Education: Privatisation and Globalisation Flashcards
Which government encouraged the privatisation of education?
Policies encouraging the privatisation of education were a key part of the conservative governments aims from 2015 onwards.
Why do the New Right and Neoliberals support privatisation policy?
They argue state involvement leads to a beaurocratic self interest and low standards. They believe that private companies are used to keeping cost down so will run certain aspects of the education system more efficiently than LEAs.
Private Finance Intitatives
When private companies work together with the state, for example as a part of large scale building projects.
How are private companies involved in large scale building projects?
Private sector companies can provide cheap capital to design, build, and operate new buildings.
How have private public partnerships been criticised?
Local authorities often don’t have a choice when entering these schemes and find it necessary as the only way of building new schools due to a lack of funding from central government. They pay back so much in interest that these schemes really only benefit the companies involved.
Simon et al (2022)
Compred early years providers (nurseries) that were acting for profit to those that were non-profit. They theorised that for profit nursery chains were delibirately putting nurseries at risk of bankrupsy in order to extract government money to parent companies.
What did Simon et al (2022) find out about early years providers acting for profit?
They were more likely to have:
1. High levels of debt
2. Poor accounting
3. Spent less on wages
4. Had lower educational standards
How is the policy of academisation linked to the blurring of the public/private boundary?
Becuase many academies are run and operated by private corporations and become part of a chain.
Pollack (2004)
Criticises academisation and marketisation for encouraging a side stepping of local authority democracy, which undermines LEA control of education.
Why do Marxists criticise privatisation?
They argue it turns education into a commodity to be bought and sold by capitalists in an ‘education market’. The claim that privatisation creates competition and drives up standards is a myht used to legitimate turning education into a source of profits for the ruling class.
Hall (2011)
Sees coalition government policies as part of the long march of the neoliberal revolution.
Ball (2007)
Is critical of what they call the ‘education services industry’.
How does privatisation link to increased choice and diversity?
Companies provide students with a diverse range of products and lerning material, particularly within the online sphere. This has improved the standards of education beucase pupils are more able to find resources and materials that best suit their learning needs and styles.
What might postmodernists argue about privatisation?
Privatisation has priovided pupils with a more diverse range of learning materials and styles, and postmodernists argue this type of learning best reflects the needs of a post-fordist system.