Ectopic Pregnancy Flashcards
What is ectopic pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy si implantation of the zygote outside the uterine endometrium OR when
the conceptus implants either outside the uterus (fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity) or ni an abnormal position within the uterus (cornua, cervix).
What is Heterotopic pregnancy
combined intrauterine pregnancy
and ectopic pregnancy.
List AETIOLOGIES of ectopic pregnancy
- Tubal damage (most important) e.g. from salpingitis secondary to PID, post abortal or puerperal sepsis
- Previous ectopic pregnancy
- Previous tubal surgery
- Endometriosis
- Progesterone contraceptives
.1 Tubal
2. Abdominal
3. Ovarian
.4 Cervical - can cause severe
bleeding per vaginam and mimic miscarriage.
- Quiet or Chronic
- Acute
.3 Subacute or unruptured
What should you ask while taking history for ectopic pregnancy
- Presenting complaint depends on whether it is ruptured or unruptured:
i) Abdominal pain
(i1) Amenorrhoea
(iii) Irregular bleeding per vaginam
(iv) Syncope
How do you clerk for amenorrhoe
- LMP? • Early pregnancy symptoms eg. nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness etc.
Amenorrhea may be absent in an isthmic ectopic which ruptures very early even before the woman misses a period.
How do u clerk BLEEDING PER VAGINAM: in ectopic pregnancy
- It m a y ‘ b e s p o t t i n g or m a y simulate menstrual bleeding. This si
as a result of shedding of the endometrium because of withdrawal
of hormonal support from the failed pregnancy. - Adecidual cast may be seen.
Why is bleeding 🩸 per vaginum not usually heavy in ruptured ectopic pregnancy
- It si not usually heavy because bleeding from ruptured ectopic si into hte peritoneal cavity. It usually occurs after abdominal pain (whereas reverse is the case in
abortion) - High index o f suspicion ni any woman ofreproductive age
What happens if ectopic pregnancy ruptures
It is associated with produce infra-abdominal hemorrhage and this is leads to high maternal mortality
What is Heteroectopic pregnancy
It’s the coexistence of ectopic pregnancy and intrauterine pregnancy
Most common site of implantation of ectopic pregnancy
Fallopian tube
Biggest risk factors of ectopic pregnancy is
*Pelvic inflammatory disease
*Surgeries on the fallopian tubes
*Hormonal imbalance progesterone and estrogen from contraceptives
Clinical features of ectopic pregnancies
*abdominal pain with fainting(shock)
*vaginal bleeding 🩸: due to decidual endometrial sloughing pain occurs vaginal bleeding in ectopic pregnancy
On examination 🧐
*pallor pale from blood loss, cold extremities
*Abodmen generalised tenderness
*Pelvic examination:speculum cervical excitation tenderness can be elicited, uterus may be enlarged and adnexal mass maybe palpable