Ectoparasites Flashcards
Name this ectoparasite (Latin + common name)
Latin name: Ixodes ricinus
Common name: Sheep/Wood/Deer tick
Latin + common name!
What mouthparts do these belong too?
Latin name: Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Common name: Brown Dog Tick
What ectoparasite is this?
Ctenocephalides felis
(Cat flea)
What are this ectoparasites mouthparts adapted to do?
Suck blood
What has caused these classic skin lesions?
Flea allergy dermatitis
What ectoparasite is this?
Latin name: Trichodectes canis
Common name: Canine chewing/biting louse
Identify 3 characteristics of this ectoparasite
1.5 mm long
2.Flattened top to bottom
3.Broad, round head
What ectoparsite is this?
Latin name: Felicola subrostratus
Common name: Cat chewing louse
Easily indentified by unique shape of head
Hint: it walks…
What ectoparasite is this?
Where does this mite reside?
In the keratin layer of the skin + hair coat of host
Why are these commonly known as ‘walking dandruff ?
Because it resembles large, mobile, flakes of dandruff
What type of mite is this?
Latin name: Demodex canis
Common name: Dog follicle mite
Where do these mites reside + feed?
In the hair follicles + oil glands of the skin
Identify 3 unique physical charactersitics of this mite
- Tiny
- Cigar-shaped
- 8-legged
What parasite is this?
Latin name: Otodectes cynotis
Common name: Ear mite
Identify 6 unique physical characteristics of this parasite
- 0.4 mm long
- White
- Flattened top to botttom
- 4 pairs of long legs
- Male has a sucker at the end of each leg
- Female has suckers on only 1st 2 pairs of legs
Can be seen moving within ears or on swabs of deteritus
What is this parasite?
Latin name: Sarcoptes scabiei
Common name: Burrowing itch mite
True or False.
The male version of this parasite has triangular spines on the dorsal surface of the body.
Females do!
What is this?
Latin name: Trombicula (Neotrombicula) autumnalis
Common name: Harvest mite
Identify 6 unique physical characteristics of this parasite
- Six legs
- Chigger larva
- 200-400 mircometers in diameter
- Round body
- Covered in tiny hairs
- Looks like it has a velvet appearance
What parasites are these?
are the difference between them?
- Ixodes ricinus (Sheep tick)
- A: Adult v Nymph
B: Larva
What parasite is this?
Latin name: Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Common name: Brown tick or kennel tick
What are these?
- Phlebotonine sandfly - the vector of the protozoan parasites Leishmania
- Leishmania amastigotes - infected within macrophages
What does this parasite transmit?
What mite is this?
Sarcoptes scabiei
What ectoparasite is this?
Latin name: Ctenocephalides canis
Common name: Dog flea
What are the 2 physical differences between Ctenocephalides canis + felis?
Ctenocephalides canis has:
1. More rounded head
2. Shorter abdomen
In comparison to Ctenocephalides felis
What species of ectoparasite would you use this piece of equipment on?
Ctenocephalides canis or felis!
What is this dirt evident of?
What is this?
A tick!
(Ixodes spp)
What is this evident of?
What ectoparasite does this poor cat suffer from?
Latin name: Notoedres cati
Common name: Feline mange
What ectoparasite does this poor dog suffer from?
Demodex spp infestation!
What ectoparasite does this poor dog also suffer from?
Latin name: Sarcoptes scabies
Common name: Mange
What is this evident of?
Walking dandruff! Otherwise known as Cheyletiella spp..
What is this?
True or False.
Parasites can be multicellular or monocellular
If 1 or 2 parasites effect the same host, what is this host termed as?
If 1 or 2 parasites effect the same host, what this process called?
Poly or Hyperparasitisim
Identify 4 areas that ectoparasites may infect?
- Skin
- Hair
- Feathers
- Blood
What type of flea is this?
Who does this infect?
- Spillopsyllus Cuniculi
- Infects Rabbits! (But most commonly found on dogs + cats!)
