Crime And Deviance Flashcards
What do functionalists believe when it comes to crime?
Functionalists believe that crime in inevitable in society, poor socialisation and inequality results in the absence of norms and values being taught.
Believe crime is positive as it has three functions: social change, creating social boundaries and social intergration
What is Durkheims functionalists theory on crime ?
Crime happens because of poor socialisation within the norms and values. Believes crime is positive as it creates social boundaries, social intergration and social change.
Which theorists agrees with Durkheim?
Davis agrees with Durkheim in that crime is positive as prostitution is good as it allows men to express sexual frustration without threatening his family’s breaking
What is mertons functionalists view on crime?
Mertons strain theory states that crime is caused by the failure to achieve the goals of the American dream through legitimate means
5 types of strain:
Conformity- accepting the goals and legitimate ways to achieve them
Innovation-subscribe to the goals of the American dreams but use illegitimate ways to achieve them
Ritualism-reject the goals but conform to the means
Retreatism-reject both goals of the American dream and subscribe to illegitimate means
Rebellion-replace the goals and means with their own
What is cohens functionalists view on crime?
Cohens status frustration theory focuses on wc boys in schools who fail to succeed in mc environments and in turn form delinquent subcultures by trying to rise in hierarchy’s which they have more of a chance in succeeding. This explains why people commit non utilitarian crime. Willis lads
What are cloward and ohlin functionalists theory on crime?
They developed cohens status frustration by suggesting there are 3 types of subcultures:
-criminal subculture (drug dealers)
-conflict subculture (social disorganisation and loosely organised gangs )
-retreatists subculture (junkies)
What are miller functionalists views on crime?
Millers focal concerns is where the wc have different values that the rest of society like hyper masculinity which can lead to criminal behaviour
What is Hirschi functionalists view on crime ?
Hirschi control theory states that there are 4 reasons why people don’t commit crime: belief, attachment,involvement, commitment
Focuses on why people don’t commit crime
What is the labelling theory/ interactionism on crime?
Focus on the social construction of crime whereby an act only becomes deviant when labelled as such through societal reaction. Although not all crimes are labelled which is why some groups are discriminated against
What is Becker labelling theory view on crime ?
Relativity of crime and deviance
Those who are labelled are labelled based on gender,class and ethnicity
Crime depends on the context e.g.
Nudity but not on some beaches, homosexuality in past not anymore
What is cicourel labelling theory on crime?
Officers stereotypes of the typical criminal lead them to concentrate on types of people that are more likely to offend e.g. patrolling wc areas
What is lemerts 2 types of deviancy theory on crime?
Distinguishes two types of deviance:
Primary deviance: deviant acts that haven’t been publicly labelled as criminal/ no one finds out you have committed crime
Secondary deviance: deviant acts and individuals that are labelled once an individual has been caught and labelled people may only see him according to his master status
What is braithwaite labelling theory on crime?
Distinguished two types of shaming:
Reintegrative shaming: punishes them in a way that strengthens their bonds with society
Disintegrative shaming: punishment which isolates the individual and causes secondary deviance
What are the 3 types of consequences of labelling ?
-self fulfilling prophecy
-deviancy amplification(an attempt to control deviance leads to greater amounts of deviance )
-master status (where an individual is identified by a particular aspect of themselves such as being a criminal which can lead to a criminal career
Who are moral entrepreneurs in labelling?
People who decide what is morally acceptable
Ruling class
Law makers
What are the agencies of social control?
Police, court, peers,society
What are the strengths of labelling theory?
-emphasises the social construction of crime and deviance
-identifies and reveals the role of the powerful in crime and deviance
-shows how deviant careers can be established
What are the limitations of labelling theory?
-deviant becomes the victim and therefore not to blame for the bahviour
-doesn’t explain why people commit the original deviance
-doesn’t explain where the stereotypes come from
What is Marxists theory on crime ?
Marxists believe that crime is inevitable in a capitalists society as it encourages poverty,competition and greed
Wc are largely criminalised for their actions because the roiling. Class control the state and make enforce laws in their own interests
What do Marxists believe about capitalism and crime?
Marxists believe that capitalism is crimogenic. Crime is the only way wc can survive. Alienation and lack of control may lead to frustration and aggression resulting in non utilitarian crime like violence
What is chambliss Marxists theory on crime?
States that laws are constructed in a way to benefit the rich
What is snider Marxists theory on crime?
Argues that capitalists state is reluctant to pass laws that regulate the activities of businesses or threaten their profitability
What is Pearce Marxists theory on crime?
Laws are occasionally passed which look like they benefit the wc but in reality they don’t because of loop holes.
Which is why crime appears to be largely wc problem which divides the wc as they blame the criminals for their problems
What is Rieman and Leightons Marxists theory on crime?
Argue that crime is more likely to be committed by high class people but less likely to be treated as an offence
What does tomb note about corporate crime Marxism ?
Corporate crime has enormous costs: physical,environmental and economic
Why do corporate crimes go more unnoticed?
Little coverage on the media
Lack of political will to tackle corporate crime
Crimes are complex
Under reported
What is box Marxists theory on crime?
Argues that if a company can’t achieve its goal of maximising profit by legal means it may employ illegal ones instead
Taylor et al neomarxists theory on crime?
Criticised Marxists for economic determinism and instead see crime as a meaningful action and a conscious choice by the actor.
Social theory of deviance :
1. The wider origins of the deviant act
2.immediate origins of the deviant act
3.the act itself
4.immediate origins of social reaction
5.the wider origins of societal reaction
6.the effects of labelling
How can Taylor et al theory be applied to hall 1978 policing crisis ?
1.the 1970s was a time of social change
2.inner city riots
3.mugging- suggested its more likely to be carried out by African Caribbean men outrage
5.need to find a scapegoat
6.sense of injustice amongst African men
What are 4 ways crime can be considered voluntarists?
Conscious choice
Free will
Redistribution of wealth-political motives
Criminals aren’t puppets of capitalism
What are 4 evaluation points for neo Marxists on crime ?
- Rock 1988 Robin Hood thesis, romanticise crime but left realists say most crime is wc against wc
2.feminsts argue its gender blind applied the same explanation for men and women
3.not all crime are politically motivated like non utilitarian
4.overly idealistic and can’t be applied to real life
What is the realists approach to crime ?
