Education- Applied Research Methods Flashcards
What is a subculture?
A group who share ideas and behaviour patterns which are different from the mainstream culture
Which studies used unstructured interviews to study subcultures?
Willis’ study of pupil subcultures and Labov’s study of linguistic deprivation
What are advantages of using unstructured interviews to study education?
- Allow interviewer to build up a rapport with student which could give a greater insight into their thoughts and feelings
- Helps gain trust and make students feel more comfortable so good for investigating sensitive issues
- Offer greater validity
- Away from peer pressure so increases validity
What are disadvantages of using unstructured interviews to study education?
- Time-consuming
- May not be representative
- Could have interviewer effects decreasing validity
- Qualitative data, less reliable
- Students could lie
What happen in participant observations?
Researcher gets involved with the people they’re studying
What happens in covert participant observations?
People being studied don’t know why researcher is really there
What are advantages of using participant observations to study education?
- Allows researcher to observe labelling in a natural, real-life settings
- Could get more valid data
What are disadvantages of using participant observations to study education?
- Often requires deception which has ethical issues
- Might be difficult to gain access
- Researcher may become too familiar with subjects and find it hard to analyse objectively
- Less reliable and less representative
What are advantages of using questionnaires to study education?
- Can quickly collect a large amount of data so makes results representative
- Private questionnaires may give more honest results
- Easily repeated so makes data reliable
What are disadvantages of using questionnaires to study education?
- Participants could lie, making data less valid
- Closed questionnaires don’t allow people to explain answer
What are advantages of using official statistics to study education?
- Hard statistics are reliable because they’re objective
- Easily compared because they’re a form of quantitative data
What are disadvantages of using official statistics to study education?
- Soft statistics could be less valid
- Don’t offer as much insight