Ecosystems, Populations and Sustainability Flashcards
What is an ecosystem
-any group of living and nonliving organisms and the interrelationships between them is an ecosystem
-can be on a large scale e.g. grassland or small scale e.g. rock pool, single tree
Components of an ecosystem
-habitat- place where organism lives
-population- all of organisms of one species who live in same place, same time and can breed together
-community- all populations of different species who live in same place, same time and can interact with each other
-the role of each species in an ecosystem is its niche
-its impossible to define niche entirely due to abiotic and biotic interactions however it could include things such as how and what it feeds on, how it reproduces etc
-its impossible for two species to occupy exactly same niche in same ecosystem
-ecosystems do not have clear edges; cannot draw line around group of living things and say they only interact with each other
Biotic factors affecting ecosystems
-producers= plants which supply chemical energy to all other organisms
-consumers= primary consumers are herbivores which feed on plants and which are eaten by carnivorous secondary consumers; these in turn are eaten by carnivorous tertiary consumers
-decomposers= bacteria, fungi and some animals feed on waste material or dead organisms
-because these components of ecosystem require own source of materials and energy they can affect other organisms food supply
-can also be responsible for predation and disease
Abiotic factors affecting ecosystems
-describe the effects of non living components of ecosystems e.g. pH, humidity, temperature
-these can vary in space and time
-such factors could also be disturbance to ecosystem by other factors such as turbulence and storms
-abiotic factors may also be influenced by biotic components
-at extreme values of an abiotic factors, species may perform better or worse or even die
-a generalised curve can be drawn to show effect of abiotic factors on organism activity
-where there is not lethal level at both extremes an organisms response can be plotted differently
-for example at low levels of pollutants an organism may survive without any detrimental effect
-however at high levels, pollutants may be lethal
Describe dynamic ecosystems
-because ecosystem change, we refer to them as dynamic
-the non living elements change and living factors grow or die with populations of particular species rising and falling
-in most ecosystems, population sizes rise and fall very slightly or very noticeably
-living things in ecosystem interact with each other and physical environment; any small changes can affect each other
-for example increase predation=decrease prey
-increase nitrogen levels= increase plant growth
Cyclic changes
-changes repeat themselves in a rhythm
-for example movement of tides and changes in day length are cyclic as well as predator-prey fluctuations
Directional changes
-these changes are not cyclic
-they go in one direction and tend to last longer than lifetime of organisms within ecosystem
-within such change, particular variables continue to increase or decrease
-for example erosion of coastline or deposition of silt in estuary
Unpredictable/ erratic changes
-have no rhythm and no directional, constant change
-for example effects of hurricanes or lightning
Energy and materials in an ecosystem
-materials are constantly recycling within an ecosystem- nutrient cycles such as nitrogen and carbon are examples
-energy is not recycled- it flows through the ecosystem
-all living things need energy and materials
-energy is captured by plants and photosynthesis and carbon dioxide; such energy is released from glucose during respiration
-products of photosynthesis are not only used immediately for respiration but incorporated into tissues and organs- e.g. cellulose
-mineral ions are also absorbed through plant roots
-the organic and inorganic components of plant make up its biomass- so when plant eaten, its biomass consumer by a primary consumer
-example of flow of biomass through food chain
-each level of a food chain is a trophic level
-tracking how biomass changes in food chain helps us to track movement of materials and energy through food chain
Biomass transfers through ecosystems
-at each trophic level some biomass is lost from food chain and therefore unavailable to organism of next trophic level
-at each trophic level living organisms need to carry out life processes
-respiration releases energy from organic molecules like glucose
-some of this energy is eventually converted to heat and materials are lost in carbon dioxide and water
-biomass is also lost from food chain in dead organisms and waste material which is then only available to decomposers such as fungi and bacteria
-this waste material also includes parts of animals and plants that cannot be digested by consumers such as bones and hair
Describe the pyramid for ecosystems
- biomass is less at higher levels of food chain
-when organisms of food chain are about same size this means there will be fewer consumers at higher levels
-ecologists draw pyramid of numbers to represent this idea
-area of each bar in pyramid is proportional to number of individuals as an approximation for total biomass at that level
-pyramids can be drawn for individual food chains or whole ecosystem
How to calculate efficiency of biomass transfer
(biomass at higher trophic level/ biomass at lower trophic level) x 100
What is productivity
-rate at which energy passes through each trophic level in a food chain is measure of its productivity
-gross primary productivity is rate at which plants convert light energy to chemical energy through photosynthesis
-even at start of food chain this is inefficient
-light levels limit rate of photosynthesis and hence production of biomass
-some crops are planted early to provide longer growing season to harvest more light
-others grown under light banks
-as well as irrigating crops, drought resistant strains have been bred, for example drought resistant barely, wheat and sugar beet
-water is reactant in photosynthesis when glucose is produced
-lack of available nutrients slows down production of biomass through photosynthesis