Right realists see crime as a real problem for society they think the cause is part biological part social as they can’t be changed they focus on solutions
Left realists believe crime is caused by relative deprivation,subcultures and marginalisation. Their solution stems from reducing societal inequality
What is Hernstein and Wilson right realism theory on crime?
Argue that biological differences between individuals make some individuals more predisposed to crime like personality traits such as aggression, low intelligence is also a contributing factor. They put forward a biosocial theory
What is Murray’s theory on right realism?
Murray argues crime is increasing due to the mounting underclass defined by their deviant behaviour. He believes that the underclass fails to adequately socialise their children
What is Clarke right realism theory. On crime ? Cal
Clarke believes the decision to commit a crime is based on a rational calculation of consequences. If perceived rewards outweigh costs people are more likely to offend. Criminals have the free will to commit crime right realists believe the reward for the crime currently is too low which is why crime rates have decreased
What is lea and young left realism theory on crime?
Lea and young argue that relative deprivation leads to crime because people who are deprived resent others having more material good than them thus resorting to illegitimate means to achieve the same level of materials
Why do left realists believe that marginalisation leads to crime?
Marginalised groups don’t feel part of a society and lack clear goals and organisations to represent them which leads to frustration and resentment they express that through criminal acts
Why do left realists believe subcultures is a reason for crime?
Subcultures are collective response to the problem of relative deprivation . Criminal subcultures still subscribe to the goals and values of society such as materialism and consumerism.
These ideas link to cloward and ohlin and cohen blocked opportunity theory and inability to achieve goals through legitimate means
What are right realists views on tackling crime ?
Zero tolerance policy- police should take a sharp approach rand carry out stop and search on suspicious characters
Wilson and kelling broken window thesis- essential to maintain orderly characteristics of neighbourhoods and reduce any signs of crime immediately
Target hardening-if you make it harder to commit crime this will reduce the rewards and act as a deterrent.
What are left realists views on tackling crime?
Policing and control- police need to improve their relationship with their communities as they are the ones that report the crimes
Tackling structural causes of crime-reduce inequality of opportunity,discrimination and provide jobs for everyone
What 4 evaluation points for right realists ?
Ignore wider structural causes of crime
Doesn’t explain violent or impulsive crimes
Contradictory between rationality and bio social causes of crime
Ignores corporate and white collar crimes
What is left realists evaluation 4 points?
Interactionists- doesn’t explain the motives due to reliance on quantitative data
Assumes a value consensus
Relative deprivation can’t explain all crimes
Focus on high crime inner city crime and give an unrepresentative view on crime
Define official statistics
Those which are collected by the government agencies and usually published by the office of national statistics
What are official crime rates?
The statistics that are complied using police, court and prison records
What is the British crime survey ?
Statistics which are complied through victim surveys and self report surveys 50,000 people over the age of 16 are asked annually if they have been a victim of crime
What are self report surveys ?
Where people are asked to answer honestly if they have committed a crime or not in the last 12 months annually around 50000 people are asked to
What is an evaluation of self report surveys ?
People may not know if they have committed a crime as some crimes aren’t seen as real crimes and also people might not answer truthfully
What are prison records?
Looks at the composition of the prison system including gender, class, ethnicity also looks at length of sentences and recidivism rates
What is an evaluation of prison records being used as crime statistics ?
Not all crimes are punished with a custodial sentence middle class criminals are more likely to get a fine or suspended sentence this can lead to court records being biased towards the wc
What are court records?
Complied using the court records of which cases are taken to prosecution they include info about the defendant, victims and types of crime as well as the result of the case
What is an evaluation of court records ?
Only records crimes that are taken to court
What are victims surveys ?
Part of the British crime survey 50000 people are asked if they were a victim of crime in the past 12 months
What is an evaluation of victim surveys being used as crime statistics ?
People don’t always know if they’re a victim of a crime
Relies on memory
What are police recorded crimes?
These are the statistics complied based on the reports filed by the police these are crimes which are investigated by the police they may not end in a conviction or court case
What is an evaluation of police records being used as crime statistics ?
Not all crimes that are reported to the police are recorded by the police
What are the trends in crime ?
1930-1950 gradual rise in crime end of war resturing solider feeling frustrated
1950-1980 steeper rise in crime time of economic growth and social anomie
1980-mid1990 rapid increase time of economic recession which lead to higher relative deprivation
Mid1990-2016 gradual annual decline could be due to the changes in the reporting
What is the funtionalist/new right/ right realists perspective on crime statistics ?
Functionalists accept official statistics at face value as they see them as reliable and valid sources of data
What is interactionalsim/ labelling theory on crime statistics ?
See statistics as a social construction and only useful for identifying stereotypes and assumptions
Was is Marxists/ Neo Marxists theory on crime statistics?
Show a biased view on crime as they are constructed by the roiling class they also ignore white collar crimes which suggests criminals are wc
What is the feminsts view on crime statistics ?
Statistics under represent the extent of female crime and crimes against women such as domestic violence and rape
What is the left realist view on crime statistics?
Statistics are broadly correct but they under represent white collar crimes and exaggerate wc crime particularly those by ethnic minorities
What are 3 reasons for unreported crime?
Don’t know they are a victim of crime
What are 3 reasons for unrecorded crime?
Not all crimes are entered into official figures
Status of the victim
Work relations
What types of crime are most likely to be committed by women ?
Property offences, shoplifting, fraud especially benefits and prostitution
These are all non violent crimes unlike men ones
What types of crimes are committed by men?
Violent crimes,assault,sexual offences,white collar and corporate crime
Women have less opportunity to commit corporate crime as they usually have less senior positions
What is the chivalry thesis ?
Pollack says that it isn’t that women commit less crime than men it is that they are less likely to be charged or convicted of the crime due to the cJS being made up mostly of men who are brought up to be lieniant towards them
What are 3 evaluations of the chivalry thesis?
There are now more women in the CJS which disregards the chivalry thesis
Women may get treated more leniently as their crimes tend to be less serious
Women face double deviancy (women should uphold the standard steryotype and when they don’t they get harsher sentences) in the CJS especially when their crimes go against traditional gender norms
What are 5 reasons why women commit less crime than men?
