Electrical And Mechanical Mechanisms Flashcards
What sets the resting membrane potential?
K+ permeability sets the resting membrane potential.
Cardiac myocytes are permeable to K+ ions at rest.
K+ ions move out of the cell - down their conc. gradient
Small movement of ions make the inside negative with respect to the outside.
As charge builds up, an electrical gradient is established.
Why does resting membrane potential not exactly equal Ek?
This is because there is a very small permeability to other ion species at rest.
Ek= -95mv RMP of cardiac myocytes = -90- -85mv
How do action potentials lead to contraction in cardiac myocytes?
When cardiac myocytes release action potential, they trigger an increase in systolic conc. of Ca2+
A rise in Ca is required to allow actin and myosin interaction. This generates tension and therefore contraction.
How does a ventricular action potential occur?
Depolarisation caused by opening of Voltage Gated Na+ channels
Transient outward K+ current
Opening of Voltage Gated Ca2+ channels (some K+ channels are also open)
Ca2+ channels inactivate (L type Ca ion channels that gradually inactivate) and Voltage Gated K+ channels open.
The resting membrane potential is due to background K+ channels.

Describe the SA node action potential.
Pacemaker potential is a slow depolarisation to threshold due to the funny current. (This funny current is activated at about -60mV).
It is permeable to K and Na ions but tend to get more Na ions in.
Then, opening of voltage gated Ca2+ channels.
Next, Opening of voltage gated K+ channels to repolarise.
Voltage gated Na ion channels would be inactivated as the membrane potential does no go negative enough so they cannot work. Instead, they use Ca2+ channels to cause depolarisation.
What type of channel is responsible for the funny current?
HCN channel. Hyperpolarisation-activated, Cyclic Nucleotide-gated channels. This allows the influx of Na+ channels which results in depolarisation the cell (by the influx of Ca ions).
What is the membrane potential of the SA node?
It has an unstable membrane potential because of If (funny current). This is the pacemaker potential (slow depolarisation until threshold is reached).
Why does the SA node set the cardiac rhythm?
As the SA node is fastest to depolarise. (other parts are automatic but are slower)
AVN is next.
It is also the pacemaker.
How do action potentials differ throughout the heart?

What is the term if action potentials fire too slowly?
What is the term if action potentials fail?
What is the term if action potentials fire too quickly?
What is the term if electrical activity becomes random?
What is normal plasma K+ conc?
If too high or too low, can cause problems, particularly for the heart (hyperkalemia / Hypokalemia).
Why are cardiac myocytes so sensitive to K+ conc outside cell?
Because K+ permeability dominates ventricular resting potential.
The heart has many different types of K+ channels and some behave in a peculiar way.
What are the effects of hyperkalcaemia?
Hyperkalaemia depolarises the myocytes and slows down the upstroke of the action potential.
This is because, if you raise plasma K then Ek gets less negative so the membrane potential depolarises a bit.
This inactivates some of the voltage gated Na+ channels which slows the upstroke.
What are the risks of hyperkalaemia?
- The heart can stop - asystole
- May initially get an increase in excitability.
- Depends in th extend and how quickly it occurs.
- Mild 5.5 - 5.9 mmol/L
- Moderate 6-6.4 mmol/L
- Severe >6.5mmol/L
What are the treatments of hypercalcaemia?
Calcium gluconate
Insulin (this increases K+ in the cells) + glucose
BUT, these won’t work if the heart has already stopped.
Wha are the effects of hypokalaemia?
Action Potential lasts longer.
Especially ventricular part.
This delays repolarisaion.
This can lead to early after depolarisations (EADs)
Which can lead to oscillations in membrane potential.
This can result in ventricular fibrillation.
What is excitation contraction coupling?
Depolarisation opens L-type Ca2+ channels in T-tubule system.
Localised Ca2+ entry opens CICR (calcim-induced calcium released) channels in the SR.
Close link between L-type channels and Ca2+ release channelas
25% enters across the sarcolemma and 75% released from SR

How is cardiac myocytes contraction regulated?
Ca2+ bonds to troponin C
Conformational change shits tropomyosin to reveal myosin binding site on actin filament.
Sliding filament.

How do cardiac myocytes relax?
Must return conc. Ca2+ to resting levels
Most is pumped back into SR (SERCA) (raised Ca stimulates the pumps)
Some exits across cell membrane
- Sarcolemmal Ca2+2ATPase
- Na+Ca2+ exchanger
How are the tone of blood vessles controlled?
Tone of blood vessels is controlled by contraction and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells which are located in tunica media and Present in arteries, arterioles and veins.
What is the myosin light chain?
Activation of the myosin light chain allows interaction with actin.
Myosin light chain must be phosphorylated to enable actin-myosin interaction / binding.
How is contraction regulated in vascular smooth muscle?
Ca2+ binds to calmodulin
- This activates the Myosin Light Chain Kinase (MLCK)
- MLCK phosphorylates the myosin light chain to permit interaction with actin.
Relaxation as Ca+2 levels decline
- Myosin light chain phosphatase dephosphorylates the myosin light chain.
(MLCK itself can itself can be phosphorylated)
Phosphorylation of MLCK by PKA inhibits the action of MLCK.
- Therefore inhibits phosphorylation of the myosin light chain and inhibits contraction.
What are the differences between cardiac and smooth muscle?
Contraction in the heart is initiated by spread of APs from SA node.
Cardiac myocytes action potentials allows Ca2+ entry
- further Ca2+ released from SR
- Increased intrcellular Ca2+
- Ca2+ binds to troponin-C
Contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells initiated by depolarisation or activation of a-adrenoreceptors.
- Increased intracellular Ca2+
- Ca2+ binding to calmodulin.
- Activation of MLCK - phosphorylase myosin light chain.