Education Flashcards
What does Barry sugarman 1970 argue?
Argues wc subculture has 4 key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement:
-immediate gratification
-present time orientation
Believes these features are passed on through parented through primary socialisation
What did Leon Feinstein find?
Found that more highly qualified parents are more likely to use language in ways that challenges their children and are more likely to use praise which encourages their children
What did Tonya and Williams 1986 argue about language as a criticism?
Argue that the problem isn’t the child language but the schools attitudes towards it teachers have a speech hierarchy they label middle class speech highest followed by wc speech then black speech
What did basil Bernstein argue?
He distinguishes between two types of speech code between wc and middle:
-the restricted code (speech code typically used by wc, limited vocab and short sentences)
-the elaborated code (typically used by mc, wider vocab, complex sentences)
Elaborated code gives children an advantage in schools
Criticism of speech codes by gaine and George 1999
Cultural deprivation theories exaggerate the differences between classes gaine and George criticise Bernstein for exaggerating and oversimplifying the difference between wc and mc speech
What study did Douglas 1964 conduct about parents education ?
Douglas concluded that wc parents placed less value on education as a result they were less encouraging and less ambitious for their child to do well and took less interest
What did Goodman and gregg 2010 say about parents education?
Found that parental involvement in their children’s schooling was the single most important factor affecting their achievement
What did Bernstein and young 1967 say about parents use of income on education?
Found that mc mothers were more likely to buy educational toys and books to stimulate intellectual development wc parents are less likely to buy these things so may start school without the skills needed to progress parents with higher education also have better knowledge on nutrition and skills needed for school
What are examples of programmes that help children in poverty and indeed get on the same level?
Head start in USA, Aim higher uk ,sure start
What do Halsey and Whitty argue about programmes to help children ?
Argue that compensatory education programmes have had little impact partly because few resources have been allocated to them
Criticisms of cultural deprivation:
-victim blaming
-different not deprived (keddie 1973 dismisses the idea that failure at school can be blamed on a culturally deprived home background they fail because they are put at a disadvantage by an education system that is dominated by mc values.
-labelling/ self fulfilling prophecy
-parental interest (Gillian Evan’s 2006 says most parents want their children to succeed as they know it will lead to a better job, Blackstone and Mortimore 1994 wc parents attend fewer parents evenings not because of a lack of interest but because they work longer or less regular hours
What factors are maternal deprivation?
-diet and health
-financial support and costs of education
-fear of debt
-poverty is linked to education underachievement
What does Marilyn Howard 2001 say about diet and health?
Young people from poorer homes have lower intake of energy,vitamins and minerals poor nutrition affects health and weakness the immune system meaning days off school
What does Richard Wilkinson 1996 say about diet and health?
Among 10 year olds the lower the social class the higher the rate of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders which are likely to have a negative effect on a child achievement
David bull 1980 what does he say about financial support and its impact?
Refers to lack of financial support means that children from poorer families have to do without equipment and miss out on experiences that would enhance their education achievement.
What was EMA and who was it abolished by?
Financial support for students after 16 education maintenance allowecance byt was abolished by the coalition government in 2011
What are city technology schools?
All ability secondary schools based in urban centres and geared towards science,maths,technology and preparing students for the world of work
What are grammar schools?
State secondary schools that are free to attend but select their pupils by means of an examination taken by children at age 11. Known as the 11 plus
What are academy schools?
State funded schools in England which are directly funded by the department for education but independent of local authority control. They’re self governing non profit charitable trusts they don’t have to follow the national curriculum but do have to ensure that their curriculum is broad and balanced
What are free schools?
Funded by the government but aren’t run by the local authority. They have more control over how they do things they’re all ability schools and are run on a non profit basis and can be set up by groups like charities, unis
What are faith schools?
Have to follow the national curriculum but they can choose what they teach in religious studies faith schools may have different admissions criteria and staffing policies to state schools
Define human capital
Means the stock of knowledge,skills,values,habits and creativity that makes someone an economic asset to society
What is the hidden curriculum?
Means the informal learning processes that happen in school. It is a side effect of education that teaches students the norms and values of society.
What are particularistic values?
Means values and rules which only apply to that particular person in a given situation
What are universalistic values?
Means values and rules which apply to all members of society equally
What are the four functions of education ?
1.socialisation and social solidarity
2.bridge between family and society
3.developing human capital
4.role allocation
What is socialisation and social solidarity as a function of education and the thinker?
The education system meets a functional pre request of society by passing on the cultural and values of society. This is achieved hidden curriculum and PSCHE lessons
This helps to build social solidarity as it teaches students the core values of society
What is the bridge between family and society as a role of functions of education and key thinker?
Parsons believed that schools provide a link between the family and wider society which allows students to move from the ascribed status and particularistic values of the home to the meritocratic and universalistic values of wider society
What is developing human capital as a function of education and key thinker?
Schultz suggests that investment in education benefits the wider economy. Education can provide properly trained, qualified and flexible workforce. They argue that education makes sure that the best and most qualified people end up in jobs that require the most skill
How is role allocation a function of education and key thinker?
Davi’s and Moore argue that the education system provides a means to selection and sifting people into the social hierarchy. In a meritocratic society access to jobs and power,wealth and status are directly linked to educational achievement
Why it is a criticism that the functions of education ignore aspects of education?
The functions don’t explain all of education which it ignore aspects of education which are dysfunctional such as negative conflict
How is private education an evaluation for the functions of education?
Myth of meritocracy so achieving social mobility isn’t actually achievable without help or already being rich
What do Marxists say about the hidden curriculum?
Hidden curriculum reinforces social inequality and maintains ruling class ideology
What do feminists say about the hidden curriculum ?
Hidden curriculum maintains and reinforces patriarchy not meritocracy
What does Wong criticise about the functions of education and functionalists ?
Functionalists see children as passive puppets of socialisation when the process is much more complex and involves teacher-pupil relationship
Is there a strong or weak link between educational achievement and economic success and what does this support?