-less detectable offences
-sex role theory
-control theory
-class and gender deals
What do they mean by women commit less detectable crime ?
Women tend to commit less detectable crime then men such as shoplifting and petty theft even when men shoplift they tend to select bigger more detectable items than women
Who suggested the sex role theory and what is it?
Parsons- females commit less crime then men due to the socialisation that they receive as children and their access to adult role models. Boys have less access to adult role models in the home so are more likely to turn to male gangs for masculine identity
Who evalautes the sex role theory ?
Walklate- makes a biological assumption about the roles of men and women it assumes that women are the more nurturing due to childbearing and therefore find their role models in their mothers
What is the control theory and who says it?
Heidensohn- women commit less crime than men due to the amount of patriarchal control women are subjected to this control is in the home workplace and public arenas which mean that women have less opportunities to commit crime
What is the evaluation of the control theory ?
Patriarchal control can push people into crime rather than preventing it
Equal opportunities could be reducing patriarchal control
What is the class and gender deals and who said it?
Carlen- class deal- material rewards for being in paid work which enable women to purchase consumer goods
Gender deal-conforming to traditional roles of wife and mother and gains emotional rewards and male support
Not all women are able to access these rewards so they may turn to crime in order
What is the evalutaiton of carlen class and gender deals?
Sample in the original study making it hard to generalise to all women
Suggests that women are influenced by external factors which underplays the role of free will
Why is socialisation a reason women commit less crime than men?
Women are socialised into being the ‘’guardians of domestic morality’’ and therefore risk more social exclusion then men if they are to commit crime therefore women face a double jeopardy of being condemned twice once for committing the crime and once for behaving in an unfeminine way (double deviancy)
What is the liberation thesis that is a reason for increased female crime and who said it?
Freda Adler- as women have become more liberated from patriarchal control there will be an increase in the levels of female crime as well as an increase in the seriousness of those crimes. This is due to greater self confidence and assertiveness in women as well as greater opportunity
What is an evolution for the liberation thesis? Chesney Lind
Crime rates in women started growing in the 1950s before the liberation movement. A majority of female criminals are wc so less likely to be influenced by liberation movement
Chesney-Lind women branching into male crimes is linked to female crimes
Why s feminisation of poverty a reason for increased female crime ?
Women are more likely to be living under the poverty line which can force then into criminal activity in order to make ends meet.
What an evaluation for the feminisation of poverty being a reason for increased female crime?
Not all women who live below the poverty line turn to crime to support their family
Doesn’t explain non utilitarian crime
Why is masculinity theory a reason for male crime rates and who said it?
Messerschmidt-men commit crime in order to show their masculinity and prove that they are men. He clarifies between hegemonic and subordinate masculinity.
What can be an evaluation of the masculinity theory?
Could be considered a description of offenders rather than an explanation
Not all men commit crime to accomplish masculinity
What is the labelling theory and why is it a reason for male crime rates?
Men are often stereotyped as being more violent than women which can lead to a self fulfilling prophecy on how they should behave additionally men are labelled as providers for the family and may turn to crime in order to do this
What is an evaluation for labelling theory as a reason for male crime rates?
Not all men are criminals
Rise of the symmetrical family and women in the world of work means that men are no longer seen as the sole providers for family
Why is opportunity a reason for why men commit crime?
Men have more opportunity to commit crime both blue collar and white collar crime. Men are more likely to be in situations that can lead to violent action and have access to commit white collar crime
What is an evaluation for opportunity being a reason for men committing crime?
It doesn’t explain why men commit crimes they do and not all men commit crime
Who are the prisons mostly made up of? Class
More wc than mc or the upper class
What types of crime do each class commit?
Working class- street crimes e.g theft assault and shoplifting
Middle class- more white collar crimes, corporate crime and cyber crime
What is selective law enforcement and why is it an explanation for trends in social class and crime?
The police force and criminal jstucie system treat the wc and the mc differently mc are to get a slap on the wrist as they are seen as having made a mistake where are the wc are more likely to be arrested for the same crime also many corporate crimes aren’t investaigetd or prosecuted by the criminal justice system
Could link to chambliss
Why is selective law creation an explanation for friends in social class and crime?
Those who create the law are often the middle and upper classes this means that they are able to manipulate the law into benefiting their own needs and will know ways to manipulate the law for their benefit
Could link to snider
Why is labelling and stereotypes an exaplantion for trends in social class and crime?
The wc are often labelled as being more crimogenic and therefore the criminal justice system sees them as making conscious choices to commit crime where as middle class are seen as making a mistake or unintentionally committing a crime
Could be linked to cicourel typification and labelling
What are the 6 explanations for white collar and corporate crime ?
-strain theory
-control theory
-crimogenic capitalism
-labelling theory
-rational choice/ opportunity
-edge work/masculinity
What is strain theory and and who says it and supports Merton?
Reiner- explains working class crime by using Merton strain theory but also explains middle class crime and white collar crime by suggesting that there is no limit to success financial or material so even those who appear successful can feel strain
Link- felt poverty feel jealous of other people who are richer
Who talks about control theory as an explanation for white collar crime?
Murray- the underclass is responsible for the majority of street crime
Hirschi suggests that the underclass are more likely to lack impulse control and bonds to the community which prevent them from committing crime- not intergrated in community
Who says crimogenic capitalism is an explanation for white collar and corporate crime?
Gordon- capitalism not only encourages the working class to be criminal by creating a culture of envy and hostility. They commit utilitarian crime to survive in a capitalists system and commit non utilitarian crime to vent frustration at being oppressed. Middle class crime can be explained as capitalism encourages those who are rich to enrich themselves further.
Who says labelling theory is an explanation for white collar and corporate crime?
Becker- the wc are unfairly tattered by the CJS they are less likely to be able to negotiate the system to their advantage the police tend to patrol working class areas more which results in the wc crime statistics be in higher than middle class
What is the rational choice theory ?
The mc have more opportunity to commit white collar crime and corporate crime they hold the positions within the company which gives them the access required to commit this type of crime e.g. NHS force prescription senior staff have more autonomy
What two theorists talk about edge work/ masculinity as an explanations for white collar crime?
