Egypt Flashcards
Main Idea-Egypt
Along the Nile River, civilization emerged in Egypt and became united into a kingdom ruled by pharoahs
Many of the monuments built by Egyptians stand as a testament to their ancient civilization
What was ancient Egypt divided into?
two regions, upper and lower egypt.
where was lower egypt located?
Northern Egypt
what did lower egypt consist of?
Nile River’s Delta made by river as it empties into Mediterranean
What was special about the Nile River?
longest river in world, floods every fall leaving behind fertile land, cataracts
where was upper egypt located?
what did upper egypt consist of?
long, narrow strip located south of the Delta
who united upper and lower Egypt
the pharoah Menes
What did menes do to show that he had done this with upper and lower egypt
made a crown that consisted of both crowns and wore it to signify that he was pharoah over all Egypt
why was agriculture such a major egyptian industry?
the egyptians took advantage of the Nile’s annual floods and became really productive. they also used irrigation.
what were menes’ accomplishments?
united Egypt, first egyptian dynasty, first dam
where was the first dam located? who built it?
Menes, in Memphis, Egypt. (Not Memphis, Tennessee!)
What is a theocracy?
type of government in which ruler is considered to be a divine figure or government considered divinely guided.
who was the vizier?
chief adviser to Pharoah
what were the main points of the wise sayings of ptah hotep?
Don’t be arrogant, listen to your father for his experience, take advice from everyone, when in doubt keep quiet, and don’t be greedy.
what was the ka?
the spirit of the body according to egyptian belief
why did the tombs have food and jewelry in them?
bc they believed that the ka required physical substance
who built the pyramids?
egyptian laborers.
what were the time periods of ancient egypt?
old kingdom, middle kingdom, and new kingdom.
why is it important to understand a nations religious beliefs?
its a window into their value system.
when were hieroglyphics developed? how are they described?
3000 BCE. They are like a picture puzzle. It’s a very complex system that required years of study at special schools.
What was the reaction of experts when the Rosetta stone was unearthed?
no one agreed on the meaning.
what were the three languages on the rosetta stone?
Greek, Hieroglyphics, and Demotic Egyptian.
What did the message of the Rosetta Stone turn out to be?
The same passage in three different languages-a list of good deeds the pharoah Ptolemy V did for the priests/people of Egypt.
Who finally unearthed the meaning of the Rosetta Stone? In what year?
A man named Jean-Francois Champollion in 1799.
How did Champollion do it?
he knew Greek and worked backwards to translate the other two.
Why were there three different languages on the Rosetta Stone to convey the same message?
So that everyone could understand it. At the time, in 196 BCE, the rulers of Egypt were Greek. Hieroglyphics were used for important documents, and the commoners used demotic Egyptian.
What nation ruled Egypt from 1640-1570BCE? Who were they?
The Hyksos, nomadic invaders.
How did the Hyksos invasion affect Egyptian mentality?
Their invasion shook Egyptian confidence in the desert barrier which had protected them up til now.
What were Hatshepsut’s achievements?
Restored the monuments of past kings, built new temples dedicated to the gods, encouraged trade with eastern mediterranean lands, and showed world that a woman could run a powerful empire.
How did Hatshepsut, a woman, get her hands on the throne? Which leadership powers did she use?
Strong personality, powerful priest allies, clever and timed it well. Coercive power, connection, expert.
What were Thutmoses the third’s achievements?
quashed canaanite revolt after Hatshepsut’s death, led egyptians to push further south into Nubia, improved the Hyksos chariot, and commissioned building of obelisks throughout EGypt.
How did Thutmoses III improve the Hyksos chariot?
stronger, more maneuverable, transportable and disassembleable.
What is an obelisk?
A tall, four sided narrow tapering monument that ends in a pyramid like shape at the top.
Ramses II achievements
great military leader, expanded egyptian empire into Israel and Syria, signed peace treaty with Hittites
Why was Ramses II so eager to accept the hittite princess?
meant legit peace
what did Ramses II order to happen in abu simbel?
a temple carved into cliffs above nile river
when did egyptian power decline?
1200 BCE, right after the reign of Ramses II
What happened during the Egyptian decline?
constantly attacked by Philistines, and while weak, the nubians invaded and seized power, but adopted egyptian culture, preserving it. eventually conquered by assyrians.
What is the lifecycle of great empires?
- Age of outbursts 2. age of conquests 3. age of commerce 4. age of affluence 5. age of intellect 6. age of decadence (excess, never satisfied) 7. age of decline and collapse
What was the shaduf?
an invention made for taking water out of nile, helped w/ agriculture by making everything more efficient
who was tutankhamen?
an egyptian pharoah murdered @ age 19
what was tut’s body riddled with?
where was tut buried?
valley of kings
what is tut’s connection to gilgamesh?
both got a certain form of immortality by having their names remembered
who discovered tut and when?
Howard Carter + team in the 60s, 70s
what was the significance of the nile?
protected egypt from invaders, allowed to develop peacefully, and since flooding was predictable they were more naturally optimistic
what were the pharoahs considered? what did this make egypt?
god-kings, theocracy
During which time period of Egypt did the Hyksos invade?
Middle Kingdom
How did Hatshepsut take over at first?
Her husband died and her stepson was too young so she was declared queen regent
What was the Philistine nickname?
People of the Sea
Main Idea-Pharoahs
Pharoahs rules as god-kings in Ancient Egypt and created an empire which ruled parts of the Middle East
By examining the careers and achievements of various pharoahs, one can learn how leaders seek to maintain authority over their subjects or followers
What season did the Nile flow in?
What did the head of the army wear?
A blue crown called a khepresh.
What did the sphinx of Hatshepsut depict her as?
A lion.
What was Hatshepsut’s throne name?
What is the Delta?
Marshland in the Nile
What was Punt?
A common trading place of Hatshepsut’s.