Trucks.
- Hoists.
- Lifts.
Explain how a TASK could be modified?
- Frequent rest breaks.
- Job rotation.
- Change the layout of a workstation to eliminate stooping.
- Use a table or lift to bring the load to waist level (eliminates picking it up from the floor).
Explain how a LOAD could be modified?
- Break it down into smaller parts.
- Use several workers, rather than just one.
- Stabilise a load by putting it onto a container.
- Mark up a load with an off-centre C of G, so that workers can see where the C of G is.
- Attach handles to a load, making it easier to grasp.
Explain how an ENVIRONMENT could be modified?
- Re-arrange the workspace to allow more space for the handling activity.
- Level an uneven floor.
- Supply additional lighting in a poorly lit location.
Outline the most efficient movement principles?
- Check the weight, C of G and stability of the load.
- Plan the route of carry.
- Establish a firm grip.
- Bend the knees and use the leg muscles to lift.
- Keep the back upright.
- Keep the load close to the body.
- Avoid twisting, over-reaching and jerking.
- Use the same principles as when lifting.
- Maintain good balance.
- Set the load down and then adjust it’s position using body weight.
Outline the hazards associated with “Manually-Operated Load-Handling” equipment?
- Manual handling risk associated with pushing/pulling the truck.
- Instability of the load, causing it to fall.
- Moving up, down or across slopes, causing loss of control.
- Poor parking of the truck causing an obstruction in a traffic route.
- Pedestrians being struck during manoeuvring.
- Trapped feet under the wheels or when lowering the load.
- Entrapment of the person being handled.
List some precautions for safe use of manually operated equipment?
- Restrict use to trained workers only.
- Follow manufacturers recommendations.
- Avoid uneven ground or slopes.
- Use ramps over steps.
- Observe the safe working load limits of the truck.
- Secure the load if necessary.
- Use the brakes whenever the truck is stationary.
- Take care when moving or lowering the load.
- Safe parking and storage to avoid obstruction.
- Routine inspections and maintenance.
- Use safety shoes or boots to avoid crush injuries.
Identify some examples of “People Hoists” and/or “Handling Aids”?
- Patient hoists: care homes.
- Small handling aids: slide boards in hospitals.
- Wheel chairs.
Outline the general requirements for safe lifting operations?
- Equipment should be strong enough for the lifting task.
- Equipment should be stable and secure.
- Lifting equipment should be visibly marked with the Safe a Working Load (SWL).
- Lifting operations should be planned, carried out and supervised by competent persons.
- Equipment that is used to lift people must be subject to additional regulatory inspections.
List the hazards associated with forklift trucks?
- Overturning.
- Fall of the load.
- Striking of pedestrians.
- Fall or entrapment of a person riding on the forks.
- Fall from a loading dock.
Identify the different engine type and fuel of forklift trucks?
- Battery powered trucks.
- Diesel powered trucks.
- Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) trucks.
Explain the hazards associated with Battery powered forklift trucks?
- Charging batteries emit hydrogen gas which is explosive.
- Batteries contain dilute sulphuric acid which is corrosive.
- Batteries are extremely heavy and present a manual handling risk when changed.
- Electricity can cause arcing, shock, burns or fire.
- Battery contents are an environmental hazard requiring appropriate disposal.
Explain the hazards associated with Diesel powered forklift trucks?
- Dermatitis, caused by contact of diesel with the skin.
- Diesel spills are a significant slip hazard.
- Large spills which might pollute the environment.
- Exhaust fumes which are toxic.
- Hazards associated with bulk storage of diesel.
Explain the hazards associated with LPG powered forklift trucks?
- LPG is an explosive gas.
- Exhaust fumes are toxic.
- LPG cylinders are heavy and present a manual handling risk during changing.
- Hazards associate with storage of cylinders or bulk storage of LPG.
Outline the precautions for safe use of forklift trucks?
- Restrict use to trained operators only.
- Routine visual inspection of truck before use.
- Routine maintenance of the truck in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
- Never use the forklift truck to lift people, unless a proper working platform is attached.
