Cellular control and Patterns of inheritance Flashcards
What is a mutation
-a mutation is a random change to the genetic material
-some mutations involve changes to the structure or number of chromosomes
-a gene mutation is a change to the DNA
-mutations may occur spontaneously during DNA replication before cell division
-certain chemicals such as tar in tobacco smoke and ionising radiation such as UV light, X rays and gamma rays may be mutagenic
Why do mutations occur and compare mitotic and meiosis mutation
-the structure of DNA molecule makes it stable and fairly resistant to corruption of genetic information stored within it
-errors may occur, however, during replication of DNA molecule
-mutations associated with mitotic division are somatic mutations and are not passed to offspring; they may be associated with development of cancerous tumours
-mutations associated with meiosis and gamete formation may be inherited by offspring
-genes mutations may affect protein production and function
What are the two main classes of DNA mutation
-point mutation= one base pair replaces (substituted for) another
-insertion or deletion (indel) mutation= one or more nucleotides are inserted or deleted from a length of DNA, these may cause a frameshift
What are point mutations
-the genetic code consists of nucleotide base triplets within the DNA
-during transcription of a gene this code is copied to a length of mRNA as codons, complementary to the base triplets on template strand on length of DNA
-the sequence of codons on mRNA therefore a copy of the sequence of base triplets on the gene
-there are three types point mutation: silent, missense and nonsense
POINT MUTATION: silent mutations
-all amino acids involved in protein synthesis apart from methionine have more than one base triplet code
-this reduces the effect of point mutations as they do not always a cause a change to sequence of amino acids in a protein
-this is often called redundancy or degeneracy of genetic code
-a point mutation involving a change to base triplet where that triplet still codes for same amino acid is a silent mutation
-the primary structure of protein and therefore secondary and tertiary structure not altered
POINT MUTATION: missense mutation
-a change to base triplet sequence that leads to a change in the amino acid sequence in a protein is a missense mutation
-within a gene, such a point mutation may have significant effect on protein produced
-the alteration to the primary structure leads to a change in tertiary structure of the protein, altering its shape and preventing from carrying out its usual function
What can occur as a result of missense mutations
-sickle cell anaemia results from a missense mutation on the sixth base triplet of the gene for the B polypeptide chains of haemoglobin: the amino acid valine, instead of glutamic acid is inserted at this position
-this result in deoxygenated haemoglobin, crystallising within erythrocytes, causing them to become sickle shaped, blocking capillaries and depriving tissues of oxygen
POINT MUTATION: nonsense mutations
-a point mutation may alter a base triplet so that it becomes a termination (stop) triplet
-this particularly disruptive point mutation results in a truncated protein that will not function
-this abnormal protein will most likely be degraded within a cell
-the genetic disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a result of a nonsense mutation
INDEL MUTATIONS: insertions and deletions
-both insertions and deletions cause a frameshift
-if nucleotide base pairs, not in multiples of three, are inserted in the gene or deleted from gene, because code is non overlapping and read in groups of three bases, all subsequent base triplets are altered
-this is a frameshift
-when the mRNA from such a mutated gene is translated the amino acid sequence after the frameshift is severely disrupted
-the primary sequence of the protein and subsequently the tertiary structure is much altered
-if the protein is very abnormal it will be rapidly degraded within a cell
What can happen due to indel mutations
-some forms of thalassaemia, a haemoglobin disorder, result from frameshifts due to deletions of nucleotide bases
-insertions or deletions of a triplet base pairs results in the addition or loss of an amino acid and not in a frameshift
What are triple nucleotide repeats
-some genes contain a repeating triplet such as CAG, CAG, CAG
-in an expanding triple nucleotide repeat, the number of CAG triplets increases at meiosis and again from generation to generation
-Huntington disease results from expanding triple nucleotide repeats
-if number of repeating CAG sequences goes above a certain critical number, then the person with the genotype will develop the symptoms of Huntington disease later in life
Give examples of how not all mutations are harmful
-many mutations are beneficial and have helped drive evolution through natural selection
-different alleles of particular gene produced via mutation
-the mutation that gave rise to blue eyes arose in human population 6000-8000 years ago
-such mutation could be harmful in areas where sunlight intensity is high, as lack of iris pigmentation could lead to lens cataracts
-however, in more temperate zones it could enable people to see better in less bright light