Messerscmidt- middle class men who engage in white collar crime may do so to show off their masculinity
Katz- also suggests that engaging in white collar cime can also link to the idea of edge work and the feeling of excitement and adrenaline the acts may give e.g madoff
What is gilroys theory on police targeting ?
Myth of black criminality- stereotyping police forces on ethnic minorities and therefore are more likely to be stopped and searched or arrested compared to the white majority
Waddington et al locality theory?
Certain areas are more densely populated with ethnic minorities which explains higher stop and search statistics. Additionally ethnic minorities tend to live in the zones of transition where crime rates are much higher due to the lack of social cohesion
Holdaway canteen culture?
Police offficers in themselves aren’t racists but when together they can reinforce stereotypes which are then acted on duty
Hirschi on ethnicity?
Young people regardless of their ethnicity commit crime because they aren’t committed, attached, involved and belief. Asian families have stricter control which could explain the low crime rates in Asian communities
Lea and young on ethnicity ?
Ethnic minorities suffer from marginalisation and relative deprivation which can lead to higher rates of criminality
Sewell 3 risk factors which are responsible for the relatively high levels of crime amongst black boys?
1) lack of father figure a lot of single mothers amongst black families which mean they look for role models in gangs
2)negative experiences of white culture- black boys are disaffected by their experiences of school,policing and employer racism
3)media hip hop and rap believe status can be achieved in two ways:
-acquisition of status symbol designer clothing and jewellery
-construction of hyper masculinity based on violence and sexual conquest
How can police targeting cause moral panic and that be a weakness of it being a reason for ethnic minority criminality ?
Targeting could be caused by moral panics such as the black mugggers in the 1970s and therefore based on actual criminality. Can cause a chicken and egg scenario where the targeting leads to higher ethnic minority criminality which leads to more targeting
What is locality theory evaluation and why is it deterministic ?
This maybe the case for first gen immigrants but many ethnic minorities have moved out of the zone of transition after 1 or 2 generations and tend to assimilate into the majority culture
Why can the mcpherson report be used as evaluation for institutional racism as a reason for minority criminality ?
Since the publication of the McPherson report the police force has been actively changing policies to deal with institutional racism,and recruiting more officers from ethnic minorities however the crime rates amongst ethnic minorities has not decreased
What re the prison statistics of ethnicity and crime?
Black people make up 3% of the population but 13% of the prison population
Asian people make up 6% of the population but 7% of prison
What does morris say about the demographic explanations of ethnicity and crime statistics?
BAME groups contain a disproportionate number of young people compared to the white ethnic majority explains why there is higher ethnic minority criminality as young people are more likely to commit crimes
However there is statistical illusion so it’s impossible to determine if its the age of the offenders that causes the higher rates or their ethnicity
What types of crimes are associated with the middle class?
White collar crime, corporate crime and cyber crime
What types of crimes are associated with working class?
Street crimes such as theft, assault and shoplifting
What are the representations in fictional media?
Criminals: super villain,stupid,psychopaths,rational/planner
Victims: female victims=helpless
Male victims=vigilante
Ethnic majority
Police: super intelligent,bumbling idiots, always get the bad guy
Who are the representations in factual media?
Criminals:underclass,ethnic minorities,young,men
Victims: missing whites women syndrome,selective reporting
Police:corrupt,brutality,racists, incompetent
What are the 8 news values?
-the immediacy of the story
-dramatisation-action and excitement
-personalisation-human interest
-higher status of the focus of the story
-simplification-black and white, no shades of grey
-risk-victim centred stories about vulnerability and fear
-violence-visual and spectacular acts
What does Kidd-Hewitt and osbourne say about media distortion of crime?
They see media reporting of crime as increasingly driven by the need for a spectacle (key value of dramatisation) spectacles are engaging because audiences become both repelled by activities but fascinated at the same time
What does postman say about media distortion of crime?
Media coverage of crime is increasingly a mixture of entertainment and sensationalism leading to what postman refers to as infotainment
What does surette 1998 say about media distortion of crime?
Law of opposites- the media shows the direct opposite of official statistic. For example the media focuses on murders and violent crime when most crimes in the uk are property based crimes. The media also shows victims to be female when statistics show that young men aged 19-24 are more likely to be a victim of crime
What is the Functionalists perspective on media influence on crime ?
In reporting crime the media helps to keep social solidarity. Crime reported tend to reflect the things people are most concerned about and most want to see reported,thus they create demand which is met by the media.
Different forms of media report different crimes in different ways, they’re not all dominated by a single ideology or small groups of owners pushing the same agenda
What is the Marxists perspective on media influence on crime?
The reporting of crime reflects the ideology of the ruiling class,meaning:
The crimes of the ruling class or those at the higher end of society are under reported. The media’s emphasis on sexual and violent crimes means less importance is attached to some very large and serious white collar crimes and corporate crimes which rarely get reported
Crimes of the working class are over reported the reporting of crime is used as a way of maintaining control over powerless groups
What is the feminist perspective on media influence on crime?
Crime reporting reinforces the steryotyping and oppression of women.
Women are portrayed as victims
Under reporting of violence against women, especially domestic violence.
They are highly critical of reporting of sex crimes against women as way to provide entertainment
What is the interpretivists perspective on media influence on crime?
The media is a social construction as is crime
Interpretivists look at the labels attached to people who are determined to be deviant and see the media as a moral entrepreneur which determines who are deviant and who aren’t .
What is the postmodernists perspective on media influence on crime? And what does baudriallard say?
Media creates reality- people have no understanding of crime only the representations of crime they experience through the mass media
What is the hypodermic syringe model ?
Suggests that media audiences are passive recipients of the messages from the media and that these messages without critical thought. It argues that these messages are acted upon mindlessly by audiences.
How does imitation in media cause crime ?
The idea that people will act out the crimes and the violence that they view via the media, for example the college student who acted out scenes from GTA
How does school of crime in the media cause crime?
Watching crime shows and the news can help criminals to hone their skills and learn how to be less detectable in their crime. It can also show them how to commit a crime
How does being aroused being represented in the media cause cirme ?
The increased adrenaline and endorphins leads to people engaging in risky and criminal behaviour, for example the increase in traffic crimes on opening weekends of the fast and furious films
How is desensitisation represented in the media and cause crime ?
