Effective Communication Flashcards
- You are covering medical wards at the weekend when you are
asked by a nurse to speak to the relatives of a patient about his
newly diagnosed malignancy. You have not met the patient before but
are told that his relatives are very anxious.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Establish how much the relatives wish to know, and respond to their
requests honestly and with compassion.
B Politely decline to discuss the health of the patient without his explicit
C Ask the nurse to read the medical notes and speak to the family after
doing so.
D Explain that you do not know the patient and that they should speak
to the regular ward team instead.
E Collectively address both the patient’s and the family’s concerns, and
answer each of their questions in turn.
- B, E, D, C, A
(B) is the only correct answer, as you do not know the patient, the relationship
with their family, and what each party already knows about the
condition. In most circumstances it is necessary to gain express consent
before discussing with relatives, and this becomes even more important
in the context of a serious discussion, e.g. a new diagnosis of cancer.
Therefore (A) is the worst answer as it implies that you have not sought
consent from the patient, despite subsequent steps being correct. By talking
to the family in the presence of the patient, you are giving the patient
an opportunity to indicate they are unhappy about further information
being disclosed, and they are present when any information is shared.
Therefore (E) is the next best answer. Although usually it would be more
appropriate for the day team to deal with this as they know the case
much better and can provide continuity, we are told the family is anxious
and it would be inhumane to leave them uninformed if the patient
agreed to a discussion at this time; hence (D) is less appropriate than (E).
(C) is a bad option as this is not the nurse’s primary role and she should
not be expected to take responsibility for informing the family about the
patient’s signifi cant medical developments. However, (A) remains worse,
as you are explicitly disclosing information without patient consent.
- You are a respiratory FY1 doctor and have inserted a number of
chest drains before and have been asked to do so for a patient on
your ward. Previous consents have always been obtained by diff erent
doctors. You intend to obtain consent for this patient but recall that this
can be found to be invalid afterwards unless the patient is warned about
important complications.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Obtain verbal consent and document that the patient has been
consented in the notes.
B Obtain legal advice before consenting.
C Obtain verbal consent with a nurse as a witness.
D Complete a formal written consent form.
E Refuse to complete the procedure as only SHO grade or above
should consent.
- D, A, C, E, B
This question tests your understanding of the consent requirements
for diff erent types of procedure. In general you should only consent a
patient for a procedure that you are able to perform by yourself or have
suffi cient understanding of the risks and benefi ts to counsel the patient.
In this case a chest drain is an invasive procedure with potentially serious
risks and it would be most appropriate to obtain formal written consent
(D). The other answers are therefore incorrect; however the best of
these is (A). (A) is better than (C) because a written record is less fallible
than human memory, and you may not recall in years to come which
nurse witnessed the conversation.
Thorough documentation of consent is always mandatory and has to be
the correct answer (D). (E) is clearly wrong as you are able to consent the
patient for this procedure; however, (B) is in some ways worse, as it suggests
a complete misunderstanding of what you should do when consenting
patients for a relatively simple procedure that you are able to perform
- You are working as an FY1 doctor at night in the surgical assessment
unit, when you are asked to clerk an elderly patient who is
profoundly deaf and unable to write.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Attempt a brief verbal history.
B Skip the history, and focus your management on the examination and
C Do not attempt to clerk the patient without an interpreter present.
D Complete your detailed history via handwritten questions.
E Extrapolate a history based on the limited fi ndings of the ambulance
crew on their initial assessment sheet.
- D, E, B, A, C
(D) is the best answer as it is important to adapt to individual patients’
disabilities and ensure that they are not disadvantaged simply because a
task might become harder. (E) is largely incorrect, although an attempt
is being made to obtain a history and there may be useful collateralinformation in the handover sheet. (B) is a worse option as no sensible
attempt is made at obtaining a history; however, the examination should
be suffi cient to ensure that the patient is stable, which is your minimum
duty in this case. (A) is unnecessary and will not yield any useful information
with a profoundly deaf patient if you can communicate this way.
(C) is clearly incorrect as it amounts to doing nothing at all, and may
disadvantage the patient unnecessarily.
- Your next patient at the gynaecology clinic arrives with her
brother-in-law, who explains that she is unable to speak any English.
As you begin the interview you start to suspect that her brother-in-law
is only communicating some of the information.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Reiterate to the brother-in-law that you need him to translate word for word.
B Try to establish whether the patient is happy with her brother-in-law
acting as interpreter.