-crop rotation can help (growing different crop in each field on rotational cycle)
-this stops reduction in soil levels of inorganic materials such as nitrate or potassium
-including a nitrogen fixing crop like peas or beans in that cycle can replenish nitrogen levels
-many crops bred to respond to high levels of fertiliser providing ammonium, nitrate, potassium and phosphorus
-pests like insects or nematodes eat crop plants, removing biomass from food chain and lowering yield
-spraying with pesticides may help
-some plants also bred to be pest resistant or genetically modified with bacterial gene
-e.g. US cotton resistant to bollworm
-fungal diseases reduces biomass
-fungi cause root rot reducing water absorption, damage xylem vessels interfering with water transport, damage foliage through wilt, blight or spotting directly interfering with photosynthesis, damage phloem tubes interfering with translocation or damage flowers interfering with reproduction
-farmers spray crops with fungicides
-many crops have been bred to resist fungal infections and potatoes genetically modified to resist potato blight
-competition from weeds for light, water and nutrients reduces a crops NPP
-farmers use herbicides to kill weeds
-the herbicide usually binds to enzyme, stopping it from working and leading to a toxic build up of enzymes substrate
What is secondary productivity
-transfer of biomass between trophic levels is inefficient
-primary consumers do not make full us of plants biomass- some plants die, consumers do not eat every part of plant and do not digest everything they eat
-even when food is digested and absorbed most of it is respired with only small amount contributing to increase in biomass and being available to next consumer in food chain
How do humans manipulate energy transfer (improve secondary productivity)
-a young animal invests a larger proportion of its energy to growth than an adult. Harvesting animals just before adulthood minimises loss of energy from food chain
-selective breeding has been used to produce improved animal breeds with faster growth rates, increased egg production and increased milk production
-animals may be treated with antibiotics to avoid unnecessary loss of energy to pathogens and parasites
-mammals and birds waste a lot of energy finding food and keeping their body temperature stable. Zero grazing for pigs and cattle farming maximises energy allocated to muscle by stopping animals from moving about, by supplying food to them and by keeping environmental temperature constant
Role of organisms in nitrogen cycle
-azotobacter- convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia
-rhizobium- fixate nitrogen
-nitrosomonas- convert ammonia to nitrites
-nitrobacter- convert nitrites to nitrate
Recycling within ecosystems
-bacteria and fungi involved in decomposition feed in a different way from animals
-they feed saprotrophically so described as saprotrophs
1) saprotrophs secrete enzymes onto dead and waste material
2) enzymes digest the material into small molecules which are then absorbed into saprotroph body
3) having been absorbed, the molecules are stored or respired to release energy
-if bacteria and fungi did not break down dead organisms energy and valuable nutrients would remain trapped within the dead organisms
-by digesting dead and waste material, microorganisms obtain a supply of energy to stay alive and trapped nutrients are recycled
RECYCLING NITROGEN: nitrogen fixation
-although nitrogen gas makes up 79% of earths atmosphere it is very unreactive- impossible for plants to use it directly
-instead plants need a supply of fixed nitrogen such as ammonium ions or nitrate ions
-nitrogen fixation can occur when lightning strikes or through haber process in making fertiliser
-nitrogen fixing bacteria supply rest of fixed nitrogen
-azotobacter are bacteria that live in soil and fix nitrogen gas which is in air, in soil to manufacture amino acids
-nitrogen fixing bacteria such as rhizobium also live in root nodules of plants such as beans, peas have a mutualistic relationship with the plant
-bacteria provide plant with fixed nitrogen and receive carbon compounds such as glucose in return
RECYCLING NITROGEN: ammonification and nitrification
-ammonium ions are released through ammonification by bacteria found in dead or waste materials
-rather than getting energy from sunlight some chemoautotrophic bacteria in soil (nitrosomonas) obtain it by oxidising ammonium ions to nitrites
-nitrobacter obtain it by oxidising nitrites to nitrates by a process called nitrification
-oxidation requires oxygen therefore reactions only happen in well aerated soils
-nitrates can be absorbed from soil by plants and used to make nucleotide bases and amino acids
RECYCLING NITROGEN: denitrification
-other bacteria convert nitrates back to nitrogen gas
-when bacteria involved growing under anaerobic conditions such as waterlogged soils, they use nitrates as source of oxygen for their respiration and produce nitrogen gas (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O)
Describe recycling of carbon
-carbon is also cycled in a/biotic components of ecosystem
-carbon cycle driven by processes of respiration and photosynthesis with carbon dioxide being the main driving component
-animals, plants and microorganisms respire to release carbon dioxide
-microorganisms are particularly important in decomposition of dead organisms and waste
-terrestrial plants use gaseous carbon dioxide in photosynthesis whereas aquatic plants use dissolved carbonates
-carbon is exchanged between air and water when carbon dioxide dissolves in water and then reacts to form carbonic acid
-carbon also enters rivers and lakes from weathering of limestone and chalk in form of hydrogen carbonate
-combustion of fossil fuels has increased across last century so balance of carbon cycle has changed and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are higher- responsible for global warming
Define climax community
-final stable community that exists after the process of succession has occurred
Define deflected succession
-happens when succession is stopped or interfered with such as by grazing or lawn mowed