Watching violence in the media can lead to the lowering of peoples level for shock and value meaning that they no longer are horrified by it and can be more likely to commit the act themselves
How is deprivation represented in the media to cause cirme ?
Links to the left realism and strain theory the idea that the media provides unobtainable ideas of lifestyles do the rich and famous which can lead to people commit crime to achieve these lifestyles -e..g made in Chelsea
How is deprivation represented in the media to cause cirme ?
Links to the left realism and strain theory the idea that the media provides unobtainable ideas of lifestyles do the rich and famous which can lead to people commit crime to achieve these lifestyles -e..g made in Chelsea
How is globalisation represented in the media as a cause of crime?
Tv shows such as sopranos and marcos provide a glamorised view of the criminal lifestyle which can lead to epoeple wanting to emulate it and be involved.
What is missing white woman syndrome ?
Means that the type of victim that is likely to make the news cycle or the media is a white middle class women as she will fit the stereotype of what they want a victim to be
What is moral panic ?
Is an instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society
What is the fear of crime cycle ?
Media causes a fear of being a victim of crime
Spend more time at home
Consume more media
Generates more fear of crime
What are examples of modern moral panic?
-black mugging 1970s
Video nasties 1990
Guns 2000
Islamic terrorism-2000s
Knife crime- current
What are the 5 moral panic criticisms of mcrobbie and Thornton?
-frequency (the frequency of moral panic has increased they are no longer noteworthy )
-context (in the past moral panics would scapegoat a group and create folk devils today there are many viewpoints and values in society
-reflexivity (because the concept of moral panic is welll known some groups actually try to create one from their own benefit )
-difficulty (because there is less certainty about what is unambiguously bad today moral panics are harder to start
-rebound (people are wary about starting moral panics as there is the possibility of it rebounding on them e.g. john majors family values campaign
What does held state about globalisation causing cirme ?
States that the globalisation of crime is the growing interconnectedness of crime across national borders,sometimes referred to as the transnational organised crime
What does castell say the global criminal economy is worth?
Argues that there is now a global criminal economy of over 1 trillion per annum
What are the 6 new types of crime created by globalisation?
-drug trade
-human trafficking
-financial crimes
-cyber crime
-transnational organised crime
How much is the drug trade worth and where is it made ?
The global drugs trade is now worth over 300 billion per year
Drugs are often cultivated in thrid world countries such as Colombia, Peru and Afghanistan which have large improverished populations so drugs is an attractive trade as it requires little investment but commands high prices especially in the western world
How many organs are trafficked per year and what does human trafficking include ?
Can include the trafficking of women and children as well as illegal immigrants ad human body parts it is estimated the over 2000 organs per year are trafficked from condemned or executed criminals women and children are often trafficked for sex trade or slavery it is estimated that over half a million people are trafficked to Western Europe annually
How have financial crimes rose with globalisation ?
Such as money laundering have become much easier with the relaxing of international banking laws meaning that people are able to move money between offshore accounts much easier or to haven countries where national laws do not allow law enforcement to access to accounts
What is cyber crime and why is global?
Cyber crime has developed out of the growth in technology and take a number of forms including cyber fraud, cyber theft,cyber terrorism and cyber violence it is a transnational crime as the hacker can be in one country whilst hacking a system in another country
Why has there been a rise in transnational organised crime and what does Glenny say about it?
There has been a growth in organised crime networks based on economic links glenny calls these mcmafia which developed from the deregulation of global markets and the fall of the Soviet Union additionally the old school mafias such as the Italian mafia and the triads began to disperse around the world especially in places like the USA
How has globalisation helped terrorism?
Technological and communication advancements have made international terrorism easier as groups are able to communicate with members all over the world and cultivate in state members through online radicalisation
What are the 6 impacts if globalisation?
-disorganised capitalism
-risk society
-problem with policing
-more inequality
What does bauman say about individualism as an impact of globalisation?
Growing individualism and consumer culture means that individuals are left to weigh the costs and benefit of their decisions and choose the best course to bring them the highest rewards this can lead to people taking part in criminal activities in order to achieve the consumer lifestyle which is otherwise unobtainable
How has globalisation created more opportunites for crime?
Growing globalisation technological advancements and communications has led to newer types of crime as well as new ways in which to carry out crime in particular places like the dark web which allow criminals to communicate and conduct crimes whilst undetected additionally crimes can be committed in one nation whilst the criminal is in a different country
What do lash and urry say about disorganised capitalism increasing crime ? And what does Taylor say this lead to
Increased deregulation and fewer state controls over business and finance corporations now act transnationally moving money, manufacturing, waste disposal and staff around the world to increase profits and lower regulation
Taylor said this has led to greater job insecurity, less social cohesion and fewer job opportunities in the west which can increase crime rates
What does beck say about risk society increasing crime?
Growing instability in the globalised world has led to people being more risk conscious the causes of the risks are often global in nature which can make it hard to pinpoint who is responsible and the media can play on this fear these fears can lead to hate crimes and racially motivated crimes
How have problems with policing increase crime?
Due to crimes becoming transnational it requires corporations between many different law enforcement agencies to bring the criminals to justice additionally what maybe illegal in one country is not in another and if the criminal is one country and the victim in another it can be difficult to determine jurisdiction
What does Taylor say about globalisation creating more inequality and increasing cirme?
Globalisation creates new patterns of inequality the winners from the process are the rich financial investors and transnational corporations where the losers are the workers. The disadvantaged in both the developing and developed world are faced with greater insecurity and greater relative deprivation which then feeds criminal behaviour
What does transgressive mean?
Looking at the wider definitions of crime such as the harm that the crimes cause not just the breaking of state laws
What does anthropocentric mean?
Harm to the environment from the perspective of humanity. Pollution is a problem because it damages human water supply or causes diseases that are expensive to overcome climate change is a problem because of its impact on people and the economic cost of dealing with it
What does ecocentric mean?
Harm to any aspect of the environment as harm to all of it therefore crimes like animal cruelty or the destruction of habitats are green crimes regardless of whether or not there is any specific human cost
How does globalisation link to green crimes?
