Education Policies Markestisation Flashcards
What is marketisation?
The 1988 encouraged marketisation this was the idea that education should run like business. Schools would compete with each other in terms of parents and students
Imbed to help schools compete
Over enrollment- allowed successful schools to expand to limit.
Formula funding- money given to school was based number of students.
What is parentocracy
Before students allocated to schools . Era symbolised power marketisation encouraged era aimed transform parents as consumed in education marketisation aura ability to choose best suited schools.
Era measures league tables
National curriculum
Ofsted inspections.
New vocationsilm
New right policies argued youth employment was caused by skills crisis. Vocationalism qualifications taught in schools trained to prepare students more teaching specialist skills.
What is coalition government
The academies act- allowed alll existing faith and state schools that achieved outstanding grades in. 2017 oftsed inspctions. Encouraged privatisation of educationalist privatisation encourages business to invest
What is privatisation
Involves moving functions of previously by government into private sectors to be business for profit.
Ne right sociologists see privatisation as good state sense. Often inefficient and wasteful.
Wintour- removal of ema has lowered rate
Radiative- claims that students premium being too extra middle class
Marxists Finn- argue of rather than ineadquate skills inequality middle class more.
Ball- markestisation reproduced social class inequality
Select of cream middle academies less likely tho admit.
Gerwirz- parentocracy is a myth because parental power is not equality. Disturbed across all parents social capitall.