Elbow, Wrist and Hand Special Tests Flashcards
Tinel Sign
Sp. 0.99
Elbow Flexion Test
Sp. 0.99
Moving Valgus Stress Test
Backside of patient. Just shy of 90 abduction. Fully flex elbow. Apply valgus force while extending the elbow. Positive if painful arc between 120 to 70 flexion.
Sn 1.0
Anterior Band Valgus Test
Milking maneuver
+ is greater than 6 cm. If injured side over uninjured side is greater than 1.2. Rupture.
Passive Forearm Pronation
Hook Test
Mill’s Test
Maudsley’s Test
Cozen’s Test
Radiohumeral Anterior Glide
Patient supine; distal humerus stabilized, anterior glide of radius.
Radiohumeral Posterior Glide
Patient supine; distal humerus stabilized, Posterior glide of radius.
Humeroulnar distraction
If you suspect lateral epicondylalgia, what tests can you perform?
If you suspect Biceps involvement what tests can you perform?
Hook test
Passive pronation
If you suspect MCL involvement, what tests can you perform?
Anterior band stress test: 20-30 flexion, valgus force applied while palpating MCL.
Milking maneuver: Over 55 flexion; thumb pulled into ER.
Moving valgus stress test (Sn 1.0): Behind patient. Arm abducted just shy of 90. Full flexion. Extend with valgus force. Pain 120-70 is positive for partial tear of MCL
If you suspect an ulnar nerve pathology, what test can you perform?
Elbow flexion test (Sp 0.99)- tingling/paresthesia in ulnar distribution is positive. 30-60 second hold.
Tinel Sign (Sp 0.99) - Tingling in ulnar distribution when tapped.
List the carpal bones in consecutive/bordering order.
Scaphoid, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate, triquetrum pisiform, lunate
Finkelstein’s Test
Wrap thumb and go into ulnar deviation. Positive is pain along radial side of wrist/forearm.
Tests for tenosynovitis (tendon)
Phalen’s Test
Maximum wrist flexion hold over 60s
Positive is tingling in median nerve distribution
Does reverse Phalen’s alleviate?
Sp varies, but one source gave 0.89.
Tests CTS
Flick Test
Ask patient how they get rid of symptoms when they come on. If wrist flick, positive.
Sp: 0.92
“tests” CTS
Watson’s test
Thumb on scaphoid. Patient ulnar deviates. Pressure applied on dorsum of wrist. Patient radially deviates. Positive if pain is felt
Indicates ligamentous instability between scaphoid and lunate.
Figure 8 Test
Tests for swelling/effusion/edema
Median nerve Tinels
Tests CTS
Median nerve compression test
Thumb by thumb over the CT. Pressure for 30s. Numbness onset is positive.
Sn 0.87 Sp 0.90
Tests CTS
Ulnocarpal stress test
90 degree elbow and shoulder flexion
Ulnar deviation
Pronate and supinate while applying longitudinal pressure
Reproduction of symptoms (clicking) is positive
Tests instability of TFCC
If you suspect CTS, what tests can you perform?
ask about flick test
Median nerve compression test
Median nerve Tinels
If you suspect tenosynovitis what test can you perform?
If you suspect ligamentous instability of the wrist, what test can you perform?
If you suspect instability of the TFCC what test can you perform?
Ulnocarpal stress test
If you suspect radial nerve pathology what tests can you perform?
Tinels probably
If you suspect median nerve pathology what tests can you perform?
All CTS tests I would think, especially Tinel’s
Do active motion first
Standing, arm at side, elbow 90 flexion.
Straighten elbow
Bring arm out to side, above shoulder height
Palm up, bend wrist and fingers back
Tip head away
add gentle shoulder depression
Abduct to 110
Extend wrist and fingies (approximate 1-3 with your own)
Supinate forearm
Shoulder ER
Elbow extension
Cervical lateral flexion away
Do active motion first:
Standing, arm at side
Flex wrist
Turn palm so can look at it over shoulder
Push wrist toward floor
Tip head away
Supine, shoulder slight abduction, elbow flexed across chest
Depress shoulder girdle
Extend elbow
IR entire UE
Flex wrist
Do active first
Sit or stand, arm at side, elbow flexed 90
Bring arm up and out as if holding a tray of drinks on palm
ALTERNATE: Mask position
Passive:Supine, shoulder slight abduction and flexion, elbow slight flexion
Extend wrist and fingers, thumb between web space. Index on ring, Mid on mid.
Pronate forearm
Flex elbow
ER shoulder
Depress shoulder girdle
Abduct shoulder