EDI & Togetherness Flashcards
what are the four pillars of the togetherness strategy
delivering excellence through inclusion
building a culture of belonging
being at the centre of london and our communities
being inspired by difference
what support groups do we have in the LFB?
Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA) Black & Ethnic Minority Members (B&EMM)* Fairness – BAME Group Disability Working Group (DWG) The Emerald Society – Irish Group
LGBT+ – sexual orientation and gender identity/expression
United MINDs – mental health group
Dyslexia and neurodiverse support group
Menopause Action Group (MAG)
Women’s Advisory Committee (WAC)*
Women in the Fire Service (WFS)
describe building a culture of belonging - three elements
people must feel they belong in the work environment
we seek to improve diversity, but its not the only solution
we need an inclusive workplace where everyone is valued
what is the aim of “culture of belonging”?
We will foster an environment of togetherness.
We will develop and support our Equality Support Groups to grow, and make sure that every new person joining LFB understands the behaviours we expect and the opportunities they can benefit from.
We will embed inclusion into our policies and improve our physical and digital spaces to make sure everyone can access LFB in an inclusive and open way.
goals of culture of belonging
Refresh our onboarding, induction and
deployment processes to reflect gold
standard, inclusive ways of working
Build inclusive communities across
the brigade using our Equality
Support Groups
Make inclusion a central part of
our behaviours and policies
Improve the inclusivity of our
physical and digital infrastructure.
Improve the inclusivity of our
physical and digital infrastructure.
pillar2 - being inspired by difference
To be inspired by difference means we don’t just look to the same ideas and ways of effecting transformation and change.
By listening to different perspectives, and understanding different experiences
of our staff and communities, we can be inspired to make changes for the better.
being inspired by difference - whats the aim?
We will create a workplace where our staff can speak up and suggest new, innovative ways of achieving our aims and goals.
Difference isn’t always obvious, and we’ve all got something to contribute that makes us unique.
Our leaders will be empowered to talk about what makes them different, and our
staff will be too
being inspired by difference - goals
Support and develop inclusive
leaders at all levels of LFB
Mainstream inclusion through our training
and provide development for all staff
Empower employees to be their whole
self at work by being role models
Celebrate inclusive practice across the
brigade through awards and recognition
Introduce community-facing staff training
on inclusion and cultural awareness
Make inclusion relevant to everyone.
Pillar 3 - Being at the centre of London and our communities - overview
means we can make a difference and meet the needs of every group in London.
Being outward facing also means we will go beyond traditional concepts of what the LFB does, to really understand how our work can benefit our communities and how they are impacted by our
Giving our communities a voice in our world means we can truly reflect, represent and serve them
Being at the centre of London and our communities - aims
We will grow our links with local communities and ask for their input into
the work we do.
We will embed inclusion into all our work in communities, including youth engagement and outreach and make sure our recruitment is inclusive and diverse.
We will value and include our volunteers, our Greater London Authority (GLA) colleagues, and those who contribute
to our work in the community.
Being at the centre of London and our communities - goals
Put inclusion at the centre of our
Borough Plans
Improve relations between our LFB
communities and the diverse communities we serve
Ensure diverse talent is supported to access, and work for, the Brigade through our youth engagement, volunteer and outreach programmes.
Pillar 4 - Delivering excellence through inclusion
In order to be excellent, we need to be transparent and accountable.
Research shows that diversity is only the first step, and the real positive impact comes from having an inclusive culture that runs through our decisions, our goals, and our ability to be ambitious and bold.
Delivering excellence through inclusion - aims
We will embed inclusion in every area of work to allow us to achieve excellence.
We will develop our practices in recruitment, procurement and in every department.
We will increase transparency both internally and externally by publishing our inclusion work and decisions through our Equality Impact Assessment (EIAs) process
Delivering excellence through inclusion - goals
Make inclusion a central part of performance management and ensure accountability for inclusion is widely and deeply embedded Improve the transparency of inclusion information internally and externally
Review and refresh recruitment and
promotion processes
Be seen as a beacon of best practice in
inclusion across the Fire and Rescue Sector
and wider GLA group of organisations
Adopt best practice procurement and
supply chain management practices
Introduce inclusion Incident Leads at incident
groups who are trained to undertake dynamic
inclusion risk assessments and support with
community engagement.
Behaviours - Our Strategic Objectives
The best people and the best place of work
Seizing the future
Delivering excellence
Outward facing
Our core behaviours
Showing empathy and understanding for others.
Being open to others.
Being responsible and taking ownership for our actions.
2010 Act: Protected characteristics
9 of them
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation.
what is PSED?
The Public Sector Equality Duty
it is a legal requirement. The PSED consists of a general equality duty, set out in section 149 of the EA
It extends to our partners and service providers when they are exercising public functions.
who else do we consider, beyond the protected characteristics in the act?
includes, but is not limited to;
people experiencing menopause,
non-binary people,
people from different socio-economic backgrounds,
ppl with different political views
ppl different income backgrounds
what is Positive action?
taking specific, active steps to improve equality in the workplace.
It is lawful under Equality Act 2010
it also applies in limited way to recruitment
Positive Action v Positive Discrimination
Positive action is very different to positive discrimination, which is where one person is treated more positively than another directly because of their protected characteristic (for example, providing a job opportunity to a woman solely because she is a woman).
Positive discrimination, unlike positive action, is unlawful.
definition of harassment
- Violating a person’s dignity; or
* creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
(I) what is “self aware”?
- Is self-reflective and accepts constructive feedback.
- Aware of own emotions and seeks to manage these.
- Will ask for support or advice if they need it.
(I) describe “teamwork”
- Works collaboratively with people by co-operating and consulting to achieve joint outcomes.
- Actively listens and promotes respectful two-way dialogue.
- Is interested in other people’s motivations and perspectives.
(I) what is meant by “inclusive”?
Includes others and welcomes everyone.
- Ensures that an appropriate standard of privacy and dignity is maintained and takes constructive action in response to inappropriate behaviour.
- Recognises and respects other people’s skills, strengths, views, ideas and suggestions.
- Is approachable and communicates in a clear, sensitive and concise manner.
(I) what is meant by “empathy”?
Recognises the emotions of others and shows understanding for these.
- Consistent and reliable, prioritising building trust with others.
- Open-minded, unbiased and honest in their approach.
- Is willing to discuss their own and other’s emotions.