-early humans in africa would have black skin, the high concentrations of melanin protecting them from sunburn and skin cancer
-when humans migrate to temperate regions, a paler skin would be advantage, enabling vitamin D to be made with lower intensity sunlight
-people with fairer skin would have an advantage and be selected as vitamin D not only protects us from rickets, it protects us from heart disease and cancer
How are some mutations neutral
-they appear to be neither beneficial nor harmful
-inability to smell certain flowers, including freesias and honeysuckle
-differently shaped ear lobes
List the DNA and polypeptide sequences of mutations
Met Gin Gin Gin Phe Leu Arg Asn Pro
Met Gin Gin Gin Phe Leu Arg Asn Pro
Met Gin Gin Gin Phe STOP
Met Gin Gin Gin Phe Tyr Ala Ile
Met Gin Gin Gin Phe Ser Arg Asn Pro
How is gene expression regulated in prokaryotic cells
-enzymes that catalyse the metabolic reactions in basic cellular functions are synthesised at a fairly constant rate
-enzymes that may only be needed under specific conditions are synthesised at varying rates according to the needs of the cell
How does E.coli metabolise respiratory substrates if glucose absent and disaccharide lactose present
-lactose permease which allows lactose to enter the bacterial cell
-B galactosidase which hydrolyses lactose to glucose and galactose
Structure of the lac operon
-the lac operon region consists of a length of DNA, about 6000 base pairs long, containing an operator region lac0 next to the structural genes lacZ and lacY that code for the enzymes B galactosidase and lactose permease respectively
-next to the operator region lac0 is the promoter region P to which the enzyme RNA polymerase binds to begin transcription of the structural genes lacZ and lacY
-the operator region and promoter region are the control sites
What is the regulatory gene
-a small distance away from the operon is the regulatory gene, I, that codes for a repressor protein lac1
-when the regulatory gene is expressed the repressor protein produced binds to the operator preventing RNA polymerase from binding to promoter region
-the repressor protein therefore prevents the genes lacZ and lacY from being transcribed (expressed) so the enzymes for lactose metabolism are not made
-the genes are ‘off’
What happens to the lac operon in the presence of oxygen
-when lactose is added to the culture medium, once all the glucose has been used, molecules of lactose bind to the lacI repressor protein, preventing it from binding to the operator
-the RNA polymerase enzyme can then bind to the promoter region and begin transcribing the structural genes into the mRNA that will then be translated to the two enzymes
-this lactose induces the enzymes needed to break it down
How do eukaryotic cells differ in gene expression
-every cell in a eukaryotic organism has the dame genome but because different cells use it differently they function differently
-this is the basis of cell differentiation
-in neurones the genes being expressed differ to some extent from those being expressed in a liver or kidney cell although all cells express the basic housekeeping genes
How is gene expression regulated in eukaryotic cells
-transcription factors are proteins, or short non coding pieces of RNA that act within the cells nucleus to control which genes in a cell are turned on or off
-transcription factors slide along a part of DNA molecule, seeking and binding to their specific promoter regions
-they may then aid or inhibit attachment of RNA polymerase to DNA and activate or supress transcription of gene
-they are essential for regulation or gene expression in eukaryotes making sure that different genes in different types of cells are activated or suppressed
-some transcription factors are involved in regulating cell cycle
-tumour suppressor genes and proto oncogenes help regulate cell division via transcription factors
-mutations to genes can lead to uncontrollable cell division or cancer
What are transcription factors
-about 8% of genes in human genome encode transcription factors
-many genes have their promoter regions some distance away along the unwound length of DNA but because of how the DNA can bend, the promoter region may not be too far away spatially
-within a gene, there are non coding regions of DNA called introns which are not expressed
-they separate the coding or expressed regions which are called exons
-all the DNA of a gene, both introns and exons is transcribed
-the resulting mRNA is called primary mRNA
-primary mRNA then edited and the RNA introns - length corresponding to the DNA introns are removed
-the remaining mRNA exon, corresponding to the DNA exons are joined together
-endonulcease enzyme may be involved in the editing and splicing proteins
What are introns
-non coding region of DNA
-some introns may themselves encode proteins and some may become short non coding lengths of RNA involved in gene regulation
-some genes can be spliced in different ways
-a length of DNA with its introns and exons can according to how it is spliced, encode more than one protein
Define exon
-the coding or expressed region of DNA
Describe important factors to post translational level of gene regulation
-post translational regulation of gene expression involves the activation of proteins