C Schedule another appointment with a formal interpreter.
D Invite the clinic receptionist into the consultation as she claims to
speak a similar language to the patient’s.
E Ask the brother-in-law to leave and complete the consultation without
any interpreter.
- C, A, B, D, E
The success of this interview relies on accurate translation of information.
For this reason, the best answer which ensures you can communicate
eff ectively with your patient is to arrange an interview with
a professional interpreter present (C). The other options are less than
ideal, but the next best is probably (A), to address the brother-in-law
directly and insist that he translates word-for-word what is said, as this
may achieve the desired outcome. The diffi culty arises because, once
doubt has been raised about your ability to trust the brother-in-law’s
translation, you are then unable to use him as a way of clarifying whether
the patient is happy with him translating. (B) is therefore less eff ective.
The diffi culty with (D) is that the receptionist speaks a similar language
to the patient, which introduces another uncertain variable into this
already complex scenario. Trying to ascertain the patient’s wishes even
through the imperfect conditions of the brother-in-law is preferable to
introducing a third party who may not be able to communicate with
the third party at all or may introduce misunderstandings. The worst
option is (E) as you are unlikely to fi nd that the consultation either fl ows
or becomes more informative as you attempt communication with a
patient who speaks a diff erent language.
- You are on a busy orthopaedic ward round with your consultant
when a nurse mentions that one of your patients drinks 60 units of
alcohol per week. He is scheduled for an elective knee replacement in
two days but is otherwise fi t and healthy.
Choose the THREE most appropriate actions to take in this situation
A Ask the consultant to review the issue during the ward round.
B Return to the patient after the ward round to discuss the matter further
with him.
C Prescribe Pabrinex and chlordiazepoxide while the consultant consents
the patient.
D Discuss the matter further with the patient during the ward round.
E Tell the patient to stop drinking alcohol.
F Mention the issue to the registrar after the ward round.
G Ask the nurse to keep superfl uous information until after the ward
round to avoid interruptions.
H Inform the drug and alcohol services representative.
- B, F, H
Although alcohol intake my be pertinent to this elective admission, it can
be addressed more eff ectively after the ward round (B). After your initial
assessment, it may be advisable to inform your senior (F) and involve an
alcohol services representative (H) if the patient agrees. You should not
stop a busy ward round to address non-urgent issues (A) (D), blindly prescribe
medication for alcohol withdrawal (C), or give the patient instructions
without a full history (E). It would be unprofessional and unhelpful
to discourage the nurse from sharing important information (G).
- A 50-year-old is admitted to hospital with a severe sudden-onset
headache, which you think is probably a migraine. Your registrar
asks you to telephone the on-call radiologist at home to authorize an
urgent CT scan. You become distracted completing other jobs for the
registrar and only remember to telephone the radiologist an hour later.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Inform the registrar about the delay, and phone the radiologist immediately
to request the CT head scan.
B Phone the radiologist and explain that the registrar only just asked you
to arrange the CT scan.
C Phone the radiologist and explain that the registrar wants the CT head
scan but you think that it is likely to be a migraine.
D Ask the registrar to call the consultant radiologist himself.
E Phone your own consultant and ask for advice fi rst.
- A, C, D, E, B
The best answer is to be honest to your colleagues at all times (A). (C) is
an unusual but acceptable way to approach radiology. It would be better
to raise objections directly with your team, but you are being honest
as you are not sure what the diagnosis is but are raising the concerns
of your seniors and their request for a CT head scan. (D) is less good
than (C) because, while still ensuring the scan is done, it will burden
your registrar unnecessarily and is unlikely to expedite your scan, as theradiologist will understand the urgency of the indication if you explain
the circumstances. The objective should be to obtain the scan as quickly
as possible and (E) will not assist you with your cause in any way. (B) is
the worst answer because lying to a colleague can never be justifi able.
- At the end of your shift, you are told that a new patient has arrived
under the care of your team. The nurse reads a long list of jobs
that need completing and asks if you would address these before leaving.
This is the third consecutive day that you will leave the ward late.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Leave and review the jobs in the morning.
B Review the jobs and perform those that will take less than 15 minutes.
C Review the jobs that appear most urgent and complete these before
handing over to the on-call doctor.
D Ask the nurses to contact the on-call doctor who can then review the
E Ask the nurses to do what they can and to contact the on-call doctor
if they feel that anything else must be done before the next morning.
- C, D, E, B, A
It is important that doctors do not routinely work beyond their
required hours.