- Ensure that the load on the forks is secure and stable.
- Ensure that the safe working load limits of the truck are not exceeded.
- Observe the site speed limits.
- Never travel with the forks raised.
- Never travel with obstructed vision.
Give some precautions that are required when operating Battery-powered trucks?
- Batteries charged in a well ventilated area, away from ignition sources.
- Sulphuric acid should only be handled when wearing appropriate PPE (gloves, apron, eye/face protection).
- Battery handling should be mechanised.
- The electrical risk may require the use of insulated tools and gloves.
Give some precautions that are required when operating Diesel-powered trucks?
- Should only be used in a well ventilated area.
- Spill kits should be available.
- Gloves should be worn when handling diesel.
Give some precautions that are required when operating LPG-powered trucks?
- Should only be used in well ventilated areas.
- LPG cylinder handling should be mechanised.
- Spare cylinders must be stored in a secure, safe, well ventilated location.
Identify the main hazards associated with hoists?
Identify the additional hazards which exist, when the hoist is used to carry people?
- Falling objects.
- Being struck by the load during a lifting operation.
- Becoming entangled in moving parts.
ADDITIONAL HAZARDS: - Falls from height.
- Being struck by landing levels, parts of any enclosure or other projections.
List the precautions for the safe use of hoists?
- Ensure it’s suitable for it’s intended use.
- Prevent people from getting underneath the hoist or lift platform during operation.
- Prevent people from getting access to an unprotected landing edge.
- Prevent people from getting struck whilst being carried on the lift platform: construct an enclosure around the lift platform.
- Observe the maximum safe working load of the lift or hoist.
- Ensure all safety devices are in full working order.
- Restrict use to only trained, competent people.
- Provide information, instruction and training.
- Routine maintenance by competent engineers.
- Routine inspection and thorough examination as required.
List the main hazards associated with Conveyors?
- Fingers drawn into moving parts (in-running nip points).
- Entanglement (loose clothing with rotating parts).
- Falling objects (overhead conveyor systems).
Identify precautions that can be taken to minimise risks associated with Conveyors?
- Warning alarms to tell you it’s about to start.
- Guarding of moving parts to prevent entanglement.
- Emergency stop buttons and pull cords are fitted.
- Barriers to exclude people from area.
- Fitting of guards/nets underneath Conveyors to catch falling objects.
- Information , instruction and training in operation.
- Control of loose clothing and long hair in the workplace.
- Maintenance by authorised personnel.
- Provision of a defect reporting system.
Identify the main hazards associated with a mobile crane?
- Collapse or falling over.
- The arm/jib/boom striking other structures.
- Falling load.
- Load striking against other objects or people during movement.
- Contact with live overheads.
Outline factors that might make a mobile crane topple over?
- Overloading beyond it’s lifting capacity.
- Siting the crane on uneven or unstable ground.
- Failure to use outriggers correctly.
- Using crane in high winds.
- Extending jib/boom too far for the weight being lifted.
- Structural failure of parts.
Outline the requirements for safe lifting operations?
- Ensure crane or lifting device is the correct type for the job/terrain.
- Ensure crane or lifting device is strong and stable.
- Ensure load is within the lifting capacity of the crane or device.
- Carefully site the crane on stable even ground, away from structures or overheads.
- Use outriggers correctly.
- Check the maintenance of the crane (in date certification).
- Restrict use of crane to trained, competent people.
- Ensure each lift is planned and supervised by a competent person.
- Provide a Banksman so that good communications and good visibility are maintained.
- Ensure safety devices are working correctly.
- Check the weather conditions and abide by manufacturers recommendations on wind speed.
- Use appropriate PPE.
- Use signs and barriers to warn and exclude people from the area.
Outline the legal requirements associated with lifting equipment (when should it be thoroughly examined)?
- Before it’s first use.
- If the way it has been installed will make a difference to its strength and stability.
- Periodically: 12 months if it’s not used to carry people, 6 months if it’s used to carry people, 6 months for lifting accessories (chains, slings, etc).
- After an event that may have affected it’s strength and stability.