Edward's Inheritance: Northumberland Flashcards
Who was the Earl of Warwick and what was he made?
- John Dudley
- made the Duke of Northumberland
What similarities had Somerset and Northumberland experienced in the court of Henry VIII?
- both members of reformist faction
- equal in strategy
What evidence was there that Northumberland was a much more able politician?
- he had overcome opposition from the Earl of Southampton and the Earl of Arundel to gain control of the royal household and Privy Council
- he showed political skill when he masterminded Somerset’s demise, plotting with the conservatives and Cranmer simultaneously
After gaining Edward’s trust, what did Somerset do?
- ensured conservatives were expelled from council
- made himself President
How did Northumberland improve the council?
- increase size of Privy Council to 39
- selected councillors on whose loyalty he could rely
- created an inner working committee to conduct day-to-day business which saw government return to the Privy Council (this made the council more efficient)
How do supporters of Somerset justify Northumberland’s success?
- it was a result of learning from his predecessor’s failures
- if Somerset had been protector after Northumberland he would have had the freedom to make decisions that weren’t possible at the time
Why was there increasing support for ending hostilities against France and Scotland?
- increasing cost of war and lack of resources
When the deputation went to negotiate peace with France in 1550, what did they demand in return for ceding Boulogne? What was the reality of the situation?
- ransom to be paid by the French (Treaty of Boulogne - March 1550 - required England to withdraw from Boulogne in return for 400,000 marks)
- support for marriage between Edward and Mary Queen of Scots (Edward was promised daughter of Henry II and MQS was betrothed to French Dauphin)
How did France get away with embarrassing Britain in the Treaty of Boulogne? How did it financially benefit Britain?
- England’s position was weak so France pushed their advantage
- the ending of hostilities ended the military drain on resources but a more systematic approach was necessary
How did Northumberland initially deal with the financial issues?
- ordered further debasement of coinage
- borrowed £357,000
Who from the treasury tackled the economic problem? How many strategies did they have? Outline them
- William Cecil and Thomas Gresham
- 7
1) chantry lands, church lands, Church plate sold to pay off short-term loans
2) strict economies made in government spending
3) contingency fund established - ‘privy coffer’ (part of enforced stricter methods of accounting)
4) Gresham went to Netherlands with £12,000 per week to manipulate economy
5) March 1552: coinage called in and silver content restored to 1527
6) 1552: commission appointed to review organisation and practices of Exchequer to make revenue collection more efficient
7) revision of Custom and Excise rates
What is a direct comparison that can be made between Somerset and Northumberland showing Northumberland’s expertise?
- Somerset attempted to do everything personally
- Northumberland was prepared to delegate
What successes in financial policy did North have?
- ending of debasement checked inflation
- restoration of confidence in sterling helped to stimulate trade especially in East Anglia
How did Northumberland tactfully target his actions to prevent social unrest and gain support from labouring poor and middling sort?
- unpopular vagrancy act and enclosure commissions withdrawn
- unpopular tax on sheep was repealed
- 1554: passed acts gaining further support - protected arable farming and protected the excessive of charging of interest on loans
What is Hoak’s view on Northumberland?
- had considerable executive abilities and defined realistic policies
What is Pollard’s view on Northumberland?
- inherently evil man who brought down the generous and good-hearted Somerset
As well as action from the Treasury, how else did Northumberland tackle financial issues?
- Feb 1550: Paulet was appointed Lord Treasurer with task of reforming finances