Lateral Epicondylitis aka
Tennis Elbow
What is Lateral Epicondylitis thought to begin with?
Tearing of extensor carpi radialis brevis
What lateral epicondylitis extend to?
Extensor digitorum communis or extensor carpi radialis longus
What is the mechanism of injury for Lateral Epicondylitis?
Wrist extension, radial deviation, supination
Types of patients you’ll see for lateral epicondylitis?
Carpenters, plumbers, and maids
What would you do to evaluate lateral epicondylitis?
palpatory tenderness, ortho tests, radiographs may demonstrate calcification (25%)
Medial epicondylitis aka?
Golfer’s elbow/ little leaguer’s elbow
What is the etiology of medial epicondylitis?
Tendinopathy of wrist flexors and pronator teres at origin
What types of patients will you have for medial epicondylitis?
carpenters, plumbers, maids
Upon evaluation of medial epicondylitis, what will you notice?
Palpatory tenderness, ortho tests, radiographs may demonstrate calcification
What also may coexist with medial epicondylitis?
Ulnar neuropathy may co-exist
What is the treatment for Epicondylitis?
Initially, treatment involves reducing symptoms of pain and inflammation through rest and applying ice or cold therapy
What would you do after the initial phase of Epicondylitis?
Gradually increase the load through the elbow through exercises to a point where normal training and completion can be resumed
When should you use Ice and Compression?
In the first 72 hours post injury, you should apply the principles of P.R.I.C.E. (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation)
Apply a cold compression wrap for no more than ________ minutes as the injured tissues are very close to the skin
11 minutes
What type of protection is used in the treatment of epicondylitis?
Wearing a special elbow brace or support can help reduce the strain on the tendon enabling healing to take place
How does wearing an elbow brace work?
By applying compression around the upper arm which puts pressure on the injured tendon, changing the way forces transmitted through it allowing the injured tissues to rest
What is probably the most important part of treatment and is often difficult due to compliance issue?
When should the strengthening exercises be performed?
As soon as pain allows and then continued until and after full fitness has been achieved
What are other conservative therapies for epicondylitis?
ultrasound, EMS, cold laser, OTC’s, NSAIDs, Steroid injections