Weak link which shows that the roles that functionalists argue education has might not be accurate
What do the new right believe is the role of education?
Similar beliefs to the functionalists but believe that the state takes too much of a role and the free market policies (marketisation) would raise standards
Schools should compete with one another and parents and pupils should be seen as consumers
What idea did Chubb and moe introduce to introduce marketisation in schools?
Education vouchers and parentocracy Where the parents get vouchers and give it to the school that they want to go to the most and they get the most pupils so the most money so will want to keep a high standard
What is the Influence of education policy ?
1980s vocational education
1988 education reform act :
-funding formula
-league tables
New labour- academies
Coalition government -free school -privatisation of education
What is the ideological state apparatus ?
Means a social institution whose main role is to pass on the dominate ideology of the ruling class
What is a repressive state apparatus ?
Means a social institution whose main role is to enforce the dominant ideology by force or threat e.g. police
What is the correspondence principal ?
Means the ways in which the education system mirrors the world of work e.g. hierarchy and punctuality
What do Marxists argue is the main role of education ?
Maintain capitalism and reproduce social inequality
What does Althusser argue a Marxists that education does ? 2 things
-reproduction of social inequality
-legitimisation of social inequality
How education created reproduction of social inequality according to Althusser?
Education deliberately engineers w/c failure in order to create an unqualified factory workforce
Priatve education prepares children of the elite for positions of power
Hidden curriculum is shaped to assist mc achievement and deter wc achievement
How does education legitimise social inequality according to Althusser?
Mc has access to more cultural and economic capital which puts them at an advantage
Education encourages students to blindly accept capitalist values through the hidden curriculum
According to Marxists Bowles and gintis what are the two roles of education?
-correspondence principle
-myth of meritocracy
What is the correspondence principle according to Bowles and gintis?
Schools processes mirror the world of work in order to prepare them for manual labour e.g.
Wages not satisfaction, lack of control,obedience,achieved status, discipline and consequences, boredom
How does school create the myth of meritocracy according to Marxists Bowles and gintis ?
Education claims to be meritocratic but schools discriminate in favour of the middle class e..g language
Hidden curriculum lowers working class ambition
How does giroux a Neo Marxists disagree with the Marxists role of education?
Rejects the view that wc passively accept their position to become compliant workers
Existence of anti school subcultures,truancy and exclusion suggests both the hidden curriculum and correspondence principle have failed
Marxists often fail to acknowledge that gender and ethnicity often combine with class to produce success or faliure
How do Halsey floud and martin postmodernists disagree with the Marxist role of education?
They argue that Marxists exaggerate the effect the education has on wc achievement
They point out that gov policies such as comprehensivisation have improved the chances of the working class
What does Saunders a Neo liberal disagree with the Marxists role of education?
Saunders claims that middle class educational success is due to biological differences
How do Chubb and moe new right disagree with Marxists role of education?
They argue that the Marxists fail to see how education has failed all social groups not just the working class
They believe that education has failed to equip all students with the skills needed to be successful in the global market place
How do Morrow and Torres postmodernists disagree with the marixsits role of education?
Claim the students create their own identities rather than being constrained by traditional structures like class. In postmodern societies students are able to make their own choices about their identity e.g. increasing numbers of trans students
What are the three aims of education policy in the uk?
1.economic efficiency
2.raising educational standards
3.creating equality of educational opportunity
What is economic efficiency ?
Develop the skills of the young to improve the labour force this involves making the education system meet the needs of industry and employers
How can the uk raise educational standards?
Uk education needs to compete in global education market and is ranked against other counties e.g. PISA
What is creating equality of educational opportunity?
Ensuring all students get the best educational opportunities
What are the 4 aspects of educational equality identified by gillborn and youdell?
Equality of access- every child should have the same opportunities to access educational provision of similar quality regardless of socio economic background
Equality of circumstance-children should all start school with a similar socio economic background
Equality of participation-everyone should have the chance to ppts on equal footing
Equality of outcome-everyone should have the same chances of achievement in education
What 4 policies increased equality in education?
1988 education reform act-national curriculum
1965-comprehensive act
Schools admissions code
Policies that improve inequality in circumstances
How did the 1988 education reform act increase equality and what can be said as evaluation ?
All schools had to teach the same curriculum
However the curriculum isn’t suitable for all and only suits academic pupils more so doesn’t create equality
How did the 1965 comprehensive act increase equality and what can be said as evaluation?
Got rid of the 11+ exam and made it so all students would get parity of esteem and equality within education
However comprehensives are large schools so lack individual attention
How did the schools admissions code increase equality and what can be an evaluation?
Forbids discrimination in admitting pupil on grounds of socio economic background or ability
However covert selection still takes place by both schools and parents. Postcode lottery
How the pupil premium increase equality and what do Kerr and West say as evaluation?
Additional funding fro those students from a poor socio economic background. Compensatory education
Kerr and west-too many other factors outside of school that impact achievement
What are the 3 types of selection into education?
Selection by ability- entrance tests
Selection by aptitude-talents
Selection by faith
What are the two arguments in favour of selection in education ?
Allows high flyers to benefit
Specialised and focused teaching can take place
What are arguments against selection in education?
Late developers don’t benefit
Mixed ability fosters social cohesion
Reduced risk of labelling and therefore SFP
HA can act as an inspiration to other students
What is open enrolment ?
Parents can apply to any state school in any area and if the school is under subscribed they must take the child however over subscribed schools fill up quickly so many parents don’t get their 1 st choice
What is covert selection and who says it?
Tough and brooks
Back door social selection to cherry pick students discouraging parents of poorer students from applying in the first place through high uniform prices,making literature hard to understand, not advertising in poorer areas
Faith schools require a letter from spiritual leader to gain insight to the potential students family and commitment to both the faith and the school ethos
Define marketisation?
Means the process of where by services like education are pushed towards operating like a business based on supply and demand. Students are considered consumers rather than pupils
What types of privatisation in education?