What is this parasite infamous vector for, in Rabbits?
How is Myxomatosis spread via this parasitic vector?
The flea feeds on the infected rabbit + jumps onto another rabbit and feeds, passing this virus on when feeding on its blood
What are the symptoms you may find with the ectoparasite Spillopsyllus Cuniculi?
- Clusters along the edges of the pinnae
- Hindlimb paresis
- Head tilt
- Paralysis
- Tremors
- Cataracts
- Renal failure
- Death
Which type of flea is most commonly found on the cat + dog?
Ctenocephalides felis!
Is Ctenocephalides felis/canis zoonotic?
Is Stenocephalides felis/canis a surface or burrowing mite?
Identify 4 signs of infestation of this ecotparasite
- Puritis
- Inflammation
- Macroscopic - Dipylidium caninium burden
- Anaemia
After hatching, how many moults does this ectoparasite undergo before becoming an adult?
How many legs does Stenocephalides felis/canis have?
(Throax is divided into 3 sections, each with a pair of legs)
How can you diagnose this ectoparasite?
- Flea dirt (paper test) - evidence of faecal matter
- Examination of eggs on microscope
- Examination of adults on animal or in environment
How would you treat Stenocephalides felis/canis?
- Treat animal + environment
- Tick prophalytics
- Treat any Dipylidium caninum - if present with wormers, as prescribed by VS
What species does this ectoparasite effect?
What is the colloquial name for Trichodectes canis?
Is this zoonotic?
- Dog biting louse
- Yes!
What can this parasite be an intermediate host for?
Dipylidium caninum
Give 4 clinical signs of infestation of this parasite
- Anaemia
- Puritis
- Nits (eggs)
- Dipylidium caninum burden
Is this a surface or burrowing mite?
What is the word used to describe an infestation with this type of ectoparasites?
= Infestation of lice
When are you most likely to find these on a dog?
Name this parasite
Sarcoptes scabiei
How is Sarcoptes sabiei diagnosed?
Skin scrape!
How many legs does the burrowing mite have?
(Sarcoptes scabiei)
What is the defining characteristic of Sarcoptes scabiei?
It has transverse ridges on its back
Name the infamous condition that Sarcoptes scabiei is responsible for, commonly seen in dogs
Sarcoptic mange!
Is this mite micro or macroscopic?
Name 7 clinical signs of infestation of this mite
- Puritis !!
- Smell
- Erythema
- Thickening of the skin
- Alopecia
- Stress
- Depression
What is the colloquial name for this mite?
Ear mite
(Otodectes cyanotis)
What species does this affect?
Dogs + Cats
Where does this parasite mostly infect?
External ear canal
Is this parasite zoonotic?
Give 5 clinical indications of infestation of Otodectes cyanotis
- Shaking head
- Intense irritatoin
- Scratching ears
- Head tilt
- Wax-build up - thick, dry + black crusts
5 things..
What type of wax do patients with Otodectes cyanotis show?
- Thick
- Dry
- Black
- Crusty
- Smelly
What unique visable characteristic does parasite present with, upon identification?
Suckers on the ends of it’s legs, called ‘Trumpets’
Identify the 4 developmental stages of this mite
- Eggs
- Larva (6-legged)
- 2 x Nymphal stages (8-legged)
- Adult (8-legged)
How is this mite diagnosed?
Ear swab + examined microscopically
3 main things..
How would you treat Otodectes cyanotis?
- Clean ears
- Apply miticide - topically
- Antibiotics (if severe)
Would you class Otodectes cyanotis as a burrowing or surface mite?
Surface mite
What colour is Neotrombicula autumnalis?
Bright orange
Give 3 clincial signs, that is evidant of this mite
- Intense puritis
- Biting affected areas (head + feet)
- Licking affected areas (head + feet)
What’s the scientific name for the macroscopic Harvest mite?
Neotrombicula autumnalis