This question is about distinguishing urgent hours which merit working
out of hours, and routine tasks which are better delegated to a colleague.
Therefore (C) is the best answer. (D) achieves the same goal
but is less ideal as the on-call doctor may not be available immediately
and urgent tasks may then be delayed. (E) is less ideal for the same reason
as (D) in that urgent tasks may be delayed, but in addition a doctor
must be asked to review this new patient who has arrived on the ward.
(B) is incorrect because jobs are completed based on an arbitrary selfimposed
time period rather than by clinical urgency. The worst option is
to make no eff ort for the patient to be reviewed (A).
- You are the surgical FY1 doctor on call and are assessing an acutely
unwell patient. This takes you until the end of your shift and leads
to the accumulation of many ward jobs. The overnight surgical FY2 doctor
to whom you hand over is infuriated with your ‘slow pace’ and threatens
to complain to your consultant in the morning unless you assist her.
Choose the THREE most appropriate actions to take in this situation
A Apologize for your failure to complete the ward jobs.
B Ask for feedback in order to improve your management and handover.
C Off er to continue working up the previously unwell patient who is
now stabilized.
D Off er to assist with the ward jobs until she feels that the list of jobs has
become more manageable.
E Do not hand her any more jobs, in an eff ort to avoid antagonizing her.
F Explain that you are unable to complete any more jobs now that your
shift is over.
G Phone the surgical registrar in order to help resolve the apparent
confl ict.
H Complain to her consultant in the morning.
- A, B, F
An apology may help to appease the situation (A) and the opportunity
could be used as a learning exercise to obtain feedback on your
performance (B). However, you should not be coerced into continuing
working in this situation (F), and your only responsibility is to ensure that
a thorough and safe handover is completed (E) so that the FY2 doctor
can fi nish the remaining tasks herself (C) (D). It should not be necessary
to involve the surgical registrar (G) or consultant (H) unless the situation
could not otherwise be resolved.
- You are an FY1 doctor in rheumatology looking after a patient who
is about to be discharged this afternoon. During his stay a CTPA
was completed for chest pain which was negative but showed a lung
mass of unknown signifi cance with a suggestion for interval scanning.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Use capital letters in the discharge letter to highlight the incidental
fi nding and requirement for an interval CT scan.
B Phone the GP to inform them of this fi nding.
C Explain the problem to the patient and ensure he sees his GP to
arrange an interval CT scan.
D Inform the ward clerk to relay the report fi ndings to the patient.
E Advise that the patient returns to the rheumatology clinic to see your
consultant for further review of the mass.
- B, C, A, E, D
The correct answer is (B) because a doctor-to-doctor handover will be
most likely to ensure that this fi nding is not missed and clarifi es responsibility
for following up the result of the interval CT scan. (C) is a less ideal
option as it is less foolproof and places responsibility (perhaps unfairly)
on the patient to ensure that interval CT scanning is arranged. However,
it is better than (A) which, despite your heroic eff orts at highlighting the
fi nding, is likely to be overlooked and could result in the patient being lost
to follow up. Your rheumatology consultant is unlikely to be able to provide
the required hospital follow up this patient may need, and this would
be better managed by the GP (E). (D) is the worst answer because it is
not the ward clerk’s responsibility and they are not suffi ciently qualifi ed
to undertake this task.
- As the FY1 doctor for a medical team, you are seeing a patient
for the fi rst time on the Monday ward round. You realize that
the admitting doctors on Friday did not arrange a review by the weekend
medical team, despite grossly abnormal blood results. What would you
include as part of your written entry in the medical notes?
Choose the THREE most appropriate in this situation
A Your opinion as to whether it was appropriate to be reviewed by the
weekend medical team.
B ‘This patient was not seen by a weekend review team.’
C Medical entries for the weekend by assessing the patient
D Both Friday’s and Monday’s blood results.
E Today’s blood results only.
F Today’s management plan.
G Avoid writing anything but review the patient.
H Tell the patient that the doctors treating him initially had done so
- B, D, F
As part of your review, you should include the trend in blood results
(D) rather than values from a single day (E), which are less informative.You should also document your current management plan (F). As a junior
member of the team, you should avoid commenting on the perceived
defi cits of colleagues (A) unless limiting yourself to factual statements
(B). It is not possible to assess a patient retrospectively (C), and notes
should only be written retrospectively if this is made very clear. It is never
appropriate to avoid documenting your fi ndings (G) and rarely appropriate
to undermine colleagues when talking to patients in this way (H).
