Elbow Flashcards
Medial epicondylitis
-associated with older aged people (older than HS) and with pain of wrist flexor mm group which is distal to the epicondyle
Pain and tenderness at the elbow
Joint stiffness
Locking and catching of the elbow
Abnormal popping or crackling sound
Joint effusion (abnormal fluid build-up)
Decreased range of motion
Swelling and bruising of the elbow
Inability or difficulty to extend or straighten the elbow
Elbow extension Test
To rule out fracture (sensitivity 97.3%)
If patient can’t fully extend elbow after injury-need X-ray
Best xray view for elbow trauma
Lateral view
What is most common fracture of elbow
radial head fracture
What are 3 classic types of forearm fractures
Nightstick- fracture of midshaft of ulna
Monteggia- fratture of ulna with dislocation of radial head
Galaezzi- fracture of distal radius with dislocation of ulna from wrist
what is a greenstick fracture
incomplete fracture due to
flexibility of young bones
-One side of the bone breaks from a distraction force
and the other side bends but stays intact
-occurs most often in forearm
Nursemaids elbow
child’s radial head slips out of annulus
What is responsible for restricting passive supination?
palmar radioulnar ligament
What is MOST responsible for the increased volume of UCL reconstructions
including year-round play, early sports specialization, and concurrent participation on multiple teams.
which part of the UCL is the most important soft tissue stabilizer to valgus load?
,anterior bundle of UCL
-UCL is the primary restraint to valgus stress of the elbow. It has a broad insertion on the ulna at a bony ridge called the sublime tubercle.
oblique bundle originates and inserts on the ulna and is therefore clinically and mechanically insignificant.
Factors associated with failure of nonoperative treatment in lateral epicondylitis.
-workers compensation PRIMARY
-prior injection,
- presence of radial tunnel syndrome, -previous orthopedic surgery,
-duration of symptoms > 12 months.
which elbow mm are used ECCENTRICALLUY during acceleration and deceleration in overhead sports?
flexors and supinators - need bracing or tape to stabilize and to resist elbow extension and pronation
which mm are the main stabilizers for the UCL/medial elbow joint?
FCU- flexor carpi ulnas
FCR- flexor carpi radialis
PT- pronator teres
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS
What is the cozen test?
Cozen test: lateral epicondylosis: resistsed wrist ext test
What is the classical definition of double crush syndrome?
condition of neurological dysfxn 2/2 compression at multiple sites along a single peripheral nerve
How do you interpret DASH scores>
higher score= worse disability
How are supra and epicondylar fractures casted or splinted?
at - 30 dgrs of ext
At 4 weeks post op UCL reconstruction, what can you strengthen?
-elbow flexors and extensors
-supinators and pronators
-shoulder internal rotators
Palpate olecranon fossa and extend elbow fully- looking for pain - can be post lateral, post medial or central posterior
posterior elbow impingement causes:
-Synovitis or inflammation of the synovium, a membrane that lines the joints
-Bursitis or inflammation of the bursae, fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints
-Bone spurs or abnormal bony projections along the ends of bones
-Inflammation of the joints
-Rupture of cartilage or other soft tissues
-Stiffening of the ligaments, muscles, and tendons
Test for UCL tear
Moving Valgus Test :
SN 100,
Best in Prone per Mike Reinhold or in supine
If on Right arm
Start in EF, palpate UCL with R thumb
stabilize thumb patient’s thumb with left hand by pulling back
use thumb to extend elbow
Anterior bundle of UCL attaches
medial epicondyle to ulna
Dynamic Stabilizers of the medial elbow:
Pronator teres
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmer’s Longus
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor Digitor Superficialis