Basics- Sociological Theories Flashcards
What does functionalism say?
The individual is the product of society
What does Durkheim say?
Society is made up of various institutions and each has a useful function
What kind of theory is functionalism?
A structural theory as they look at how society is structured
What do functionalists look at?
How institutions in society work and how they affect individuals
What are some examples of social institutions and their functions?
- The family- function of socialising children
- Education- function of preparing young people for adult society
- Religion- function of uniting society through shared beliefs
Why are the social institutions structured as the are?
They allow society to run as smoothly as possible
How do interactionists (interpretivists) criticise functionalists?
Functionalists don’t focus enough on the individual
How do Marxists criticise functionalists?
Functionalism ignores the unequal power of some groups, society is structured to serve the interests of the rich rather than to keep society ticking along as smoothly as possible
What does Marxism say?
The individual is the product of economic forces
What does Marx focus on?
The effects of capitalism, society’s economic system (infrastructure) influences its non-economic institutions (superstructure) which determines society’s beliefs and values
What do Marxists believe is the most important force in society?
Class conflict
Why are workers employed in capitalist societies?
To produce goods which are sold by their employers at a profit and most of this money is kept by the employer, only some of this money ends up in the workers’ wages
What would happen if workers were to notice the unfairness of the system?
They would revolt
How does capitalism avoid revolution?
Shapes the superstructure to make sure workers accept their lot in life
What do social institutions (family, education, religion) do according to Marxists?
Lead individual into accepting the inequalities of capitalism
What are the 2 social classes that Marx believes that society is divided into?
Bourgeoisie and proletariat
What is the bourgeoisie?
Ruling class, minority with all the money and power
What is the proletariat?
Working class, majority with little or no power