- Your consultant asks you to insert a peripheral cannula into
the vein of a large 14-year-old boy with learning diffi culties. His
parents are very anxious about the procedure after the distress caused
during previous attempts at venepuncture. They ask whether a sedative
could be used just before the procedure.
Choose the THREE most appropriate actions to take in this situation
A Trick the boy into having the cannula inserted by hiding the equipment
from him until the last possible moment.
B Use a play therapist to familiarize the patient with the procedure, even
though this might take several hours.
C Explain to the parents that you will insert the cannula in the middle of
the night when the patient is least likely to resist.
D Explain to the parents that it would be safer to physically restrain
the child.
E Explore the anxieties of the parents before pursuing a mutually
agreed plan.
F Off er to use an intramuscular sedative to ‘help him sleep’ during the
G Ask to cannulate the parents fi rst in order to demonstrate the procedure
to the patient.
H Talk to the patient to see how he would feel about the procedure.
- B, E, H
Play therapists are a particularly eff ective resource as they can invest
appropriate time working with children to facilitate successful procedures
(B). Before implementing any intervention, it is necessary to
explore any concerns of the parents and/or patient and gain their cooperation
(E). It is imperative to establish what the patient can comprehend,
as learning diffi culties span a vast range of cognitive abilities (H).
Tricking the patient into the procedure (A) or attempting it in the middle
of the night (C) could jeopardize the relationship between clinicians and
patient. It would be sensible to attempt options (B), (E), and (H) before
resorting to restraints (D) or sedation (F). Inserting a cannula in parents
is unnecessary, and is unlikely to alleviate the child’s concerns (G).
- You are involved in a clinical research project, taking consent
for the collection of an additional oesophageal biopsy during
oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD). A patient with long-standing
gastric refl ux disease arrives for her regular OGD. She is very pleasant
and accommodating but is known to be anxious prior to OGD
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A As she is anxious and unlikely to want further information, briefl y
explain that she can help with medical research if she signs a
consent form.
B Explain the complications from the OGD, and how one additional
biopsy adds very little to her total risk from the procedure.
C Try to alleviate her future anxiety by explaining that she is participating
in a trial that will eventually lead to the development of less invasive
methods of oesophageal examination.
D Take the extra biopsy, but wait until after the procedure to obtain
consent from the patient and before using any of the samples for
E Do not include the patient in the study, given her level of anxiety.
- B, C, E, A, D
A clinician of appropriate experience must consent the patient as usual
for her OGD. However, you might be an appropriate person to consent
the patient for the additional biopsy and participation in the trial. It
is essential that additional consent is obtained, irrespective of her perceived
anxieties; therefore (B) is the correct answer. (C) is a little unclear
but is a fairly neutral statement in that you are not told whether the
biopsy is going to go ahead or whether you are going to continue seeking
consent. It cannot be far wrong to address the patient’s anxieties in this
way, although obviously it does not directly address the current problem
of seeking consent for the biopsy. It is, however, better than (E), which
deprives the patient of participating in the trial and potentially weakens
the study, but if you feel unable to proceed with the consent process and
no one else is available to help then the patient must be excluded from
the study. (A) and (D) are the worst answers; (A) is coercive and seeks
to obtain inadequate consent, but this is marginally better than unlawfully
removing a biopsy from the patient with no legitimate indication
with no permission from the patient (D).
- You are looking after several unwell patients as the medical FY1
doctor covering wards at the weekend when a Sister asks you
for an urgent discharge summary to help relieve a bed crisis in the hospital.
She sympathizes with your workload but insists that a discharge letter
must be written immediately.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Acknowledge the severity of the bed crisis, but refer her to your registrar,
explaining that you have more urgent matters to attend to.
B Phone the registrar and ask if there are any spare junior doctors who
can assist with your tasks.
C Off er to write the discharge letter once you have stabilized your
D Ask the Ward Sister to complete the discharge letter but sign a blank
copy in advance to expedite the discharge.
E Take two minutes to write a brief discharge letter before returning to
the care of your patients.
