Beliefs- Theories of Ideology Flashcards
What are the 5 ways ideology has been defined?
- A set of political beliefs
- Ideas and beliefs of a particular social class
- Dominant ideas and beliefs of the ruling class
- Official beliefs of a political system
- Set of beliefs that represent a total view of reality
Who uses the word ideology?
Prominent thinkers
How do Marxists see ideology?
As the set of ruling ideas that keep workers in their place
How do feminists see ideology?
As both the set of ideas that keep women oppressed and a potentially liberating set of beliefs
How do liberals see ideology?
As totalitarian and oppressive, reject the idea that there can be a monopoly of truth
What did Marx believe was the most important force in society?
Class conflict between the workers and the ruling class
What are the ideas that a society lives by according to Marx and Engels?
The ideas of that society’s ruling class
Why are workers employed in capitalist society?
To produce goods which are sold by their employers to make money
What happens to the money in capitalist societies?
Only a bit of it ends up in workers’ wages but most is kept by the employer
What did Marx say would happen if workers were allowed to notice the unfairness of capitalism?
They’d revolt
Why are ruling ideas needed by the ruling class?
To make a grossly unfair system appear fair and legitimate and therefore keep it going
Why does Marx claim that ruling-class ideology creates a ‘false consciousness’ for the workers?
It gets them to believe that the system and their position within it are both fair and just by mystifying and falsifying their picture of reality
What was the function of ideology for Marx?
To keep the workers in their place and stop them rebelling
Why does only the ruling class have an ideology according to Marx?
Because only they have the need to create illusions
Who developed the Marxist view of ideology?
How do hegemonic ideas dominate?
Other values and ideas still exist in society but don’t get taken seriously and ruling-class ideas become ;the common sense of the age’
Why does Gramsci say that it is difficult to challenge the ruling-class ideology?
It becomes entrenched in all areas of social life
Why does nobody question the ruling class’s right to rule?
Because nobody questions common sense
What did Althusser argue?
Elements of society like the education system, mass media and religion were Ideological State Apparatuses
What are the ISAs?
A tool of capitalism used the justify, maintain and reproduce class inequalities
What are the 2 ways Mannheim defined ideology?
- A set of beliefs used to justify and perpetuate an existing social order
- A utopian set of beliefs about how the world could be organised in the future
Who tends to form utopian ideologies?
Oppressed groups who want radical change
How can Marxism be seen as a utopian ideology?
Its vision of an ideal future society after the ruling class has been overthrown and the ideal vision is used to criticise existing society
How could functionalism be seen as a ruling-class ideology?
It seeks to justify existing society with its emphasis on agreement, consensus and stability