Effects of Early Experience on Brain and Behavior Flashcards
Tor F
Birth wouldn’t be possible if our brains completed growth in womb.
T or F
Brains develop in the rich experiential context of the real world.
T or F
Human behaviors thus can be shaped by ever-changing environment.
Allows for behavioral adaptation (learning).
Potential reached or missed depends on quality of environment, parenting, and other life experiences.
Many types of experiences influence brain development, what are some of these?
parenting and attachment emotional or physical trauma medical problems toxin exposure nutrition
What is the most important stimulation a baby needs?
social and physical interaction with loving parents
Is it better to have a baby in prison with the mother or be put in an orphanage and have their mama in prison?
better to have baby with mama in prison
What happened to the babies in the orphange?
more than 1/3 died by age 2 and many survivors couldnt walk r talk by age 2 (due to lack of maternal contact)
What were the 3 phases demonstrated in children that were separated from their mothers?
What is the basis for the parent-child bond?
contact comfort
T or F
babies are spoiled by phyiscal contact and emotional attention
What happens when babies went without contact with their mothers?
psychlogic distubrances/abnormal development
What are the four types of attachment?
(blank) is a lasting emotional bond between human beings.
What is this:
Earliest bond, with parent, impacts child for life.
Keeps infant close to mother, improving odds of survival.
In a “strange situation” experiment with a securely attached child, how will the child act.
good with mom around, when mom leaves is sad, when mom comes back is happier, when stranger enters enjoys stranger but has preference for mom and when mom responds to childs wants, child feels safe
In a “strange situation” experiment with a avoidant child, how will the child act.
mother present-> emotinally distant, not playful
mother leaves-> indifferent
mother returns-> indifferent
stranger-> same as toward mother, somtimes prefers stranger
mothers responsiveness-> mother is disengaged, child doesnt expect needs to be met
In a “strange situation” experiment with a ambivalent child, how will the child act.
mother present-> anxious, wants moms attention but gets angry when rejected
mother leaves-> child is distressed, protests strongly
mother returns-> child remains distressed, is angry toward mother, doesnt re-enage in play
stranger-> not easily comforted
mothers responsiveness-> inconcsistent and unreliable, changes from sensitive to neglectful, child cannot rely on needs being met
In a “strange situation” experiment with a disorganized child, how will the child act.
other present/leaves/returns:
Lack of clear attachment pattern.
Mix of behaviors, including avoidant or ambivalent.
Seems “dazed,” confused, apprehensive with caregiver.
Child’s behavior toward stranger:
Mother’s responsiveness:
Parents exhibit inconsistent behavior (act as figures of both fear and reassurance).
Because the child feels both comforted and frightened by the parent, confusion results.
What are the long term consequences of a secure attachment?
Basic trust. Positive self image. Goal orientated. Positive outlook on life. Strong relationships. Good coping strategies and skills. “Ego resiliency”.
What are teh long term consequences of an insecure attachment?
Lack of trust.
Confused self-image.
Emotional detachment or volatility.
Relationship challenges.
What are these:
Goodness of fit” between parent and child temperaments.
Parenting style.
Use of language.
important aspects of parent-child relationship
What is this:
pattern of reacting to people and events.
What are the different temperamental styles?
slow to warm
T or F
How well child’s temperament fits with people in his life and how likable those people consider the child to be.
T or F
Good “fit” is when adult expectations, values and demands match child’s natural capacities and behaviors.
T or F
Mismatch between parent and child can lead to conflict, but parents who are sensitive to child’s temperament can help with coping.
What is the demanding and responsive syle of parenting?
What is the undemanding and responsive style of parenting?
permissive/ indulgent
What is the demanding and unresponsive style of parenting?
What is the undemandin and unresponsive style of parenting?
What is this:
Ignores child’s bad behavior.
Gives in to child when he or she tantrums.
Bribes child with rewards to get him to comply with parent’s wishes
permissive parenting
What kind of parenting has the worst outcomes for children?
permissive parenting
What are the outcomes of permissive parenting?
Impulse control problems. Aggression. Substance abuse. Academic problems. Excessive media use, higher BMI. Lower self-esteem.
What is this:
Doesn’t encourage verbal give-and-take or explain reasons for rules.
Expects orders to be obeyed without question.
Controls child through shaming, withdrawal of love, other punishments.
authoritarian parenting
What kind of parenting style has a better outcome than permissive parenting but still problematic?
authoritarian parenting
What are the outcomes of authoritarian parenting?
Socially inept.
Poor school performance. (Due to history of being shamed?)
Immature moral reasoning.
Behavior, substance abuse, and self-regulation problems.
Increasing aggressiveness with age.
What is this:
Sets high standards and is very demanding, but is also very nurturing and responsive.
Shows respect for children as independent, rational beings; expects maturity, cooperation, and effort.
Encourages verbal give-and-take, explains the consequences of good and bad behavior.
Is less likely to control child through harsh or arbitrary punishments, shaming, or withdrawal of love; offers child lots of emotional support while also setting clear limits.
authoritative parenting
What kind of parenting style gives the best outcomes?
authoritative parenting
What is the outcomes of authoritative parenting?
Common in middle class cultures throughout the world. Kids who have at least one authoritative parent are more likely to become independent, self-reliant, socially accepted, academically successful, and well-behaved.
Tell me about children lanuage skills and parents economic status?
poor parents talk less to their children and these children have less of a vocabulary
T or F
By age 3:
Widening gap in vocabulary growth: poor children using fewer words, adding new words more slowly.
Poor child heard 30 million fewer words than child from professional family.
Poor parents had said fewer different words than had advantaged children.
Amount and quality of parents’ language predict abilities at age (blanK)
Tell me about the outcomes of having a welfare family and their childs language skills.
Fewer nouns/modifiers and past-tense verbs.
Less affirmative tone.
Fewer questions.
Less responsive to child’s initiations.
What are welfare families correlated with?
IQ at age 3
T or F
There is a strong correlation between childrens accomplishments and family SES and parenting.
T or F
By the time children are 3 years old, even intensive intervention cannot make up for the differences in the amount of such experience children have received from their parents. If children could be given better parenting, intervention might be unnecessary.”
What makes for a loving, normal child?
secure attachment,
good temperamental fit with parents or parents are sensitive to child’s temperament
authoritative parenting style
lots of conversation
What can happen if a child’s relationship with his/her primary caregiver is problematic?
develop of identity and emotional regulation can be affected