Means changing the internal processes of a school to be more like a business for example treating parents and students as consumers, target setting, performance related pay and league tables
What is the privatisation of education ?
Means opening up aspects of education to private businesses such as staff training, school finances, school management and exams
What is parentocracy?
Means when a child’s educational achievement has more to do with parental wealth and wishes than student ability. Parents are able to have more choice over where to send their children
What are the 3 features of education and definitions of them?
-Independence- allowing schools to run themselves how they see fit
Competition-making schools compete with each other for students
Choice-giving customers more choice where they go to school
What are three elements of quality control in education ?
-ofsted inspections
-publication of performance tables such as examination results
-national curriculum baseline for what is taught
What are three strengths to privatisation of education?
-more efficient
-more choice for parents
-profit making might induce companies to support failing schools
What are three disadvantages of privatisation of education ?
-takes money from the education system
-business go out of business (leave schools stranded)
-less equality
What policies were intoduced by the conservative gov in 1979-1997 to promote marketisation?
-league tables
-local management schools
-funding formula
-open enrolment
What policies were intoduced by the conservative gov in 1979-1997 to promote marketisation and raise standards ?
-league tables
-local management schools
-funding formula
-open enrolment
What policies were intoduced by the conservative gov in 1979-1997 to raise standards?
-national curriculum
-national testing
What policies were intoduced by the labour gov in 1997-2010 to promote marketisation?
-business sponsored academies
-specialist schools
What were the policies introduced by the labour gov in 1997-2010 to raise standards?
-max class size for 5-7 years old
-building schools for the future program
-education action zones
-business sponsored academies
What were the polices introduced by the coalition government in 2010-2015 to increase marketisation?
-new style academies
-free schools
What were the policies introduce by the coalition government in 2010-2015 to raise standards?
-pupil premium
-English baccalaureate
-reform of the national curriculum
-reform of the exams system
-tougher performance targets for school
How can the myth of parentocracy be used as an evaluation of marketisation policies and raising standards?
Parents don’t have equal freedom to choose the schools which their child attends due to covert selection processs,postcode lotteries in catchment areas. Middle class parents have much more freedom I’m choice due to their cultural capital,higher education and income
How can the educational triage be used as evaluation for marketisation policies and raising standards ?
Teachers tend to allocate more resources to the students who are on the c/d boarder line in order to achieve the 5 a-c needed for the league tables thus ignoring those who are unlikely to achieve this
How can dumbing down be used as an evaluation of marketisation policies and raising standards ?
Due to the funding formula, schools need to retain and attract students in order to receive funding. Schools with therefore lead to the dumbing down of teaching and standards in order to retain students who might leave if they are pushed too hard or if the course are too difficult.
How can reduced quality control be used as an evaluation for marketisation policies and raising standards?
Ofsted is not as independent as it appears with government and politicians interfering with the process by changing the standards and goal posts.
How can reduced quality control be used as an evaluation for marketisation policies and raising standards?
Ofsted is not as independent as it appears with government and politicians interfering with the process by changing the standards and goal posts.
Define globalisation
The increased interconnectedness between people and nation states includes technological,economic and cultural interconnectedness
What are the PISA tests?
The programme for international student assessment is a worldwide study by the organisation for economic co operation and development in member and non member nations intended to evaluate educational systems by measuring 15 year old school pupils scholastic performance on mathematics,science and reading
What is the PREVENT policy?
Prevent is about safeguarding and supporting those vulnerable to radicalisation. Prevent is 1 of the 4 elements of consent the governments counter terrorism strategy it aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
What are the 5 features of globalisation?
Technological development
Economic changes
Political change
Cultural changes
What is the impact of globalisation on eduction ?
-increased competition for jobs meaning that schools have to change the curriculum to meet new needs e.g. computer science
-global ICT companies such as apple and google creating online resources and curriculum
-increased multiculturalism in schools and decline of the ethnocentric curriculum
-increased competition between schools and unis for students
-global ranking used to compare and contrast systems and raise standards
-increased risk and safeguarding issues for schools e.g cyber bullying, prevent and anti radicalisation
What is the hyper globalist view on globalisation effect on education?
Ohmae: creation of global citizens
-greater tolerance and respect for differences
-greater access to info creating higher educational achievement
What is the Marxists view on globalisation and education ?
Globalisation only provides more educational opportunities to the wealthy
Joel spring: global corporations are setting educational agenda
-creating a digital divide
-disempowering of teachers
What is the Neo liberal view on globalisation and education ?
Globalisation allows foe private schools and unis to explain around the world
Globalisation means the government can play a reduced role in the education system and reduce funding
What is the New fordists view on globalisation and education?
Globalisation has increased competition in the job market which means governments should increase education spending
Needs to be more focus on skills and competences to be able to compete globally
What does streaming mean?
Means placing students in groups according to ability across all subjects
What is self fulfilling prophecy ?
Means when a pupil takes on the label that they have been by the school and acts accordingly
What is bernsteins language codes when applied to education ?
Restricted code is speaking less formally which would be the wc
Elaborated code is speaking formally which is the middle class
What is the labelling theory ?
Suggest that teachers often attach a label to a pupil that has little to do with their actual ability or aptitud. Instead they form an opinion of the student based on how close the students fit the ideal pupil Becker suggests that teacher/pupil interactions are based upon these labels and can lead to a self fulfilling prohecy where the students take on the label and act accordingly
How can the labelling theory be seen as deterministic ?
Focuses on the negative effects
Labelling theory attributes too much importance to teacher agency (the autonomous power of teachers to influence and affect pupils) structural sociologists might point out that schools themselves encourage teachers to label students
What did Margaret fuller 1984 find in her investigation ?
She researched black girls in a London comprehensive school found that the black girls were labelled as low achievers but their response to this negative labelling was to knuckle down the study hard to prove their teachers and the school wrong
What did rosenthal and Jacobson investigate and find ? Pygmalian in the classroom
Fake IQ test was given to students random 20% students identified as bright, went back after a year and found that those students had made more progress than others
What did ray rist investigate ?