Environmental crimes are global crimes and a crime in one geographical location can have a knock on effects across the planet
Why is green crime hard to police?
Because an act can be done in one geographical location and not be considered a crime but have an affect on another geographical area where the act is a crime additionally it can be difficult to identify who is to blame for the crime
What are the two definitions of green crime?
Traditional criminology
Transgressive criminology
How situ and emmons 2000 define traditional criminology ?
Define green crime as an unauthorised act or omission that violates the law of a state or nation in a similar way to other crime traditional criminology looks at patterns and causes of law breaking this definition of green crime would not consider global warming or acid rain as a crime as they don’t break any law
What does white 2008 define transgressive criminology?
Transgressive criminology looks more at the harm that certain acts cause in order to determine criminality. White argues that green crime is any action that harms the physical environment and or human/non human animals within it even if no law has been broken
What does beck argue about global and manufactured risk ?
Beck 1992- argues that in todays society we can now provide resources for all in the developing world and yet the massive increase in technology creates new manufactured risks which cause harm to the environment and have consequences for humans. For example the green house gasses caused by manufacturing has led to global warming which is global in nature rather than local
What are the to types of green crime according to Nigel south 2014?
Type 1: primary green crime
Type 2:secondary green crime
What is primary green cirme?
Crime that are the direct result of destruction and degradation of the earths resources.
E.g. air pollution, deforestation, species decline, animal abuse, water pollution
What is secondary green crime?
Crimes that result out of the flouting of rules aimed at preventing or regulating environmental disorders
E.g. state violence against environmental groups, hazardous waste and organised crime, environmental discrimination
Who are the victims of green crime according to wolf?
Those in the developing world, poor and ethnic minorities are much more likely to be victims of environmental crime due to inability to move from the areas where toxic dumping takes place. E..g Naples
What does wolf say are the 4 things causing green cirme?
-individuals (their acts may not have immediate impact but soon add up to large impacts e.g. littering )
-businesses (environmental crime is a typical form of corporate crime,large corporations are responsible for the majority of the water,air and land pollution due to waste dumping and health and safety breaches)
-govs(Santana 2002 points out that the military are the biggest institutional polluter through unexploded bombs and lasting effects of toxic chemicals)
-organised cirme (gov contracts for waste disposal e.g. Naples)
What are the 4 evolutions for green crime?
-its difficult to study green crime as there isn’t an agreed definition
-its also difficult to assess the impact of green crime as it can be a long term impact
-much of the research is based on case studies
-green crime can be accompanied by greater value judgements due to a lack of agreed definitions
What do green and ward 2005 define state crime?
Illegal or deviant activities perpetrated by or with the complicity of state agencies
What are the 4 definition of state crime?
-domestic law
-international law
-human rights
What does chambliss say domestic law is?
Acts defined by law as criminal and committed by state officials. In pursuit of the jobs as representiveness of the state
E.g. mps expenses
What does michalowski 1985 say about zemiology?
State crime includes illegal acts but also legally permissible acts whose consequences are similar to those of illegal acts in the harm that they cause
What do rothe and Mullins 2008 say about international law?
State crime is an action by or on behalf of a state that violates international law and/ or a states own domestic law
What does schwendinger 1975 saying about human rights?
State crime should be a defend as a violation of peoples basic human rights by the state and their agents
What are the 4 types of state crime according to eugene McLaughlin ?
-political crimes (censorship or corruption )
-crimes by security,military and police (genocide,torture,imprisonment without trail and disappearance of dissidents)
-economic crimes (official violations of health and safety laws, economic policies which cause harm to the population )
-social and cultural crimes (insititutional racism, destruction of native cultures and heritage )
How do political crimes commit censorship and corruption ?
According to the corruption index put together by transparency international there seems to be a correlation between corruption, war and conflict and poverty- Somalia. North Korea, Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq come out bottom of the corruption index while the usual suspects the Scandinavian countries plus Canada come out as the least corrupt.
What are examples of genocide,torture,imprisonment without trail and disappearance of dissidents ?
Genocide- rowanda 1994 (Hutus against Tutsi,Cambodia 1970 (khmer rouge), Bosnia Herzegovina 1990s (Bosnian Serbs against Bosnia Muslims)
IWT-Guantanamo bay
DOD- china,Russia,Saudi Arabia
Rummel calculated that from 1900-1987 over 169 million people had been murdered by gov excluding death during war
What is an example of official violations of health and safety laws?
Chernobyl disaster
What are examples of institutional racism?
Police force targeting certain groups in society, ethnocentric curriculum ignore certain groups history
What are examples of destruction of native cultures and heritage?
ISIS destruction of churches and shrines in mosul
USA destruction of native Indian sites and lands
What is the scale of state crime?
States are large and powerful entities, they can cause large and powerful,often widespread
For instance, in Cambodia between 1975 and 1978 the Khmer Rouge gov killed up to 1/5 of the entire population
How can the state use the law to their advantage when committing state crime?
States have the power to conceal their crimes and make them harder to detect, and change the law to benefit their deviance. The concept of national sovereignty means that it is difficult for international bodies to intervene
What are the 3 stages of culture of denial according to cohen?
Stage 1- it didn’t happen
Stage 2-if it did happen it is something else
Stage 3-even if it is what you say it is it’s justified
What is the neutralisation theory according to Sykes and matza 1957?
Justification of the act through:
-denial of the victim
-denial of injury
-denial of responsibility
-condemning the condermners
-appeal to higher loyalty
How do green and ward explain state crime with the integrated theory ?
This theory suggests state crime arises from similar circumstances to those of other crimes, like street crime.
Intergrating three factors and how these factors interact generate state crimes:
Motivation,opportunity and lack of controls
What does bauman 1989 say about modernity causing state crime 4 features of it?
Suggest it is certain features of modern society that made the state crimes possible
1.a division of labour: each person is responsible for one task so no one is fully responsible
2.bureaucreatisation: normalisation of the act by making it repetitive and routine. Dehumanisation of victim
3.instrumental rationality: rational and efficient methods to achieve a goal regardless of the goal itself
4. Science and technology:scientific and technological knowledge to justify the means and the motive
What do Kelman and Hamilton say about the three features that produce crimes of obedicance?
