Electricity vocabulary Flashcards
A device that converts light energy into electrical energy
A tool invented by DuFay that determines whether an object is charged
Unit if measurement for electrical resistance
Law of Electric Charge
States that like charges repel or push away, opposite charges attract
Electric current
The rate at which charges pass a given point
Static electricity
An electric charge at rest; generally produced by friction or induction
A safety device that has a thin strip of metal that melts if the electric current is too high. Melted metal causes a break in the circuit.
A material in which electrical charges cannot move freely
Lightning rod
A structure invented by Benjamin Franklin that safely discharges electricity from lightning to the ground
The part of a cell through which charges enter or exit
Greek philosopher who observed that rubbed amber attracts small objects
Electric force
The force of attraction or repulsion on a charges particle that is due to an electric field
The opposition presented to the current by a material or device “Electrical Friction”
Electric discharge
The release of electricity stored in a source
Circuit breaker
A switch that automatically opens if the current is too high.
Benjamin Franklin
The scientist who demonstrated in 1751 that lightning is a form of electricity. He also invented lightning rods, slippers, the armonica, and the United States of America
Series circuit
An electrical circuit connected so that current passes through each component in turn without branching
Stephen Gray
A scientist who studied electrical conduction and performed crazy experiments to test conduction
Electrical field
The space around a charge objects in which another charged object experiences an electric force
A device for conversion of chemical or radiant into electrical energy
The rubbing of one object or surface against another
Electrical power
The rate at which electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy
The potential difference between two points, measured in volts
Parallel circuits
A circuit in which the parts are joined in branches such that the potential difference across each part is the same
The unit for electrical current
A material in which charges can move easily
A device that converts thermal energy into electrical energy
Charging that happens when charges in an uncharged metal object are rearranged without direct contact
The unit for power
Consists of several cells