Efmb Mo Flashcards
Most common form of heat injury and is generally not associated with evidence of organ damage
Heat exhuastion
Dept of defense insect repellent system made of 3 parts
Permit herein uniform
Dept skin
Proper wear
Heat injury medical emergency
Exposure to Suns ultraviolet radiation without protection from clothing or sun screen
Hourly fluid intake should not exceed
1.5 quarts
Daily fluid intake should not exceed
12 quarts
Heat cat one -five work rest moderate work
NL 50/10 40/20 30/30 20/40
Heat cat 1-5 easy work
NL NL NL NL 50/10
Heat cat 1-5 hard work
40/20 30/30 30/30 20/40 10/50
Heat cat MODERATe work 1-5
NL 50/10 40/20 30/30 20/40
Heat cat 1-5 temperatures
1 78-81.9 2 82-84.9 3 85-87.9 4 88- 89.9 5 90
Pitch high pitch notice is more dangerous to hearing than low pitched noise
Relative loudness of the noise expressed in decibels till play large part in determining the hazard louder noise more damage
Nature of noise
Noise may be continuous or intermittent it may be steady or made up of a series of impact or impulse noises
Exposure duration
Noise may be continuous or intermittent
Potable water
Safe for consumption
Use iodine tabs purify 5 gallons
2 tabs per quart
What are some health threats to armies in fields
Arthropoda environment temperature moisture weather
What percentage of debt to skin
33 percent
How much water per man per day
Cold evviorment
Cold 2 gallons
Hot 3-4 gallons
Materials that cause inflammation of mucous membranes with which they contact
Materials that deprive respiratory system of oxygen no damage to lungs
Agents whose main toxic action is their depressant effect upon central nervous system particularly brain
Systemic poisons
Poisons cause damage to internal organs like kidney liver central nervous system
Burn pit from living quarters
450 feet
Latrine should be how far from kitchen feet/ yards
300 feet/100 yards
How far buried pit from water and troops feet yards
300 feet 100 yards
What are safe temps for food
Iodine for five gallon
40 tabs
8 tabs
1 gallon
Iodine one quart
Two tabs
Placement of latrines
300 feet up wind 100 feet from sleeping quarters
Waste water what percent becomes waste
80 per
Black water
Latrine waste water
Grey water
Shower non latrine laundry
Soak age pit dimension use
Four feet square 4 feet deep, can handle 200 gallons per day and can handle 200 peeps. Rest one week ea month, locate outside camp and 100 feet from water
Planning laterite considerations
300 feet downwind from foods and 100 ft from water, up wind from burn pits, 100 ft from billeting,
Four types of lartines
Portable latrines
Rapidly accessible highly mobile carried on vehicles
Port a potty
Containerized latrines
Component of force protection units, six privacy stalls low water flush toilets, can do 150 soldiers, prefers during contingency ops
Field use no in the US
Cat hole
One feet deep one foot diameter
Straddle trench
Three day use, each trench is one foot wide two n half feet deep four feet long multiple trenches can be dug
Mound latrines
Used when water table high, six wide 12 long
Procedure for food strike detainee ops
72 hour daily weight vitals, physical behavioral health exam, isolate, tell TIF commander,
Tif operations role 1-3
Role 1 anesthesia
Role 2 entail care
Role 3 maxilla facial
Sick call ops BAS
3 hour sick call
2 hour pick up mess
4 stages of sick call
Stage one through the wire
Stage two provider at wire
Stage three treatment in tent
Stage four MTF
Security internee
Any person who is detained for imperative reasons of security as spa ivied in the mandate UN
High value detainee
Security internee of significant Intel or pol value
Former detainee
Any person previously held as a detainee
SOP for vision care
Lost or broken glasses
Decrease in vision
Worse than 20/40
Principles of abuse prevention
Two ways to scan terrain
Rapid and shorts can
Position that maximizes available cover
Natural man made materials protection from bullets fragments of exploding rounds flame
Position that maximizes available concealment
Anything that hides people equipment and or vehicles from observation concealment does not protect you from fire
Keep you or equipment from being seen
Five ponts of comprehensive solider fitness
Spiritual emotional physical family social
When do you use following carries
Fire and
Unconscious or severely injured pts
Neck drag
Used in combat short distances
Cradle drop
Cannot walk up or down stairs
Hates carry
Conscious pt to cover
Care under fire steps
Take cover return fire Scene safe Number of casualties Close to assist Assess casualty Med sit Transport
Rule of nines
Head and neck 9 Torso 18 each side Upper limbs18 ( 9 each) Lower limbs 36 (18 each) Perineum 1 percent
