What does the “AVAIL” light indicate on the External and APU PWR switches?
• The APU generator power quality is acceptable, and
• The related External power is plugged in, and the
power quality is acceptable.
FCOM VOL 2; 6.10.4/5
What bus is powered on the ground when APU generator 1 or external power 1 is available?
• Ground handling bus.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.5
When is the MAIN DECK CARGO HANDLING bus powered?
• When the “AVAIL” light is displayed on the APU 2 or EXT 2
switches. EXT 2 has priority.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.10.8
What electrical power source would you select if cargo handling is required?
• By selecting the number one auxiliary or external power ON,
Ensures the Main Deck Cargo Handling Bus is powered.
FCOM, VOL 2, 6.20.8 (note)
When is the ground service bus powered?
• When A/C bus 1 is powered, either on the ground or in flight.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.5
What is the function of the Standby Power Switch in the Auto Position?
• Allows the main and APU standby busses to be powered from
available sources.
FCOM, VOL 2, 6.10.2
Where would you find the Electrical Power-up procedure?
• Refer to the FCOM, Vol. 1, Supplemental Procedures SP 6.1.
What does a Bus Isolation (ISLN) light illuminated indicate?
- BTB open
- AC bus isolated from synchronous bus.FCOM, VOL 2; 6.10.6
What happens when you push a Generator Drive Disconnect (DRIVE DISC) switch?
- Disconnects IDG from engine when above idle speed
- Opens related Generator Control Breaker (GCB)FCOM, VOL 2; 6.10.6
What condition would automatically disconnect the IDG if not manually disconnected by the flight crew?
• Excessively high drive oil temperature.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.3 (top)
How do you reconnect an IDG that has been disconnected?
- Maintenance action is required
- The IDG cannot be restored by flight crew action (6.20.3)FCOM, VOL 2; 6.10.6
What does a Generator DRIVE light indicate?
- IDG oil pressure low, or
- IDG oil temperature high, or
- GCB open due to uncorrectable generator frequency fault.FCOM, VOL 2; 6.10.7; 6.20.3
What are some of the equipment items powered by the Utility busses?
- Forward main pumps 2 and 3
- Forward override/jettison pumps 2 and 3
- CWT L override/jettison pump
- Galley equipment (freighter)FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.7
Describe the electrical load shedding process?
• Utility bus loads are shed one at a time through ELCUs in a
programmed priority order, until the overload condition is relieved.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.1
What is the purpose of the electrical system overload protection?
• To ensure power is available to critical and essential equipment.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.1
During load shedding, would you expect to see an EICAS Advisory message ELEC UTIL BUS L, R?
• No, this message is inhibited during load shedding.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.1
What are the main AC electrical power sources?
- Four IDGs
- Two auxiliary power sources (APU generators)
- Two external power sourcesFCOM, VOL 2, 6.20.2
Describe the function of the Split System Breaker (SSB).
• Divides the synchronous bus, allowing each side of the AC
electrical system to be powered by separate auxiliary or external
power sources.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.2
Describe the electrical system sequence of events during engine start with the SSB open?
• The IDG powers its side of the synchronous bus when voltage and
frequency are acceptable.
• The previous power source is disconnected.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.2
Describe the electrical system sequence of events with a single power source powering the synchronous bus, when an engine is starting with the SSB closed.
• The IDG powers the entire synchronous bus when voltage and
frequency are acceptable.
• The SSB remains closed and the original power source is disconnected
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.2
Which bus powers the Captain’s transfer bus and the main standby bus?
• AC bus 3
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.4
Which bus powers the First Officer’s transfer bus?
• AC bus 2
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.4
Which bus provides backup power for both transfer busses?
• AC bus 1
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.6
What are some of the equipment items powered by the ground service bus?
- Main and APU battery chargers
- Fuel pumps for APU start
- Flight deck flood, navigation, and service lights
- Miscellaneous service outlets and equipmentFCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.5
How can the ground service bus be powered when AC bus 1 is not powered, while on the ground?
• By pushing the ground service switch on the cabin panel at door L1,
the ground service is then connected to the same power source
as the ground handling bus.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.5
What are some of the equipment items powered by the ground handling bus?
- Lower lobe cargo doors,handling equipment and
compartment lights - Fueling system
- Auxiliary hydraulic pump 4
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.5
What bus powers the APU standby bus?
- The captains transfer bus.FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.6
How is the electrical system configured during an automatic ILS approach (auto-land)?
• AC and DC busses 1,2, and 3 are isolated from the sync bus.
• AC bus 4 continues to power the synchronous bus.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.8
What are some of the major components of the AC standby power system?
- Main and APU standby busses
- Main and APU batteries
- Main and APU standby inverters
- Standby power selectorFCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.9
What is the normal source of power for the MAIN STANDBY BUS?
• AC bus 3
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.9
How does the main standby bus get power if AC bus 3 becomes unpowered in
flight, all other conditions normal?
• The main standby inverter powers the main standby bus,
through the main battery charger, through the main hot battery bus
(the main battery normally powered by AC bus 1 through the ground
service bus.)
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.9
If both AC bus 3 and AC bus 1 are not powered, all other conditions normal, how is the main standby bus powered, and for how long can it be powered?
• The main standby inverter powers the main standby bus from the
main battery through the main hot battery bus.
(since the battery charger is unpowered, the main battery can provide
power to the main standby bus for a minimum of 30 minutes).
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.9
What are some of the equipment items on the main standby bus?
• Left EIU, CDU, ILS, VOR, ADC, transponder,
EFIS control panel
• Various fight control components
• Standby ignition for all engines
• Primary EICAS display, standby instrument lights
• RMI (if installed)
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.9
What are the equipment items on the APU standby bus?
- Left FMC
- Left ND
- Left PFDFCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.10
How is DC power provided by the electrical system?
• Four transformer-rectifier units (TRUs) produce DC power, each
TRU powered by its related AC bus.
• Four DC busses are connected through DC isolation relays to the
DC tie bus.
• Battery busses distribute DC power in addition to the four main
DC busses
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.13
What is the normal power source for the MAIN and APU battery busses?
• DC bus 3
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.13
If either AC bus 3 or DC bus 3 is unpowered, how is each battery bus powered?
• Its related hot battery bus.
FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.13
What are some examples of individual equipment items on the main battery bus?
- APU controller (alternate)
- Fuel valves (all engines)
- All crossfeed valves
- Dome, storm, and selected indicator lights
- IDG disconnect (all engines)
- Manual pressurization control
- Trailing edge flap control
- Captain’s interphone
- Left radio tuning panel
- Left VHFFCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.13
How is each hot battery bus normally powered?
- The ground service bus through its related battery charger.
- Each battery is connected directly to its related hot battery bus.FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.14
What are some examples of equipment items on the main hot battery bus?
- APU fuel shutoff valve
- Spar valves (all engines)
- ENG/APU and lower cargo fire extinguishers
- Fire switch unlock (all engines)FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.14
What are some examples of equipment items on the APU hot battery bus?
- IRU left, center, and right DC power
- Left and right outflow valves
- APU inlet door, APU controller (primary)FCOM, VOL 2; 6.20.14