Us primary school study
Teachers used home background to group students
Tigers- neat mc fast students
Cardinals-wc middling ability
Clowns- wc troublesome
Labels carried through later years
What did hempel Jorgenson investigate ?
Ideal pupil varies according to the make up of the school
Aspen- wc school discipline was a problem ideal pupil is quiet passive and obediant
Rowan- mc school few discipline problems ideal pupil is defined by personality and academic ability rather than behaviour
What does mac an ghaill 1994 identify as the two types of pro school subcultures?
The academic achievers: seek to achieve academic success by focusing on traditional academic subjects such as English, maths and sciences
The new enterprisers: rejected the traditional academic curriculum but were motivated to study subjects such as business and computing which they see as a route to economic success
What does mac an ghaill 1994 identify as the two types of pro school subcultures?
The academic achievers: seek to achieve academic success by focusing on traditional academic subjects such as English, maths and sciences
The new enterprisers: rejected the traditional academic curriculum but were motivated to study subjects such as business and computing which they see as a route to economic success
What are the characteristics of an anti school subculture?
Lower streams
Rejection of school values
Not doing homework
What does Lacey say about the formation of pupil sub cultures and says that differentiation and polarisation is ?
Differentiation- the process of teachers categorising pupils according to how they perceive their ability,attitude and behaviour. Streaming is a form of differentiation as it categorises pupils into different classes
Polarisation- the process by which pupils respond to differentiation by moving towards one of two opposite poles or extremes i.e pro or anti school subcultures
How do schools shape pupil identities ? 8 things
-peer groups and symbolic capital
-school environments
-subject choice
-symbolic violence
-ethnocentric curriculum
How do peer groups shape pupil identity?
Reinforcing acceptable behaviours by ostraciticising those that don’t conform and giving status to those that do e.g. calling those that study names like nerd or geek
How does the school environment shape pupil identity and who is the key theorists?
Reay- students align their ability with the type of school that they attend. Students who attend a poor performing school see themselves as poor students and more likely to form anti school sub cultures, whereas those attending high performing schools tend to form pro school subcultures
How does subject choice shape pupil identity ?
Schools reinforced gender stereotypes in subject choices- pushing girls to expressive subjects and boys to instrumental ones this reinforces gender identity can also be achieved through stereotypical images within school
How do sub cultures shape pupil identity ?
Rejection by school can lead working class and minority ethnic groups to identify as being antiauthoritarian and therefore reject authority in all walks of life as shows by fullers, Willis, Sewell study
How do sub cultures shape pupil identity ?
Rejection by school can lead working class and minority ethnic groups to identify as being antiauthoritarian and therefore reject authority in all walks of life as shows by fullers, Willis, Sewell study
How does symbolic violence shape pupil identity and the key thinker?
Archer says schools impose forms of symbolic violence against students whose identities are shaped by designer clothing or hyper heterosexual feminine behaviour which suggests to those students that education isn’t for them.
How does the ethnocentric curriculum shape pupil identity and who is the key thinker?
Ball says the current curriculum is very focused on middle class white British culture what ball refers to as little englandism this can turn both ethnic minorities and girls who feel excluded
How do uniforms shape pupil identity ?
Uniform reinforces gender roles as girls expected to wear skirts and blouses and boys trousers and ties. Can also shape class identity with schools demanding certain standards of dress or pupils being sent home most schools also don’t take ethnic minority dress into account with their policies e.g. hair cuts and hijabs
How do uniforms shape pupil identity ?
Uniform reinforces gender roles as girls expected to wear skirts and blouses and boys trousers and ties. Can also shape class identity with schools demanding certain standards of dress or pupils being sent home most schools also don’t take ethnic minority dress into account with their policies e.g. hair cuts and hijabs
How does labelling shape pupil identity ?
Positive and negative labelling impacts of self esteem and self image students labelled negatively may assume that academic achievement is not part of their identity and therefore look towards more vocational course in the future
What are the 3 methods used to measure educational achievement ?
-raw GSCE grades
-attainment 8
-uni acceptances
How do raw GSCE grades measure educational achievement ?
Until 2017 educational achievement was measured by :
-the number of GSCE grades a-c a student achieved
-the number of GSCE grades a-c including English and maths a student achieved
Schools would be judged on the percentage of students in their school that achieved these two criteria
After 2017 this was changed to the number of 5-8 grades a student achieved again including English and maths and in general
How do raw GSCE grades measure educational achievement ?
Until 2017 educational achievement was measured by :
-the number of GSCE grades a-c a student achieved
-the number of GSCE grades a-c including English and maths a student achieved
Schools would be judged on the percentage of students in their school that achieved these two criteria
After 2017 this was changed to the number of 5-8 grades a student achieved again including English and maths and in general
How was attainment 8 used to measure educational achievement ?
Introduced in 2016 attainment 8 measures a students average grade across eight subjects
The 8 subjects fit into three groups:
-English and maths these are double weighted which means they count twice when English lit and Lang are both taken the highest of the 2 will be double weight the other will join the open group
-English baccalaureate these are the highest scores from the sciences, computer science, geography ,history and languages
-open group. Any remaining GSCEs and other approved academic, arts or vocational qualifications
A students attainment 8 score is calculated by adding up their points for their top eight subjects and dividing by 10 to get their score
How do uni acceptances measure educational achievement?
This comes from UCAS data that is released after all students have been places
It looks at the different social groups to see differences in acceptance of places at uni not the offers or applications
What are the 3 issues using those measures of educational achievement?
-open to manipulation by schools and the gov
-attainment 8 unfairly disadvantages those with SEND who might take less GSCES
-middle and upper class students are more likely yo go to private schools who do not take GSCEs but IGSCES or international baccalaureate which aren’t included in the official statistics
What are the 5 internal class factors of differential educational achievement ?
