Educational policy and inequality Flashcards
Explain tripartite system
Influeced by idea of meritocrace Created by 1944 education act created it GRAMMAR - achademic curricul - non mannual - pass 11 plus - mainly middpe class pupils SECONDARY MODERN - non achafemic - "practical" - pupils mainlu wc PRACTICAL SCHOOLS - only in a few areas IN PRACTICE MAINLY BIPARTITE
Comprehensive system
Introduced in many areas from 1964
Aimed to overcome class divide produced by tripartite system
All children go to comps
Some didn’t change and grammar still exists
Functionalists on comprehensive system
Believe it promotes social integration
It’s meritocratic
Gives people longer to prove their abilities
Marxists on education system
Reproduces inequality streaming labelling etc
what is marketisation
introducing market forces and consumer choice and competitoin between suppliers into areas ru by the state
‘educational market’
Education Reform Act - Con gvt of Thatcher
Blair and Brown followed similar policies
Con-Lib took even further by creating achademies and free schools
Marketisation - parentocracy
Public league tables Ofsted reports Exam published Business sponsorship Open enrolment Specialist schools Formula funding Can become achafemies Compete to attract pupils
League tables and cream-skimming
good schools can become more selective
Thus recruit high achieving mc pupils they then have an advantage
Silt shifting
Can avoid taking less able pupils
whats the funding formula
schools allocated funds based on how any pupils they attract – better qualified teachers and money to popular schools
unpopular schools lose income
Gewitz and parental choice
Used cultural an economic capital to gain educational capital for their children
Found hard to understand system
the myth of parentocracy
ball believes it also legitimises inequality
gives apperance of parentocracy
myt - not al parents have same freedom to choose e.g. Gewitz
how did nl try and reduce inequality
Education Action Zones – areas deprived get aditional resources
Aim Higher Programme - target those underrep in the ed system
City Academys
who criticises this
Melissa Benn contradictionn between lab policies to tackel inequality and its committment to marketisation ‘new labour paradox’
e.g. EMA but then tuition fees
never removed private school charitable status
coalition polices
academies - all schools encouraged to leave local authority and become academies
by 2012 over half had
they reduced focus on inequality that nl had - any school to do it not just failing schools
free schools - contriversial
Allen found that they mainly only benefit children from highly ed families
fragmented centralisation
fragmentation - comp system being replaced with patchwork of diverse provisions
centralisation of control - reduced role of local gvt