Electric motors test 1 nameplates Flashcards
Since a nameplate has limited space to convey the ratings, most information is abbrieveated or coded to save space
The actual voltage applied to a motor should be withing 15% of the motor’s nameplate rated voltage
AC motors will typically use levels of 24V, 48V, 90V, or 180V
The list of motor nameplate locked-rotor indicating code letters begins with the letter “A” and ends with “Z”
Directly applying any frequency to a motor other than the nameplate rated frequency will change the motor;s operating characteristics and can damage the motor
Electric motors typically require either direct current, single-phase AC or three phase AC
When the nameplate of a motor does not list a service factor rating, a service factor rating of 1.00 is assumed and there is no built in safety margin for the motor
Motor manufacturers produce only energy efficient motors
Insulation breakdown is the most common cause of motor failure
For fractional-HP frame sizes, the frame number represents the distance from the bottom of the base to the center of the shaft in 8ths of an inch.
Typically operating environments for totally enclosed motor enclosures include the following: wet locations, dirty locations, oily locations, corrosive locations, extremely low and high temp locations gas and other hazardous locations and combustible dust locations
Most motors include light-duty or medium-duty rated bearings
The voltage applied to a motor must always exactly match the nameplate voltage rating
For every 1% of voltage unbalance there can be up to a 6% current unbalance
Design B motors are the most common type of industrial motors in use today.
A __________ is a metal tag permanently attached to an electric motor frame that gives the required electrical ratings, operating ratings, and mechanical-design codes of the motor
Electrical ratings included on motor nameplates include a ____ rating and phase
current, voltage, frequench (alltheabove)
The_________ rating is the amount of current a motor draws when delivering full rated power output.
__________ current or starting current, or irush current is the amount of current a motor draws on startup
locked rotor current
The _______ rating is a description of the expected or allowed application of a motor
The ________ is the difference between the winding temp of a running motor and the ambient temp
temp rise
______ motors are used in applications such as compressors, waste-disposal systems, electric hoists, gate-opening motors, and other applications in which the motor need only be turned on for short time periods to meet application requirements
The NEMA_______ letter isa code letter representing a National Electric Manufacturers Association motor classification for the torque and current curves of a motor
A design__________ motor is an integral-horsepower 3phase induction motor design made for full voltage starting nad high locked rotor torque, with locked rotor current not exceeding a specified value
A_______ is a machine component used to reduce friction and maintain clearance between stationary and moving parts.
motor bearing
The ____ is a code letter signifying the maximum operating temp of the insulation used in a motor
insulation class
A design ________ motor is an integral-horsepower single phase motor design made for full voltage starting and locked rotor torque higher than for design M, N and O motors.
The ________ , or duty cycle, is the amount of time a motor can be operated without being turned OFF to allow for cooling
operating time rating
________ type is the type of protection given to a motor to shield the motor from the outside environment as well as to protect individuals form the electrical and rotating parts of the motor
A motor’s nameplate rating is the optimal voltage that should be connected to the
motor for best operating performance.
__ ___ratings include the power rating, usage rating, service factor rating, speed
rating, operating time rating, motor efficiency rating, ambient temperature rating, and insulation
The rating_______ is the amount of power a motor can deliver to a load
The ____________rating of a motor is the approximate speed at which the rotor of a motor
rotates when delivering rated power to a load.
The __________is a number designating standard dimensions of a motor housing, shaft,
and mounting holes.
frame size
____________motors have three- or four-digit frame numbers
__________is a measure of the effectiveness with which a motor converts electrical
energy to mechanical energy.
A design motor is a fractional-horsepower single-phase motor design made for fullvoltage starting and locked-rotor current not exceeding specified values.
A(n) ___________motor enclosure is a motor enclosure that prevents air from entering
the motor
totally closed
The____________ is a multiplier that represents the amount of load, beyond the rated
load, that can be placed on a motor without causing damage.
service factor
Motors that are rated for ___________________ usage are used in a wide range of applications and
for mechanical loads such as conveyors, machine tools, and belt-driven equipment.
general purpose
______________motor enclosures include general, drip-proof, splashproof, guarded,
semiguarded, and drip-proof fully guarded types.