-self fulfilling prophecy
-setting /streaming
-pupil sub cultures
-pupils class identity
What is labellings impact on achievement ?
Leads to self fulfilling prophecy but some reject the label like fuller 1984 research on black girls in a London comprehensive school found that the black girls she researched were labelled as low achievers but their response to this negative labellering was to knuckle down and study hard to prove their teachers and the school wrong
How can the labelling theory be seen as deterministic?
It focus’s on the negative effects
Labelling theory attributes too much importance to teacher agency- structural sociologist might point out that schools themselves encourage teachers to label students
What impact on achievement does the self fulfilling prophecy have on education ?
A negative label usually placed on wc students can lead to students forming an anti school subcultures and underachieve at school
A positive label usually applied to mc students due to ideal pupil characteristics can lead to a pro school subculture and help students to achieve at school
What impact does streaming/ setting have on education?
Wc students are usually placed in lower sets which can lead to lower self esteem therefore under achieve being placed in lower streams can also limit student achievement by not allowing them access to opportunities to achieve
How can higher ability students be used as evaluation for streaming/ setting?
Setting and streaming allow for higher ability students to be stretched and the lower ability students to be supported which can lead to higher achievement
What does bourdieu say about pupils class identity affecting their achievement ?
Bourdieu says that habitus is learned or taken for granted which is ways of thinking,being or acting that are shared by a particular social class
It includes their taste,outlook on life, expectations and what is normal or realistic for people like us.
How does ones habitus impact them in education?
Middle class have power to set the habitus of the school giving middle class students an advantage
Wc habitus is devalued by schools and wc students felt that they had to change who they are in order to be academically successful
Wc habitus sees higher education as undesirable and unrealistic
Why do post modernists disagree with bourdieu and habitus having an impact on educational achievement?
Post modernists argue that class doesn’t have as much of an impact on students identity anymore due to the pick and mix culture
What are the 3 external factors of class in educational achievement ?
-cultural deprivation
-material deprivation
-bourdieu and capital
What did hubbs-trait and fernstein suggest about language being a result of cultural deprivation ?
Suggest that parents who challenge their children to evaluate their thinking are more likely to have higher cognitive ability.
Feinstein suggested that this is more likely to happen in families where the parents are educated and therefore middle class
What does Bernstein say about cultural deprivation affecting your language ?
He idenfied that the wc use restricted code and mc used elaborated code and this puts the mc at an advantage as they schools,teachers,textbooks and education system use the elaborated code
What does Douglas say about cultural deprivation affecting parental attitudes?
He argues that parental attitudes to education and their own levels of education often have a big impact on educational achievement. He argued that wc parents place less value on education and therefore are less likely to push their children academically and visit school less often and as a result the children have lower levels of motivation and achievement .
What does fernstein say about parental levels of education impacting achievement ?
He states that parents levels of education impact achievement as middle class parents socialise their children differently in particularly terms of parenting style where middle class parents are more consistent in terms of discipline and educational behaviours
What does sugarman argue about the difference of wc and mc subculture ?
Argues that the wc have a different culture to the middle class which is a barrier to educational achievement. He identified 4 elects of this subculture:
-immediate gratification
-present time orientation
Which leads to under achievement in education. Sugarman also links this to the security of middle class jobs which have room for progression and encourages ambition and long term planning which is then socialised into children who apply it to their education
Define cultural deprivation
Having inferior norms and values, skills and knowledge that make it difficult to access education
Define material deprivation
Not having the resources or spaces available to do well in school-linked to poverty
What does tanner point out about the hidden costs of education?
Points to the costs of transport,books,computers,uniforms,equipment and field trips can place a heavy burden on wc families
What does ridge suggest about wc working in school?
Highlights that working class pupils might need to take on paid work whilst still at school in order to help the household which takes time away from study
How does housing have an impact on education ?
Overcrowding in housing can have a direct effect in terms of lack of space for study, disturbed sleep and lack of development can also have am indirect effect in terms of child’s health and welfare as cold and amp housing cause ill health
What does Howard say about poor diets affecting education ?
Howard notes that children from poorer families have poorer diets and nutrition which leads to a lack energy and higher absence rates
What does Wilkinson suggest about having a poor background affecting education in mental issues?
There is a higher rate of hyperactivity and ADHD amongst 10 year old who are from lower income backgrounds which can lead to issues with education
What 3 capital types does bourdieu mention and how do they advantage mc in education?
Cultural capital- referring to the knowledge,attitudes, values, language and abilities of the middle class
Economic capital- referring to money and household income
Educational capital -parents having higher education
He says they are all linked and if you have one you most likely have all of them
What did Alice Sullivan 2001 find and do in her study?
Completed a study to assess students cultural capital. She used questionnaires and got 465 pupils across 4 schools to complete them. She found that those students who showed greater cultural capital were children of graduates and more likely to succeed at GSCE however cultural capital was only part of the reason for differences in educational achievement by social class, access to resources and greater aspirations also have a big impact.
What are the trends in ethnicity and achievement ?
DfES 2007
-only 24% of white males pupils who were on free school meal gained 5 a-c grades
-white and Asian pupils on average achieve higher than black pupils
-amongst Asians, Indians do better than Pakistanis and Bangladeshis
What does Hastings 2006 say about the trends in ethnicity and achievement ?
White pupils make less progress between the ages of 11-16 years old compared to black or Asian pupils if current trends continue then white pupils will become the lowest performing ethnic group in the uk
What does bowker 1968 say about language and ethnicity in the uk?
‘The education of coloured immigrants’ a lack of standard English creates a huge barrier to uk education
What does the swann report 1895 contradict bowker?
Found that language differences had little impact on achievement
What does the swann report 1895 contradict bowker?
Found that language differences had little impact on achievement
What does the swann report 1895 contradict bowker?
Found that language differences had little impact on achievement
What does Murray 1984 say about ethnic parenthood being to blame for underachievement ?