What does MACE stand for
Military acute concussion evaluation
Steps of MACE
First degree frost bite
No blister or tissue loss healing occurs 7-10 days
Second degree frostbite
No permanent loss of tissue healing occurs in 3-4 weeks
Third degree frostbite
No permanent loss of tissue healing occurs in 3-4 weeks
Resting pulse adult
Children pulse
Name steps for setting up the RADIO
Instal battery Instal antenne into RT ANT Connected handset connected to AUD/Data Set mode to Sc via menu key Set FCTN to TST should read good Set CHAN to desired channel via Menu key Pressed freq then CLR on key pad Enter FREQ and hit store Set RF PWR via menu Set FCTN to SQ ON Radio check be ach
Medical request sequence
1) collect info needed for medevac
2) record using brevity codes
3) lines 1-5 in 25 seconds
4) lines 4-9
All steps in 5 minutes
Submit NBC report
Spot report to give attack info NBC report within ten minutes
1) after protecting yourself give Salute report
ID enemy activity
S size
A activity
L location
U unit
T time
E equipment
Submit NBC 1 location on map, date time group, type height of burst, direction of attack, IF FIRST attack say FLASH
TCCC steps up to BSI
1) perform care under fire
Take cover, direct casualty to fore back, determine scene safe, determine number and location of injured, direct team if avail
2) assess casualty for life threatening extremity hemorrhage
If casualty unresponsive or unable to move has life threat bleeding take care of it ( tourniquet) or hemostatic
3) tactfully transport patient to safety (recheck bleeding control) disarm crazy peeps, determine if casualty can keep going triage
BSI to determine evac priority
1) BSI
2) initial assessment
3) general impression
5) CC
6) assess hemorrhage
7) assess airway
8) asess breathing
9) assess circulation
10) Determine evac priority MEDVAC decision
Perform rapid trauma assessment
1) assess head dcap btls tic
2) assess the neck
3) assess chest
4) assess abdomen
5) pelvis
6) lower extremities dcap btls tic pms
7) upper extremities
8) posterior
Perform focused assessment
Focused exam of damaged area
2) assess vital signs, gather ample history (allergies medication past med history last oral intake events to injury
3) documents clinical assements
4) care card
5) case evac
Command philosophy that places honor and dignity at the top of priorities
Put it in writing
Have system in place that reduces potential for abuse
Continuous exercise of professional demeanor and conduct
Position that maximizes available cover
Man made made materials protection from bullets fragments chem attack n worse
Position that maximizes available concealment
Anything that keeps you or equipment from being identified
Anything that hides personal equipment and vehicles from observation or fire
M8 sector paper
Will detect chemical agent vapors
M9 paper
WILL not detect chemical agent papers
Left handed and wearing m9
Place a strip of paper around left upper arm right wrist left ankle
You are right handed wearing m9 paper
Right upper arm left wrist right ankle
Fire and carry
Unconscious severely injured can
Neck drag
In combat short distances
Cradle drop drag
Used for casualty who cannot walk up or down stairs
Hawks carry
Move a conscious casualty to cover
Support carry
Can walk or hop on one leg
Arms carry short distance or unable to walk
Arms carry
Concours only carry
Saddle back
M8 reacts to what
Reacts to petroleum ammonia
React to petroleum insecticides antifreezes only detects but no IDs
Map reading
Red red brown
Black cultural man made
Red populated areas cultural main roads boundaries on older maps
Red brown relief features elevation
Brown count ours on older maps
Two methods orienting compass
Center hold
Compass to check
Detecting chemical agents
Yellow gold
Nerve agent G
Detecting chemicals
Red pink color
Blister agent h
Detecting agents that have no color
Cannot be ID with M8
Rule of nines Head Ant trunk Post trunk Extremities Perineum
Head and neck 1% Ant trunk 36 each 18 Post trunk 18 each 9 Upper ext 18 each 9 Lower ext 18
Thermal burns
Stop drop roll
Electrical burns
Stay way from bein shocked
White phosphorous
Multiple and deep usually producing 2-3rd degree burns
First degree frost bite
No blister or tissue loss healing occurs 7-10 days
Second degree frost bite
No permanent loss of tissue healing occurs in 3-4 weeks
Third degree frostbite
Skin loss occurs slowly healing is delayed
Adults pulse
Infants 6-12 months
Infants 0-5 months
4 stages of sick call
1) care through wire
2) provider at wire
3) treatment in tent
4) MTF
Iodine tabs
5 gallons
1 quart
5 gallons 40
1 gallon 8 tabs
1 quart 2 tabs