Airconditioning Flashcards
What target temperature is set to the upper deck and crew rest zone when electrical power is initially applied to the airplane?
• 75F (24C)
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.10
What is the flight deck temperature range with the Flight Deck (FLT) temperature Selector in AUTO?
• 18C to 29C
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.10.3
What valve are you controlling when you select MAN with the flight deck temperature controller?
• Flight deck trim air valve
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.10.3
What does the Zone System (SYS FAULT)Light indicate on the ZONE RST switch?
• Temperature zone duct overheat or zone temperature controller
fault has occurred.
• Master trim air valve failed closed
• Trim air switch off
• master trim air valve closed and pack air continues to flow.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.10.4
What is the temperature range with the main deck and forward and aft lobe temperature selectors in AUTO?
• 4C to 29C
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.10.14/15
Under what conditions would trim air be unavailable to the flight deck, upper deck, crew rest, and main deck?
• EICAS advisory TEMP ZONE is displayed.
• Center section of the bleed duct is isolated.
• EICAS Advisory message TRIM AIR OFF is displayed.
• The Master Trim Air switch is OFF.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.11
If trim air is not available to the flight deck, upper deck, crew rest, and main deck distribution system, how is temperature controlled in the cabin?
- Backup modes control temperature
- If the flight deck temp selector setting is available to the PTC, pack outlet
temperature of all packs is regulated to an average temp between
18C and 29C as set by the Flt Deck Temp selector, or - If unavailable to the PTC, the last temperature set, or
- If last temp unavailable to the PTC, then 24C
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.10
How many pack temperature controllers (PTC) are provided?
• Two–A and B
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.1
How many separate channels are provided in the PTCs?
• Each PTC has three separate channels, one for each pack.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.1
What happens if a pack temperature controller (PTC) detects a fault in a pack channel?
• Control of the respective pack switches to the other PTC.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.1
How can you restore pack operation for a failed PTC?
• Push the Pack Reset Switch.
FCOM, VOL 2;2. 20.2
What would happen if a fault or an overheat of the PTC is detected?
• The respective pack valve closes, resulting in a pack shutdown.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.2
What are the 7 temperature zones for the 400F?
• Flight deck/upper deck/crew rest
• Forward and aft main deck
• Forward and aft lower lobe cargo zones
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.1
What is the function of the Lower Lobe Cargo Conditioned AIR FLOW RATE Selector? (LLCCAFR)
• Controls forward and aft lower lobe cargo air conditioning.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.7
With the LLCCAFR Switch Off, what controls pack outlet temperature?
• The flight deck, upper deck, crew rest or main deck temperature
zone requiring the coolest temperature.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.10
What zone and what pack is affected with the LLCCAFR selector in FWD HI?
• All of pack three air is sent to the forward lower cargo lobe.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.10
What zone and what pack is affected with the LLCCAFR selector in AFT HI?
• All of pack two air is sent to the aft lower cargo lobe.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.10
Explain the position of the LLCCAFR selector in BOTH LOW.
• 2/3 of pack 3 and 2/3 of pack 2 conditioned air distributed respectively to
forward and aft lower lobe cargo compartments and the cabin.
- All packs remain in HIGH flow in the cruise.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.10.7/8
What position of the LLCCAFR selector would result in all packs remaining in high flow during cruise?
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.7/8
The center duct provides air supply to what systems?
• Cargo smoke detection
• Potable water pressurization
• LLCCAFR Trim Air
• Trim Air FLT/UPR deck/ Crew rest and FWD/AFT main deck
• Aft Cargo Heat
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.40.5 (diagram);2.20.9, and others.
Describe overheat protection of the aft cargo heat system?
• An overheat thermal switch opens and closes an overheat/shutoff
valve at higher temperatures.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.11
What is the source of heat for the forward lower lobe cargo compartment?
• Heated air exhausted from the Electrical and electronic (E & E) compartment
when the cooling system inboard exhaust valve open.
FCOM, VOL 2; 2.20.13
What causes loss to temperature control of the FWD lower lobe cargo
- The centre section bleed duct is isolated.
- EICAS advisory msg, TEMP ZONE due to FWD LL cargo temp zone
overheat has occurred. - EICAS advisory msg TEMP ZONE as a ZTC fault has caused the LL
cargo trim air valve to close.FCOM VOL 2 2.20.11
Without trim air available to the forward lower lobe cargo, how do
back up modes control temperature?
- If the FWD LL temperature selector is available to the PTC, PACK 3 outlet
temp is regulated to achieve the temp set be the selector. - If the FWD LL temp selector setting is not available to the PTC, PACK 3 outlet
temp is regulated to achieve the temp sensed before it went into back up mode. - if FWD LL temp is unavailable to the PTC, PACK 3 outlet temp is controlled to the
pack outlet temp sensed at the time backup mode was initiated.FCOM VOL2 2.20.11
TRIM AIR switch ON and OFF.
- Automatic selection of pack controller A and B enabled, and
- Master trim air valve open, and FD/UD/CR and MD zone trim
air valves operate automatically.
- Master trim air valve is closed
- Pack outlet temp in B/up mode regulated to provide average temp from
18-29 as selected by the FD temp selector in AUTO,
- Cabin temp control panel is inhibited,
- Pack controller A selected and both automatic and manual selection
of pack B is inhibited.
- If pack controller A fails, pack controller B is automatically selected.
FCOM 2.10.16
AFT CARGO HT switch ON/OFF/TEMP light?
- Overheat shutoff valve opens to provide bleed air heat to the aft
and bulk cargo compartments.
- Temperature control valve closes and opens to maintain temperature.
- Overheat shut off valve closes and opens for over heat protection.
- Shuts off aft cargo heat bleed air to the compartment.
- Compartment temperature is excessive
- Overheat SOV closes.
Pack System (SYS) FAULT light?
- Pack overheat or other system fault has occurred.
- May illuminate briefly while switching pack temperature
controller A to B or B to A.
ZONE RST switch push?
- Resets zone temperature controller if fault no longer exists.
- Reopens master trim air valve if duct overheat no longer exists.
- Reopens FWD/AFT LL cargo trim air SOV if duct overheat no
longer exists.