African Caribbean lone parenthood to blame. Lack of male role models means that mothers struggle to socialise children adequately.
What does scrunton 1986 argue that low achievement is a result of ?
Low achievement is the result of ethnic minorities failing to embrace and conform to British culture
What does hall 1992 means when he says culture of resistance leads to underachievement ?
The impact of slavery means that much of the black culture has lost its language, religion, ancestry etc the black culture are therefore much less likely to integrate and assimilate with white mc in the uk.
What do driver and Ballard argue family structure and Asian families?
Argue that Asian families have a much more pro school attitude from black families also because Asian families are rarely lone parents families they offer a bigger support network for children.
What does arnot say about the media and attitudes to school?
Suggest that the media have created a negative anti school role model for black pupils in particular which he describes as the ultra tough ghetto superstar reinforced through rap lyrics and mtv videos
What does driver say about which ethnicity does well in school?
Highlights how ethnicity can be an advantage in education e.g. African Caribbean girls actually do very well in school
What statistics does flaherty 2004 say about material deprivation statistics in ethnic groups?
-Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are 3x more likely than whites to be in the poorest of 1/5 of the population
-Africans,Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are 3x more likely to be unemployed than whites
-15% of minority groups live in overcorowede homes vs 2% for whites
-Pakistanis are 2x as likely to be in semi/un skilled jobs compare to whites
What does the Swann report 1985 say about social class and achievement?
Social class differences account for a high proportion of differences in achievement between ethnic groups
Why can we say that the Swann report is paradoxical?
The argument is paradoxical as we can’t tell id these groups underachieve with education because they are working class or if they end up being working class because other factors lead them to fail within education
What does Rex 1986 say about racism in wider society ?
Racism leads to social exclusion and accordingly poverty this is shown in housing,employment and education. Racism also leads to discrimination both inside and outside the classroom
What does noon 1993 investigate in racism within wider society?
Sent identical letters to 100 top uk companies but alternated between the names Evan’s and Patel the replies to the white candidate were more helpful and informative
How can the labelling theory be applied to ethnic minorities ?
Teachers particularly focus on how black and Asian pupils are labelled negatively
What do gilbourn and youdell say teachers treated ethnic minorities ?
Teachers were quick to discipline black pupils than others for similar behaviour. As such teachers misinterpret behaviour and see black pupils as anti authority. This creates conflict between teachers and pupils which reinforce steryotypes and leads to further problems
What does osler say about black students?
Black students are more likely to be both officially and unofficially excluded. They are also more likely to be in a PRU excluding them from mainstream education.
What does foster say about black students and setting?
Teachers stereotypes of black students could result in them being put in lower sets and therefore a self fulfilling prophecy of under achievement
What does wright say about Asian students ?
Study of a multi ethnic primary school saw that Asian students also suffer labelling she found that teachers held ethnocentric views. Which affected who they related to Asian pupils including leaving them out of discussions or using childish language when speaking to them leading to marganalisaiton
What are the 4 internal factors of differential educational achievement due to ethnicity?
-pupil identities
-pupil reponses and subcultures
-institutional racism
What does archer say about pupil identities and ethnicity?
Argues that the teachers dominant way of looking at things shapes and defines the pupils ethnic identity when students challenge these stereotypes they are treated more harshly
What are the three types of identity?
-ideal pupil identity
-pathologized pupil identity
-demonised pupil identity
What is the ideal pupil identity ?
-middle class
-masculine identity
-normal sexuality
-achieving in the right way through natural ability and talent
What is pathologized pupil identity?
-deserving poor
-feminised identity
-asexual/represeed sexuality
-plodding conformist
-slogger who succeeds through hard work rather than natural ability
What is a demonised pupil identity ?
-black or white
-working call
-hyper sexualised
-peer- led
-culturally deprived
What is a demonised pupil identity ?
-black or white
-working call
-hyper sexualised
-peer- led
-culturally deprived
What is a demonised pupil identity ?
-black or white
-working call
-hyper sexualised
-peer- led
-culturally deprived
What does mirza say about failed coping strategies?
Highlights how some pupils aren’t able to develop coping strategies when faced with teacher racism and labelling
Mirza identified 3 types of teacher racism:
-the colour blind
-the liberal chauvinists
-overt racists
Black girls would avoid these teachers by being selective about who they asked for help, getting on with their own work in lessons without taking part,avoiding certain options to avoid the teachers. This puts them at a disadvantage by restricting their opportunities therefore causing underachiement
What does mizra say about failed coping strategies?
Highlights how some pupils aren’t able to develop coping strategies when faced with teacher racism and labelling
Mirza identified 3 types of teacher racism:
-the colour blind
-the liberal chauvinists
-overt racists
Black girls would avoid these teachers by being selective about who they asked for help, getting on with their own work in lessons without taking part,avoiding certain options to avoid the teachers. This puts them at a disadvantage by restricting their opportunities therefore causing underachiement
What does Sewell say the 4 boy responses to racist stereotypes?
The rebels: the most influential group but still a minority. These rejected the values of the school and opposed the school by joining a peer group.
The conformists: the majority of black pupils accepted the values of the school and were eager to succeed
The retreatists: a small minority who isolated and disconnected with peer group subcultures and the school. These kept a low profile
The innovators: second largest group who were pro education but anti school. They distanced themselves from ‘confromists’ enough to keep credibility with the ‘rebels’ whilst valuing education success.
What does Sewell say the 4 boy responses to racist stereotypes?
The rebels: the most influential group but still a minority. These rejected the values of the school and opposed the school by joining a peer group.
The conformists: the majority of black pupils accepted the values of the school and were eager to succeed
The retreatists: a small minority who isolated and disconnected with peer group subcultures and the school. These kept a low profile
The innovators: second largest group who were pro education but anti school. They distanced themselves from ‘confromists’ enough to keep credibility with the ‘rebels’ whilst valuing education success.
