Educational policy (sociologists) Flashcards
What did BALL ET AL say about educational choice and markets?
Privileged/ skilled choosers: (M/C)
- Had the time and social contacts to make informed choices -deciding best school
- Money to move into catchment area
- Pay for private education
Disconnected choosers: (W/C)
- Limited access to private transport
- Often chose local school - Based on happiness of their children, not academic reputation
What are some evaluative points of the marketization in schooling?
See the system resulting in cream-skimming
most successful schools in wealthiest areas able to attract most able students from most affluent backgrounds
How did TOMLINSON evaluate the New Labour policies?
- Reintroducing selection through specialist schools, favoured middle school
- Over-emphasis on targets and league tables
What did BALL say about the globalisation of higher education?
Universities have become increasingly global institutions
(setting up subsidiaries in other countries, online courses, overseas students)
Increased migration could lead to more multicultural curriculum and greater understanding of different cultures
What did KELLY say about the effects of globalisation on educational policy?
Educational policy designed to produce workers who can compete in the global economy
Policies across world become more similar and try to achieve the same objectives
Similar school programmes introduced
Who argues that marketization was a good way to improve school standards?
Chubb & Moe
Who argues that the marketisation of education has led to a parentocracy?
What did McKNIGHT ET AL say about the New Labour policies?
Overall standards had risen
Reduction in class differences in achievement in school
What did the Department for Education say about pupils on free school meals?
Pupils on free schools meals still underachieve in comparison to their peers that are not on free school meals
What does GERWIRTZ say about parentocracy?
M/C parents are better able to take advantage of the choices available
What did COHEN say about the New Vocationalism?
Made young people easily exploited workers
What did TROWLER say about the New Labour policies?
New Labour underestimated the degree to which inequality in society prevents equality of opportunity in education
What is slits-shifting as described by BARLTETT & LE GRAND
Successful schools can avoid taking less able (W/C) pupils