Education Flashcards
A social institution for transmitting knowledge and skills, as well as teaching cultural norms and values
Pre-Industrial Societies
Education occurs informally within the family
Industrial Societies
Develop formal systems of schooling to educate their children
Formal instruction under the direction of specially trained teachers
Functional Illiteracy
A lack of the reading and writing skills needed for everyday living
Schooling in India
Now a middle-income country, but patriarchy continues to shape education; more boys attend than girls; Girls are often expected to work in factories at young ages
Schooling in Japan
The earliest years of schooling concentrate on transmitting Japanese cultural traditions; More men/women graduate in Japan than in Canada; post-secondary education determined by highly competitive examinations
Schooling in Great Britain
During Middle Ages, school = British nobility; Industrial Revolution created a need for literate workforce; Elite schools provide a path for admission to most prestigious universities
Schooling in Canada
Universal education at the time of Confederation; Intended to promote equal opportunity but the opportunity to go to college/university is closely tied to family income; stressed value of practical learning, but lag behind in awarding degrees
Socialization, Cultural Innovation, Social Integration, Social Placement
Latent Functions
Providing child care and the opportunity for building social networks
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Self-image can have important consequences for how students perform (think they’re superior, will perform better)
Social-Conflict Theory
Formal education generates conformity to produce obedient adult workers; standardized tests criticized as culturally biased tools that lead to labelling less privileged as deficient
Assigning students to different types of educational programs; Challenged by critics as a program that gives a better education to privileged youth
Education of Aboriginal People
Levels of education lag behind; gap is increasing despite improvement; almost half do not graduate high school; residential schools are responsible
Hidden curriculum
Subtle presentation of political or cultural ideas in the classroom
Difficult to maintain; leads to physical assault, and infrequently even murder
Dropout Rate
Young people are unprepared; graduation more common in those with 2 parents who completed high school
Declining Standards
Lower averages, functional illiteracy
Home Schooling
Originally for very religious upbringing; Now believe that parents can do a better job than teachers
Women have better records than men at post-secondary level; men tend to drop out earlier