EIS (Endogenous Intoxication Syndrome) Flashcards
Are substances that are produced by microorganism
Is a pathological condition in which organs and system damage by the accumulation of toxins and fluids in the body
Are substances that have toxic effect in the body
Pathological condition based on accumulation of endotoxins in the blood
Mechanism of natural biological detoxification
1) Biological transformation of toxins in liver
2) Dilution & binding of toxic substances
3) Removal of toxic substances
Causes of intoxication
Retention (diff. excretion)
Reabsorption (absorption of toxins)
Metabolic (Metabolic disorders)
Reperfusion (Entry into systemic circulation of substances from long term ischemic tissues after restauration of microcirculation)
Pathogenesis (sev of patients and clinical symp)
1) Toxemia
2) Tissue hypoxia
3) Inh. of function of body owns detoxification and defense system
-Endotoxins are a diverse group of substances that can have harmful effects on the body.
-They include products of natural metabolism such as lactate, pyruvate, uric acid, urea, creatinine, bilirubin glucuronide, and others.
-These substances can accumulate in high concentrations and cause damage to tissues and organs.
-In addition to these metabolic products, endotoxins also include activated enzymes that can damage tissues through lysosomal and proteolytic activity, as well as activation products of various cascades such as the kallikrein-kinin cascade, blood coagulation system, and fibrinolysis system.
-Other types of endotoxins are biologically active substances including inflammatory mediators, biogenic amines, cytokines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, acute phase proteins, and other medium molecular weight compounds. These substances can cause a wide range of symptoms and contribute to the development of various diseases.
-Endotoxins can also be formed during lipid peroxidation, which is a process that occurs when free radicals react with lipids in cell membranes, causing damage and releasing toxic byproducts.
-Decay products of cells and tissues from foci of tissue destruction and/or from the gastrointestinal tract in violation of the barrier function of membranes, such as lipases, lysosomal enzymes, cationic proteins, myoglobin, indole, skatole, phenol, and others, can also act as endotoxins.
-Microbial toxins, both exo- and endotoxins, are another category of endotoxins. These can be produced by pathogenic, conditionally pathogenic, or non-pathogenic microorganisms and can cause a variety of symptoms ranging from mild to severe.
-Furthermore, immunoallergic products of cellular decay, antigens, and immune complexes can also act as endotoxins. Finally, components and effectors of the regulatory systems of the body can become endotoxins when present in pathological concentrations.
Causes of endogenous intoxication syndrome
-Inflammatory and destructive processes of organs and tissues;
-Dysfunction of organs (thyroid gland - thyrotoxicosis, cirrhosis, chronic nephritis, etc.)
-Violation of the function of natural detoxification organs (liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines)
Primary and Secondary
Primary toxin
Primary toxins are substances that are produced by a pathogenic organism or are released as a result of tissue damage.
mercaptans and urea are produced as a result of liver failure and can lead to symptoms such as confusion, jaundice, and ascites. Guanidine bases and indican are produced in renal failure and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness, and edema.
Enzymes released during pancreatic necrosis can lead to severe abdominal pain and inflammation. In burns and injuries, breakdown products of proteins can lead to immune system activation and further tissue damage.
Secondary toxin
are the result of a perverted metabolism, resulting in a lot of under-oxidized products and cell destruction products.
can also arise from the breakdown of endogenous substances such as bilirubin, cholesterol, and fatty acids. These products can accumulate in the body due to impaired excretion or metabolism, leading to toxicity.