Education Policy & Standards Flashcards
Butler Act 1944
tripartite system
allocated to school based on perceived abil - all take 11+
gram for bright academic = 20%
sec mod = maj = basic edu X external exams until CSEs
tech - if interested in tech subjects - vocational skills = 5%
Tripartite System
intended to provide sep but equal types of edu for partic talents
stated all pupils should have equal status w/ equip & staffing quality
in prac X work
Evaluation of Selection
11+ = unreliable use of IQ testing = X good measure of aca abil
process = unfair - denied many pupils access to edu beyond 18
no parity of esteem sec mod schools seen as 2nd best by parents, pupils & employers
soc class divisions
created edu market to improv quality by dec direct state control inc comp between schools & inc parental choice of school
League Tables
pub exam results want to be good so attract parents
cream skimming - top schools can take high ach pupils = MC
silt shifting - top schools can avoid lower ach pupils - lower ranked forced to take
Business Sponsorship
provide resources then can advertise at events
get m £ so have m resources = m appealing to students so then get m formula funding
LEA Control
2010 could opt out of LEA control & = academy
get central gov funding & can control cur
means can comp w/ local schools & provide slightly dif services
gives parent insight into school want high ranking / good report to attract m parents
mod reviews = less accessible to parents not just one word = description
where parents gave greater choice over school their children attend
Evaluation of Meritocracy
Ball & Whitty - reprod inequal
- league tables & Bartlett - encours cream skimming & silt shifting
- formula funding - pop schools w/ better facs & results get m £ less desireable get less £ X improv
Ball - myth of parentocracy edu system based on idea parents have free choice - choosers Leech & Campos MC can afford to move to catchment for good school
priviledged skilled choosers - pro MC p’s - econ & cul cap gain children’s edu cap - take advan of choices & can navi admis - £ pay for transport to better school
disconnected local choosers - WC restricted by econ & cul cap admis = dif safety & facils = m NB than rank X £ for trans
semi skilled choosers - mainly WC but ambitious for children - lack cap & find edu market dif - rely on others ops = frust by inabil to access des school
New Labour & Inequality
edu action zones - extra resources
aim higher - raise aspirs of groups underrep in edu
edu maintenance allowance (EMAs) payments to lower backgrounds to encour edu post 16
Crticisms of New Labour
cost of edu - EMAs to help w/ FE but HE = v expensive
grammar & fee paying schools - inequal X abol
marketisation maintains inequal
Conservative Gov 2010
schools encour to leave LEAs
direct state funding
control cur - some run by priv edu businesses
Free Schools
Conservative Gov 2010
direct state funding
set p by parents etc who = unhappy w/ local edu standards
claim improve stans by removing state control
Allen (2010) research in Sweden = 20% free schools - only ben if from highly edu fam - cause class division