effects on individuals, families, committees Flashcards
Individuals - low education (point explain)
one consequence of underdevelopment in Africa on individuals is low levels of education. many developing countries have not been able to prioritise spending on educational services meaning many children don’t develop the skills they need to improve their lives. in some countries, girls are prevented from going to school. low level of education impacts individuals as they do not develop or learn the skills they need to get high paying jobs making it more difficult for them to exit the poverty cycle and grow up to help the wider developing community.
Individuals-low education (example)
For example the un reports that 263 million children are missing from school. In subsaharan Africa, many children leave in primary school with the knowledge of basic reading and maths while half the secondary school teachers aren’t trained to teach at that level.
Individuals - poor health (point explain)
Another consequence of underdevelopment in Africa on individuals is poor health. This is because of the limited access to basic health care services and clean water leading to preventable diseases. Additionally, poor infrastructure makes it harder to implement effective health services. Poor health leads to underdevelopment on individuals because it reduces their life expectancy limits productivity and hinders economical growth. The burden of illness often leads to increased healthcare costs and reinforces poverty thus creating a cycle.
Individuals-poor health (example)
For example, Africa has been hut harder with HIV than any other nation of the world with around 4% estimated to be infected with HIV. It is estimated that every 2 minutes a child under 5 dies.
Poverty - point explain
One consequence of underdevelopment in Afica on familles is
Even though some Afican countries are very resource rich, they have
falled to bulld the infrastructure needed to exploit those resources
meaning the people remain very poor. This lack of development
impedes economic growth, limits access to education and job
opportunities, ensuring that millions find it very diicult to escape
Poverty in Atica negatively impacts familles by restricting access tc
essential resources such as education, healthcare, and nutritious
food, leading to higher rates of malnutrition, dtsease, and tmited ite
opportunities. This means that their children will suffer as they did and
so the cycle repeats
Poverty - example
For example, the World Bank sets the poverty line as $1.90 a day yet
the peopie ot the DRC earn on average $1.08 a day, making it the
poorest nation in the world. This is desplite the DRC being one of the
most resource rich nations in the world.
Reinforced gender inequality - point explain
One consequence of underdevelopment in Afica on families is that they
reinforce gender inequality:
Due to the poverty many familles face because ot underdevelopment in
Atica, famililes continve to assign women wih the primary role of
say No
caregiver to children so that men, who have higher earning potential due
en Abuse
to gender stereotypes, can be sent to work. This reinforces gender
stereotypes in the famly dynamic that can resut in sons rather than
daughters being given the opportunity to attend school.
This reinforcement of gender ineaualty in Afric a negalively impacts
familles by restricting access for female family members to educational
and employment opportunities, leading to lower le vels of family income
making it incredibly dificult for familles to escape poverty
Reinforced gender inequality - example
For example, the World Bank estimates that not educating giris over their
lfetime could cost the developing world between $15-$30 trillion
Breakdown law and order - point explain
Dne consequence of underdevelopment in Africa on communities is that it
leads to a breakdown of law and order
Underdevelopment in Atica can lead to a breakdown of law and order due tc
factors such as high unemployment, inade quate acces to education, and
limited economic opportunities. This may contribute to frustraltion ang
discontent, creating an environment where social unrest and conflict become
more prevalent as people seek enact change,
This breakdown ot lew and order negatively impects communities by leading to
increased crime rates, reduced safety, and a general sense of insecurit
among residents. Additionally, the breakdown can disrupt social cohesion anc
damage local businesses, further perpetuating the cycle of underdevelopmen
and negatively impacting the overall well-being of the community.
Breakdown law and order - example
example, the civil war following anti-government demonstration in Syria has
seen over 13 millon fleeing their communitiles as towns and ciies tured on
each other. Long term this will make very dificullfor the communiies of Syria
o put aside the violence against each other to rebuild when peace returns
Breakdown civil society - point explain
One consequence of underdevelopment in Atica on communities is thatit
leads to a breakdown of civil society
Civil Society describes the voluntary and community organisations, as wel
as informal groups of people, who come together to make the community a
better place to live. Underdevelopment can cause these groups to
breakdown. Limited access to education and economic opportunities may
result in uninformed and disengaged ciizens who can only focus on their
own immediate concerns, which weakens civic paricipaion. Atieaively.
corrupt governments could shut these groups down to protect their owr
This breakdown of civil society neaatively impacts communities by making il
more dific ul for corrupi governments to be held to account, potentiall
harming human rights for minority groups and community development. This
also makes it less likely for individuals in poverty to receive the support they
need to survive
Breakdown civil society - example
example, in 2021, the Ugandan Government suspended the operations o
54 NGOs (non-governmental organisations). The NGOs affected include
chariies who work to defend the righis of poliic al activists and people
alfected by a crude oll production project in western Uganda