Electricity Flashcards
Equation for current
I = Q/t
Definition of current
Charge passing a point per unit time
Definition of Potential Difference
Joules per columb - energy per unit charge
Definition of Resistance
R = V/I
Ohm’s Law
V = IR
Kirchoff’s First Law
The total current entering a junction is equal to the total current out of a junction (conservation of charge)
Kirchoffs Second Law
The total pd around a closed loop is equal to the pd of the supply
General equation for resistors in series
Rt = R1 + R2 …..
General equation for resistors in parallel
1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 ….
Derive the formula for resistors in series
V = IR Vt = V1 + V2 + V3 … IRt = IR1 + IR2 + IR3 since in series current is constant Rt = R1 + R2 + R3
Derive the formula for resistors in parallel
I = V/R It = I1 + I2 ….. V/Rt = V/R1 + V/R2 …. since voltage is constant is parallel 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2
Describe the IV graphs for an ohmic resistor, a filament lamp and a diode

Give the equation linking resistivity and resistance
R= ρl/A
Give the units for resistivity
Ohm Meters
State the equation linking current and drift velocity
I = nAvq
I = current (A)
n = charge density (m^-3) - number of charge carriers per m^3
q = charge on each charge carrier (C)
v = drift velocity (ms^-1)
A = cross sectional area (m^2)
Derive the question for drift velocity
Number of charge carriers per m^3 is An
Total charge = qAn
Total charge per second = vqAn = I
Describe a potentiometer
A potentiometer is a device that produces a p.d. ranging from 0V to the voltage of the supply
Give the equation associated with potentiometers
(voltage required)/(voltage of supply) x length of potentiometer = length required
Derive the equation for potential dividers
In series I is constant
V = IR Vsupply = I(R1 + R2)
Vout = IR2
Vsupply/(R1 + R2) = Vout /R2
R2/(R1+R2) = Vout/Vsupply
What happens in an LDR when the intensity of the light increases?
Resistance decreases - negative coefficient
Define Internal Resistance
Internal resistance is the resistance of the cell
Define lost volts
The volts are volts used to move the electrons through the cell
Give the equation for emf
E = IR + Ir
Explain what happens to resistance when temperature increases
Increasing) current leads to temperature increase / leads to thermistor ‘heating up’ More conduction electrons / more electrons released / more free electrons / more charge carriers / charge carrier density increased / n increases
Explain what happens to the resistance of an LDR when intensity is increased
LDR being a semi conductor
The semi-conductor in LDRs will reduce resistance due to the energy gained from light (Heat if thermistors)
The energy lets some electrons move around freely (same as the free electrons in metals which allow them to conduct).
Give equations for Power with regard to electricity
P = VI
P = V^2/R
P = RI^2