How do you re-engage the autothrottles when the pitch mode is VNAV ___ or FLCH SPD, when the A/T flight mode annunciation is blank?
• Cycle the A/T ARM switch to OFF and back to ARM.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.3
How do you re-engage the autothrottles when the pitch mode is ALT, V/S or G/S?
• Push the speed switch.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.4?
How could you select climb thrust after takeoff or go-around?
• Push the Thrust (THR) Switch
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.4
What speed is set in the IAS/Mach window and PFD when power is first applied to the airplane?
• 200 knots
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.5
The outer BANK LIMIT Selector applies to which roll mode?
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.10
When the Localizer (LOC) is captured, what is displayed in the Heading (HDG) Window
• The ILS front course.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.10
How can you de-select the approach mode AFTER localizer and glide-slope captured?
- Select TO/GA
- Disengage autopilot and position both F/D switches off.FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.16
With the Approach (APP) Switch pushed, at what intercept track angle does the AFDS capture the Localizer?
• 120 degrees of the localizer course.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.16
At what altitude are the autopilot systems powered by separate sources with three autopilots engaged?
• Below 1,500 feet radio altitude.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.16
Can the glideslope be captured prior to Localizer intercept?
• No, glideslope capture is inhibited until localizer capture and
the intercept track angle is within 80 degrees of the localizer course.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.12; 4.20.16
What does an amber horizontal line displayed through the affected ACTIVE pitch or roll mode indicate?
• A flight mode fault is detected.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.17
How many pushes of the autopilot disengage switches on the control column would you make to disengage all autopilots?
• Two pushes
• First push disengages, second push resets the master warning
lights, EICAS warning message, and aural warning.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.19
When TO/GA is pushed for go-around on approach, what autothrottle mode would be displayed on the flight mode annunciation, if the A/T is armed?
• THR mode
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.21; 4.20.15
What climb rate is achieved during a go-around with TO/GA pushed?
• 2,000 feet per minute of climb.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.21; 4.20.14
What autothrottle mode is activated with the second push of the TO/GA switch?
• THR REF, at full go-around thrust.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.21; 4.20.14
What AFDS status annunciation displays above the attitude display on the PFD when the autopilot is engaged?
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.20.3
When does VNAV activate?
• VNAV activates at 400 feet above runway elevation.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.8
When is VNAV deactivated?
• When selecting TO/GA, FLCH SPD, V/S, ALT, or G/S pitch
• Disengaging the autopilot and selecting both flight
directors off.
• Dual FMC failure
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.8
What Autothrottle flight mode annunciations would you have when using FLCH SPD in a descent, to include subsequent altitude capture?
- THR, followed by HOLD.
- A/T mode changes to SPD when altitude captured.FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.9
When power is first applied to the airplane, what altitude is displayed in the MCP altitude window and PFD?
• 10,000 feet
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.13
How are autothrottle, roll, or pitch mode changes emphasized on the FMAs?
• Green box around the mode for 10 seconds.
FCOM, VOL 2; 4.10.17