Anemia In Pregnancy Flashcards
What is anemia in pregnancy
- It is define as haemoglobin concentration of <11g/dI pcv( <30%)
Presenting complaint in anemia in pregnancy
*it could asymptomatic
* Patient may complain of body weakness, headache, easy fatiguability, dizziness, palpitation
- Loss of consciousness
* History of possible predisposing factor eg infections, malaria, ART
What should u clerk as risk factors of anemia in pregnancy
- Malaria - fever, headache, loss of appetite, IPT in index pregnancy. *Nutritional - ask about:
nutritional history, any food taboos? Iron and folic acid supplementation? Is she compliant. - Blood loss - characterize if present
- Haemoglobinopathies
jaundice, bone pain, pallor, genotype (SCD)
- bleeding from any part of the body (coagulopathy)
* Infections
- Dyssuria, frequency, vaginal discharge (UTI)
- Cough, coryza (URT)
- Nausea, vomiting, abdominal
pain, diarrhea (hook worm infestation).
* Melana stool (PUD), recurrent body rash +prolonged diarrhea + weight loss (AIDS)
- History of complications
* Fainting attacks, dizziness, easy fatiguability, congestive heart failur
General physical examination
pallor, jaundice, lymph node enlargement, fluffy hair (malnutrition), delay ni capillary refill, there may be signs of shock (High PR, olw BP, cold clammy extremities, restlessness, sweating) in severe cases.
Obstetrics examination in anemia
Abdomen - hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
Obstetric - small for date uterus, abnormal or absent fetal heart rate
INVESTIGATIONS to be done include
-FBC +reticuloctye count
- Blood film for malaria parasite
Sickling test
Lenti viral screening HBAg screening Group and cross match
Treatment of anemia in pregnancy
Principles of management depends
Severity (mild - 26-29%, moderate - 19-25%, severe - <18%, very severe <14%)
* Gestational age
* Severity of symptoms Comorbidity
* On-going blood loss