What is the critical racism theory according to roithmayer? And what does gilborn say
Insititutional racism is a locked in inequality so large and historical that it is no longer a conscious thought.
Gilborn- sees racism so ingrained in education that is now inevitable
What does gilbrourn say about marketisation and segregation?
Gilbourn- marketisation allows from more covert selection to take place which can lead to segregation
Commission for racial equality 1993 noted that covert selection procedures led to EM students more likely to be in unpopular schools.
How does the institutional racism reflect in the ethnocentric curriculum and what does ball say about it?
A curriculum which reflects the culture of the ethnic group, usually the dominant culture. This is a prime example of institutional racism.
Ball- little englandism: NC ignores black and Asian history
What do sanders and horn say about assessment types and racism?
Changing from a written tests to teacher assessment led to black students underachieving
How does access to opportunities and racism connect in exams?
EM;s are less likely to be entered for higher tier exams despite policies and initiatives to raise EM achievements this is due to teacher labelling and SFP
What is the time line of gender gap in achievement ?
Starting school- 2013 teacher assessment showed that girls were out performing boys in literacy, language, maths and PSED
Key stage 1-3- girls continue to do better in boys especially in English where the gap continues to widen but the gap begins to narrow in the science and maths
Key stage 4- the average gap at this stands about 10 points but the gap is increasing
Key stage 5- the gap at a level is much narrower than at GSCE but girls still out perform boys even in the so called boys subjects such as maths and science
Vocational education-although boys are more likely to take a vocational qualification than girls, girls are still more likely to receive a distinction
What are the 6 factors affecting the internal educational achievement ?
-equal opportunities(GIST and WISE have been created to create more opporunities. Girls and boys also had to study the same subjects)
-role models (increase in female teachers showing they can achieve high positions as girls)
-GSCE and coursework (once coursework was introduced girls began to outperform boys)
-teacher attention (peter and Jane French said teachers interacted with girls and boys differently)
-challenging stereotypes (removal of gender steryotypes in textbooks)
-league tables/ selection (introduction of league tables made girls more desirable for schools as they were more likely yo achieve higher grades)
What does boaler say about the impact government policies has on gender equality?
Suggest that these policies are the key reason for the changes in girls achievement as they removed many of the barriers faced by girls and has made education more meritocratic.
What impact do role models have on girls achievement ?
By having role models to look up in no traditional positions girls are more likely to work harder to achieve these goals themselves which leads to them achieving more educationally
What do mitsos and Browne suggest about GSCE and coursework impact on education achievement ?
Suggest that girls are more successful in coursework because they are more conscientious and better organised than boys which put them at an advantage
What does weiner suggest a difference in text books in gender suggest on achievement ?
Shows that since the 1980s there has been significant change with teachers and textbooks challenging the traditional stereotypes which has led to greater achievement in girls as they are presented with more positive images of what they can achieve.
What does Jackson say about league tables increasing gender achiebemtn ?
Links this desire for high achieving girls to a self fulfilling prophecy. League tables have created greater opportunities for girls and the fact they are more desired by schools means that girls take on a self fulfilling prophecy and master status of higher achievement.
What do the liberal feminists say about equal opportunites and role models to increase gender equality?
Celebrate the progress that have been made in education and achievement for girls but believe that there is still work to be done. They see the need for continued equal opportunites policies,more positive role models and education against sexists attitudes and stereotypes in order for true equality in education to be achieved
What do radical femists say as evaluation for gender achiebemtn in education of internal factors?
Radical feminists recognise that girls are achieving more but they emphasise that this is in spite of the patriarchal nature of the education system rather than due to major changes in education.
They use the following as evidence of patriarchy in education:
-1/3 of 16-18 year old girls said they have experienced unwanted sexual touching in school
-women are hugely underrepresented in the curriculum wiener calls history a women free zone
-there are still many more men in positions of authority such as head teachers
-there is still the generisation of subjects and career options which limit girls choices and options.
What do feminist say about the differential educational achievement in gender external factors?
The feminists movement has improved the rights of women as well as raising expectations and self esteem/ motivation of women. Women are no longer strictly bound to the mother housewife role
What does sue sharpe investigate of external genrder factors on educational achievement ?
Interviewed girls about their career aspirations and concluded that due to increased employment opportunities females have become extremely ambitious and aim for high professions such as doctors and solicitors
How do changes in the family affect educational achievement as external factors on gender?
Primary socialisation: perhaps traditional female socialisation is more suited to education than typical male socialisation - bedroom culture (submissive attitudes are more favoured in schools quiet and reading
More lone parent families headed by women and duel earning families raises girls aspirations
What do mitsos and Browne say about changes in women’s employment as an external gender factor in educational achievement?
They highlight how the growing service sector/economy has created more feminised career opportunities for women e.g. in health care,hospitality, teaching,clerical,childcare professions
Equal pay act etc open up more opportunities for girls
What do Beck and Beck Genshiem say about changing girls ambitions about in educational achiebemtn as an external gender factor ?
They talk about individualisation- indepedance is highly regarded in modern society in order to gain recognition and status
What are the 4 evaluations points one of diane reay about external factors in gender achievement ?
-glass ceiling and pay gap still exists
-traditional gender roles in regards to motherhood
-diane reay- class gender and ambition
-myth of meritocracy
What are the 6 polices introduces to improve boys achievement ?
-raising boys achievement project
-national literacy strategy
-reading champions
-playing for success
-dads and sons
-recruitment of male teachers
What is the raising boys achievement project?
RBA was a 4 year project 2000-2004 which focused on issues associated with the apparent differential academic achievement of boys and give at key stage 2 and key stage 4 in schools in England
What is the national literacy strategy ?
Daily literacy hour
-fifteen minutes sitting together working from a shared large print book
-a further 15 mins focusing on certain words with the class
-twenty minutes devoted to reading or writing on their own or in small groups
-the final 10 mins should be spent in a group going over all the main points
-the strategy have only ever been recommended,not compulsory
What is reading champions?