Unlike citizen crime, state crimes tend to be crimes of obedience rather than deviance
Kelman and Hamilton:
1.authorisation: acts are approved of by those in power. Normal moral principals are replaced by duty to obey
2.routinisation: turn the act into a routine behaviour so it can be performed in a detached manner
3.dehumanisation: the victims are portrayed as sub human so normal mortality doesn’t apply
What are the situational crime prevention?
Target hardening through bars and bolts on windows, alarm systems, park benches that prevent homeless sleepers
More cctv more police on the streets
Hostile architecture
What are three examples of situational crime prevention?
-pearse 2002 “bars,bolts and barriers”
-hostile architecture
-Marcus Felson 1998: nyc part authority bus terminal
-Cornish and Clarke 2003-notices
What are 3 evaluations of the situational crime prevention?
-displacement theory-doesn’t reduce crime but moves it to a different area
-doesnt deal with corporate or white collar cirme
-unfairly targets the working class who can’t afford the target gardening system
What is the situational crime prevention ?
Pre emptive approach that aims to make it harder to commit crime in the first place by designing out crime
What is environmental crime prevention?
By improving the local area and dealing with low level criminal activity such as vandalism,graffiti and loitering
What are examples of environmental crime prevention?
Zero tolerance policing- swear the small stuff and deal with small petty crimes which will prevent the movement into more serious crimes
What is a policy of environmental crime prevention?
Wilson and kelling- broken window policy
What are the 3 evaluations of environmental crime prevention ?
-deal with the symptom not the cause
-targets wc people and street crime rather than corporate or white collar cirme
-displacement theory doesn’t reduce
What is social and community crime prevention ?
Left realists approach which suggest that be dealing with the social inequalities that lead to crime then it will reduce the crime rate. They believe that it is social inequality that is the biggest cause of crime
What are examples of community crime prevention?
Youth groups and community centre which will help to create a sense of community. Parenting groups to help with socialisation. Increasing community police officers and the bobby on the beat to improve community relations with the police which will help cries to be solved
What are two studies that support social and community crime prevention?
-community action programs: prey pre school program
-intervention programs: troubled families program
What are two evaluation points about value consensus and white crime of social and community crime prevention ?
-assumes a value consensus within a community and ignores issues such as relative deprivation and institutional racism which can limit the effectiveness of community and social policies
-doesnt deal with corporate or white collar cirme
What are the 4 roles of the cjs in preventing crime?
-public protection
How is the home office responsible for CJS?
-oversees the police
-the home office protects the public from terror,crime and anti social behaviour
-it helps build the security, justice and respect that enable people to prosper in a free and tolerant society
-the department is responsible for crime and crime reduction,policing,security and counter terrorism
How is the attorney general responsible for CJS?
-oversees the CPS the serious fraud office the revenue and customs prosecutions office
-they are responsible for ensuring the rule of law is upheld
-the AG also take action to appeal unduly lenient sentences and bringing proceedings under the contempt of court act
How does the department of justice responsible for criminal justice system?
-oversees the magistrates court, the crown court, the appeals court , the legal services commission and the NOMS
-the ministry of justice manages the justice process from end to end
-the ministry is responsible for criminal law and sentencing policy for legal aid reducing reoffending and for prisons and probation
What is the functionalist perspective on the CJS?
Functionalists see the criminal justice system as a vital institution within the society. It works with other social institutions to ensure social solidarity and cohesion by maintaining the law and order
What is the Marxists perspective on the CJS?
Marxists see the criminal justice system as part of the repressive state apparatus and used by the ruiling class to maintain their power through oppression whilst appearing to be legitimate
What is the Marxists perspective on the CJS?
Marxists see the criminal justice system as part of the repressive state apparatus and used by the ruiling class to maintain their power through oppression whilst appearing to be legitimate
What is the feminists view of the CJS?
Feminsts see the criminal justice system as a tool of the patriarchy to maintain their power. This is done through the fact that most members of the CJS are men and women face double victimisation and double deviancy at their hands
What are the 5 purposes of punishment according to newburn?
- Rehabilitation, deterrence
2.restorative justice -to force criminals to make amends to the victims they have harmed of society- prison makes it so they can’t harm others
4.boundary maintenance -to reinforce the social norms and values and remind poeple of what is acceptable
5.retribution- because the criminals deserve to be punished for their crimes
What is the functionalist perspective on punishment?
Society can only exist if there is a shared system of values that tie a society together morally. Laws are a representation of this collective conscious. Durkeheim suggest that retribution gives people an outlet for anger and reaffirms collective consciousness
What is the Marxists perspective on punishment ?
Laws area reflection of ruiling class ideology and punishment is part of the repressive state apparatus Althusser which keeps people in line and in their place
What is the weberian perspective on punishment ?
Only the state has the power to punish offenders, not the church or landowners as in the past legal rational authority meaning punishment is based on impersonal rules and regulations set out by a vast bureaucracy and set of checks and balances
What are the changing forms of punishment according to Foucault postmodernists?
Sovereign power- public forms of punishment and physical punishment were forms of showing power by monarchs rather than deterring criminal behaviour
To disciplinary power- decline in sovereign power and new forms of state power moved punishment to disciplinary power which includes surveillance and monitoring
What does garland say about penal welfarism and punitive state ?
Garland argues that in the 1950s the state practised penal welfarism in which the CJS didn’t just try to catch and punish offenders but also tried to rehabilitate them so that they could be reintergrated into society
Garland argues that we have now moved into a new era in which a punitive state enforces a culture of control there are three main ways in which the state now seeks to control crime and punish offenders :
-mass incarceration and transcarcertion
-politicians increasingly use the issue of crime control and being tough on crime as a means to win election
What do rusche and kirchheimer as Marxists say about punishment as a form of social control and class domination ?
Punishment changes as economic need changes they see the change in punishment from the physical punishments to transportation and now with cheap prison labour this reflects the changing economic needs of the dominate class brutality rose when population was plentiful land declines as labour forces declined
What is synopticon surveillance?
Everyone watched everyone else
What does Thompson say about politicians fear of media surveillance ?
Politicians fear media surveillance which may uncover damaging info on them widespread camera ownership allows citizens to control the controllers- filming police wrongdoing
What is liquid surveillance?