- C, A, B, E, D
Ensuring the prompt and eff ective discharge of patients is an important
part of being an FY1 doctor. (C) is the best answer as you are being helpful
and providing a realistic estimate of the delay before you will be able to
complete the discharge letter and have correctly prioritized your unwell
patients. (A) is slightly less helpful as it needlessly involves your registrar
who is likely to be busy with other duties. (B) is a further attempt to assistbut is a more complex intervention than (C) and (A) and would be more
appropriate if clinically urgent commitments were arising together. (E) is
less than ideal because it implies that a discharge letter has been rushed
and is shorter than it should otherwise be; however, depending on the
case, a brief letter may be suffi cient to summarize the pertinent aspects
of the patient’s care. It is certainly preferable to (D) which requires the
Sister to complete a duty with which she is likely to be unfamiliar and putting
your signature against a document you have not seen.
- A patient with newly diagnosed terminal lung cancer asks to
see you on the general medicine ward. He would like to make
a complaint about your registrar, whom he feels has failed to off er him
treatment that might prolong his life.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Empathize with the patient’s traumatic experience and off er to raise
the matter with the registrar and consultant.
B Defend the registrar’s actions, highlighting their knowledge and experience,
and the generally poor prognosis of most lung cancers irrespective
of the treatment modality.
C Explore the patient’s concerns further.
D Inform the patient that you will refer him to the oncologist to consider
E Off er him the services of an appropriate religious leader to address
any spiritual questions he may have.
- C, A, B, E, D
The key issues here are keeping an open mind while trying to support
your colleague. (C) is clearly correct as there may well be a simple misunderstanding
which can be clarifi ed, and you cannot proceed much further
without understanding the patient’s concerns in detail. (A) is also clearly
correct, although in itself does not off er you the best chance at resolving
the issue as there has been no attempt to understand the complaint in
any detail. (B) could represent many diff erent actions depending on your
communication skills and approach to your patient. It may well be appropriate
to explain to your patient that the registrar is a very senior doctor
and that lung cancer is diffi cult to tolerate. But this seems unlikely to placate
the patient completely and it is probable that some other intervention
is also required (e.g. (C) and (A)). (E) and (D) are wrong. The patient
has not indicated he has any spiritual questions at the moment or would
like to meet a spiritual leader; however, this is perhaps less incorrect than
(D) as it is not the role of the FY1 doctor to refer for a treatment which
it sounds as if your seniors have deemed to be inappropriate.
- You are working in a team of three surgical FY1 doctors. Tim,
one of the surgical FY1 doctors, leaves the ward on time every
day but routinely fails to complete his daily tasks. You decide to address
the matter after leaving another shift more than an hour late in order to
complete Tim’s tasks.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Share any additional workload between yourself and the other surgical
FY1 doctor without involving Tim in the matter.
B Inform Tim of your additional workload and ask him whether he is
experiencing any diffi culties in completing his routine jobs.
C Speak to your other surgical FY1 colleague and encourage her not to
complete Tim’s routine tasks.
D Demand that Tim arranges a meeting with his foundation and clinical
supervisors in order to ‘address his failings’.
E Inform your consultant.
- B, E, A, D, C
The correct answer is (B) as it allows you to identify if there are any
problems or diffi culties that might be impacting on Tim’s performance,
as well as ensuring he is aware of the developing situation. This is better
than (E) as it attempts to resolve the problem itself. (A) is the fi rst incorrect
answer as it fails to address the underlying problem, although it does
ensure that the work is completed. (D) and (C) are not constructive suggestions;
(D) is unlikely to yield a positive result because of the approach
taken, but (C) could easily be interpreted as vindictive, working behind
Tim’s back, and could result in important tasks going uncompleted.
- Phlebotomy rounds have been cancelled. You delegate venesection
to your ward team. A nurse refuses to take blood from
a patient who is being investigated for HIV.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = Most
appropriate; 5 = Least appropriate)
A Explain the ethical responsibility of medical staff to all patients.
B Demand that the nurse attempts to take the blood sample or else she
will be reported.
C Ask about her concerns about the task and what could be done to
improve her confi dence in this situation.
D Take the sample yourself.
E Instruct another nurse to take the sample, but avoid telling them
about the patient’s possible HIV status to avoid frightening them.
- C, D, A, B, E
In any scenario where a colleague voices concerns, you should explore
these further to identify ways of alleviating the problem; therefore (C) is
the correct answer. (D) is the next best answer as it achieves an outcome.
The reason that (A) is not better than (D) by itself is that it is a
statement of principle and does not resolve the problem at hand. (B) is
wrong because you are not in a position to demand that your colleague
must perform a particular task, and it is likely to lead to a poor outcome.
(E) is the worst answer because it unnecessarily misleads a colleague and
exposes them to a health risk.