Uses male role models celebrating their own reading interests
What is playing for success?
It was an initiative which aimed to raise literacy, numeracy and ICT standards amongst demotivated KS2 and KS3 pupils by holding out of school hours study support centres at football clubs and other sports grounds
What is dads and sons ?
Dads and sons is primarily aimed at fathers of boys ages 11-14 fundamentally its aim is to increase dads involvement in their sons education the aims of the campaign are:
-to help dads play a greater role in their sons education
-to generate media interests in the issues around fathers helping with their sons educations
What is recruitment of male teachers?
Recruitment events at unis across the country which have been targeted particularly at male students in STEM subjects
What are the two external factors of differences in educational achievement in boys?
-crisis of masculinity
-over estimation of ability
What is crisis of masculinity and what do mitsos and Browne say about it and how did it impact achievement ?
Due to globalisation 1980s there has been a decline in heavy industries, such as iron and steel, engineering
Mitsos and Browne- decline in male employment opportunities has lead to identity crisis
Results in beleif that they will not get a proper job =low self esteem and motivation to get grades
Decline is mainly in manual working class jobs which didn’t need qualifications
Unlikely that disappearance of such jobs would impact on boys motivation to obtain qualifications
What is over estimation of ability and what does barber say about the impact of it on boys achievement ?
Barber 1996 boys see themselves as more capable than they really are this belief runs through to their GSCE exams where they fail to do as well as they imagined but blame everyone but themselves this overconfidence to come from living in a patriarchal society where men assume they will always succeed over women
This overconfidence leads to lack of prep for exams
What are the 4 internal factors of achievement in education of boys ?
-feminisation of education
-lack of male primary teachers
-laddish subculture
How does literacy affect boys achievement ?
DfCSF 2007 argue that the gender gap is the result of poor literacy amongst males. Reading is seen as a feminine activity as it is generally mothers who read with their children
Bedroom culture- girls are socialised to talk and discuss which increases their vocab
Lower vocab limits achievement through LANGAUGE code and the ability of students to express ideas coherently
What is feminisation of education and its impact on achievement ?
Schools don’t nurture masculine traits, such as competitiveness and leadership and instead celebrate qualities such as attentiveness in class. Methodical working
Sewell thinks coursework should be replaced with exams and emphasis in outdoor education within the curriculum
Boys become bored with school
What is lack of male primary teachers and what impact does it have on achievement?
Teaching is a feminine profession and schools lack many real men role models. This is especially critical at primary schools were women dominate.
This could help explain why learning is seen as girlie by many boys and not worth their time
What is laddish sub culture and how does it impact achievement ?
Boys gain symbolic capital amongst peers by joining anti school subcultures. More disruptive boys tend to get excluded more and seek status from exclusion. Doing well in school or asking for help leads to bullying and belief that they are weak
Exclusion from school leads to underachievement
Trends in subject choice at GSCE?
There is very little choice given in the national curriculum and at GSCE however trends can be seen in options with boys taking more practical and vocational based subjects such as business and technology where as girls opt more for the humanities and arts based subjects.
Trends in subject choice at GSCE?
There is very little choice given in the national curriculum and at GSCE however trends can be seen in options with boys taking more practical and vocational based subjects such as business and technology where as girls opt more for the humanities and arts based subjects.
Trends in subject choices at a level?
The difference in subject choice are much more apparent at a level with wider choice available. Boys still tend to take more technical subjects such as computing,physics and maths and girls taking subjects such as sociology,English and languages
What are the trends in subject choice: vocational education ?
Gender segregation is very noticeable within vocational education,with girls opting for careers which are more caring and traditionally female such as child care, health and beauty and social care. Where as boys tend to go for more technical courses such as mechanics, engineering and construction
What are the three explanations for trends in subject choice ?
-gender role socialisation
-gendered subject image
-gender identities and peer group pressures
What is gender role socialisation and what do Murphy and Elwood and Browne and Ross say about it?
Girls and boys are raised differently and this can channel them into different subjects at school
Murphy and Elwood- links this to the bedroom culture and that girls tend to read more fiction which leads to more expressive subjects. Boys read more hobby books which leads to more technical subjects.
Browne and Ross-state gender creates gender domains based around what they see the adults around them doing
What is gendered subject image ? And what does Kelly say
The gender subject image affects who chooses that subject at GSCE and Alevel. Kelly argues that science is seen as a boys subject due to there being more male teachers, textbooks illustrations focus on boys interests such as sport. Which ever gender dominates in the lesson can influence the gender image e.g. girls dominate in drama and the arts where as boys dominate in PE.
What is gender identities and peer group pressures?
And what does paechter say
Students can face extreme pressure to conform to gender stereotypes in order to be accepted by their peers. Paechter found that sport is often seen as a male domain and girls will be seen as unfeminie if they opt for it.
How does is ethnicity an explanation for trends in subject choice?
Ethnocentric curriculum- BAME students may be put off from studying subjects such as English and history due to the focus on white British culture
Englihs as an additional language- students may be channelled to less academic subjects due to levels of English language.
How is class an explanation for trends in subject choice?
Material factors- some students may feel that they are excluded from certain subjects due to the cost of completing the course for example music and art
Cultural factors- working class students may feel that certain subjects are not for them as they do not possess the cultural knowledge to succeed. For example in drama or English
Labelling- working class students may be pushed towards less academic and more vocational subjects
What does Leonard say as an evaluation for gender explanation for trends in subject choice and what are the other two?
-move towards gender neutral parenting and socialisation
-Leonard gendered subject image has less impact in single sex schools show that subject genderisation is a social construct
-programs such as GIST and WISE help to draw girls into the sciences
What is an evaluation for ethnicity an explanation for trends in subject choice?
Globalisation has created a more multicultural curriculum with wider choices to the unis that are taught
What is an evaluation for class as an explanation for trends in subject choice ?
Policies such as pupil premium are in place to support students from deprived backgrounds with the hidden cost of education