All the ways that are monitored from number plate recognition,store cards to cctv means that we are constantly monitored and aware of that monitoring also refers to your digital footprint that can be used to infringe your civil liberties as well as protect you .
What does panopticon mean?
A prison deign where the prisoner has their own cell which is visible to the guards from a central position however the guards aren’t visible to the prisoners this means that the prionsers behave as they never know if they are being watched or not
What does self surveillance mean?
People monitoring themselves and their behaviour due to the fear of being judged by others this is particularly prominent in new mothers who fear being judged as a bad mother
What does Lyon say about surveillance societies?
Modern society and technology has reached the point where our lives are quite transparent and there is a lack of privacy our every move is monitored but it has become so routine that we no longer notice it or consider it consciously
What does Foucault say about disciplinary societies and Carceral culture?
Societies which don’t use physical punishments to control its people but control the mind through surveillance this has also led to a carceral culture (prison like) where the disciplinary power has moved to other areas of society beyond the CJS such as teacher,social worker and psychiatrists who monitor the population
What does Matheison say about synoptic surveillance ?
Everyone is watching everyone else through the power of the media and social media this can be through camera and dashcams and social media this leads to greater self surveillance this items have also allowed for society to exercise some control over the controller such as filming police doing wrong
What do feely and Simon say about the actuarial justice ?
New tech of power not interested in rehabilitation but in preventing offending through the use of similar algorithms to insurance actuaries. Airports use this to determine who to stop and search based on risk factors and profiling it identifies and classify groups based on percieved levels of dangerousness
What do bauman and Lyon say about post panoptical society ?
It’s not just the thought of being watch but the knowledge that we are actually being monitored which controls our behaviour liquid surveillance means that we are constantly being monitored from where we drive to what we buy
What do newburn and Heyman say about the Kilburn experiment ?
CCTV is as much a protection as an erosion of civil liberties given access to Kilburn custody suites for 18m say that cctv could be used by defence lawyers as much as prosecution can also be used to protect law enforcement against claims of brutality
What do newburn and Heyman say about the Kilburn experiment ?
CCTV is as much a protection as an erosion of civil liberties given access to Kilburn custody suites for 18m say that cctv could be used by defence lawyers as much as prosecution can also be used to protect law enforcement against claims of brutality
What do newburn and Heyman say about the Kilburn experiment ?
CCTV is as much a protection as an erosion of civil liberties given access to Kilburn custody suites for 18m say that cctv could be used by defence lawyers as much as prosecution can also be used to protect law enforcement against claims of brutality
What are the 3 reasons that surveillance of social control?
Helps reduce the fear of crime
-people feel less of a fear of being a victim of crime when they are aware of cctv and other surveillance systems as they believe that there is a greater chance of the perpetrator being caught so they are less likely to commit crime
Helps to fight against terrorism
-using data mining and social media monitoring links are able to be made between disparate terrorist groups
Provides evidence
-both for the prosecution and the defence
What are the 3 reasons surveillance is a bad form of social control?
Oppressive form of social control
-a few watching the many allows for the ruling class to shape the behaviour of the wc
Limited evidence that is changes behaviour
-Norris found that although cctv reduced crime in car parks it did little to reduce other sorts of crime
-loveday and gill burglars shoplifters and fraudsters were not put off by cctv
Erosion of civil liberties
-every action we take is monitored there is no such thing as privacy and our actions can be used against us at any time
How have there been changes in the victims as consumers of CJS?
In recent years victims are see as consumers of the cjs and the CJS is judged by its ability to meet the needs of the victims through the use of victim surveys victim support services
Since 2013 victims of ASB and low level crime could have their say on out of court punishment by selecting from a list
Growing recognition that the CJS need victims to come forward and have confidence in the cjs in order to be able to punish criminals
What is the 2002 national crime recording standard ?
Adopted by all police forces in the England and wales and gave priority to the victims recollection of the crime rather than the police interpretation of the evidence
What is the inverse victimisation law?
Those that have the least power most deprived and have the least material possessions are the most likely to be victims of crime and are also the most likely to be the ones committing the crimes
What are the traditional view of crime victims?
What is the statistical view of crime victims?
-ethnic minority
What are the class patterns of victimisation?
Working class and underclass people are more likely to be a victim of crime although middle class are more likely to fear being a victim of crime
This is partly due to the areas in which lower working class live
What are age patterns of victimisation ?
Infants are most likely to be victims of muderers
Teens are most likely to be victims of theft,violent crime and sexual crimes
The elderly are the most likely to be victims of abuse
What are the gender patterns of victimisation ?
Men are more likely to be victims of violent crime and theft 70% of homicide victims are male
Women are more likely to be victims of sexual crimes domestic violence and trafficking
What are ethnicity pattern of victimisation?
Ethnic minorities are more at risk of being victims of crime especially those of mixed ethnicity
The home office estimates 106,000 hate crimes per year = 300 per day
What does hoyle 2012 say the impact of victimisation is?
Hoyle identifies 12 reactions to being a victim of crime victims may feel some or all of these emotions which can have a negative effect on their lives reactions include:sleeplessness,far or revictimisation, ptsd, shock,anxiety, poor health
What does walklate 2004 say about the impact of victimisation?
Walklate talks about double victimisation which can occur during the trail this is because the defence team will be looking at ways of discreaditing the victim or ways to blame the victim for their own victimisation
How is fear of crime an impact of victimisation?
Many people who are victims of crime become much more fearful of being a victim again in the future this can impact their behaviour and their lifestyle
What is an explanation of victimisation according to tierney a postivist of victimology?
Victim proneness- identifies characteristics which make someone more likely to be a victim of crime
Victim precipitation- how victims have been actively involved in the crime or brought the crime upon themselves
What is hans von hentig say about explanations of victimisation, postivist victimology?
Developed a typology of victims based on the degree to which victims contributed to causing the criminal act
13 characteristics of victims included the young,female,old,immigrants,depressed,wanton,tormentor,blocked,exempted or fighting
What is an explanation of victimisation according to mawby and walklate, critical. Victimology
Social structures as a cause victimisation
What is an explanation of victimisation according to tombs and whyte, critical. Victimology
Hierarchy of victimisation-safety crimes passed of as clumsy workers