-many enzymes are activated by being phosphorylated
-cyclic AMP is an important second messenger involved in this activation
What are homeobox genes
-the large and ancient family of genes, the homeotic genes, are involved in controlling the anatomical development or morphogenesis of an organism so that all structures develop in the correct location, according to the body plan
-several of these genes contain homeobox sequences and they are sometimes called homeobox genes
What are homeobox sequences
-each homeobox sequence is a stretch of 180 DNA base pairs (excluding introns) encoding a 60 amino acid sequence, called a homeodomain sequence within a protein
-the homeodomain sequence can fold into a particular shape and bind to DNA regulating the transcription of adjacent genes
-these proteins are transcription factors and act within the cell nucleus
-the shape that these homeodomain containing proteins fold into is called H-T-H
-it consists of two alpha helices (H) connected by one turn (T)
-part of the homeodomain amino acid sequence recognises the TAAT sequence of enhancer region (region that initiates or enhances transcription) of gene to be transcribed
Describe homeobox genes
-homeobox genes are very conserved and very similar
What are Hox genes
-the Hox genes regulate the development of embryos along the anterior-posterior axis
-they control which body parts grow where
-if Hox genes are mutated, abnormalities can occur such as the attennae on the head of Drosophila developing as legs or mammalian eyes developing on limbs
How are Hox genes arranged
-Hox genes are arranged in clusters and each cluster may contain up to 10 genes
-in tetrapods, including mammals and therefore humans, there are four clusters
-some stage during evolution, Hox clusters have been duplicated
-in early embryonic development Hox genes are active and are expressed in order along anterior-posterior axis of developing embryo
-sequential and temportal order of the gene expressions corresponds to the sequential and temporal development of the various body parts, a phenomenon known as colinearity
How do Hox genes contain body plan development in animals
-Hox genes encode homeodomain proteins that act in the nucleus as transcription factors and can switch on cascades of activation of other genes that promote mitotic cell division, apoptosis, cell migration and help regulate cell cycle
-Hox genes are similar across different classes of animals; a fly can function properly with a chicken Hox gene inserted in a place of its own
How are regulators regulated
-Hox genes are regulated by other genes called gap genes and pair rule genes
-in turn these genes are regulated by maternally supplied mRNA from egg cytoplasm
How do Hox genes help regulate mitosis
-from zygote to embryo to fully formed adult, there are many mitotic cell divisions
-mitosis is part of cell cycle that is regulated with help of homeobox and hox genes
-it ensures that each new daughter cell contains full genome and is clone of parent cell
-during cell differentiation some of genes ina particular type of cell are switched off and not expressed
-in 1962 Leonard Hayflick showed that normal body cells divide a limited number of times before dying (around 50 times, known as Hayflick constant)
How was theory of apoptosis developed
-in 1965, John Foxton Ross Kerr re examined and researched the idea of programmed cell death, first described in 1842 by Carl Vogt
-in 1972, term apoptosis was used for programmed cell death
-apoptosis is different from cell death due to trauma which involves hydrolytic enzymes
Sequence of events during apoptosis
1) enzymes break down cell cytoskeleton
2) cytoplasm becomes dense with tightly packed organelles
3) cell surface membrane changes and small protusions called blebs form
4) chromatin condenses, the nuclear envelope breaks and DNA breaks into fragments
5) cell breaks into vesicles that are ingested by phagocytic cells so that cell debris does not damage any other cells of tissues. The whole process happens quickly
How is apoptosis controlled
-many cell signals help control apoptosis
-some of these signalling molecules may be released by cells when genes that are involved in regulating the cell cycle and apoptosis respond to internal cell stimuli and external stimuli such as stress
-these signalling molecules include cytokines from cells of the immune system, hormones, growth factors and nitric oxide
-nitric oxide can induce apoptosis by making inner mitochondrial membrane more permeable to hydrogen ions and dissipating the proton gradient
-proteins are released into the cytoplasm where they bind to apoptosis inhibitor proteins, allowing apoptosis to occur
How does apoptosis affect development
-apoptosis is an integral part of plant and animal tissue development
-extensive proliferation of cell types is prevented by pruning through apoptosis without release of any hydrolytic enzymes that could damage surrounding tissues
-during limb development, apoptosis causes digits to separate from each other
-apoptosis removes ineffective or harmful T lymphocytes during development of immune system
Compare apoptosis in children and adults
-in children aged between 8-14 years, 20-30 billion cells per day apoptose
-in adults about 50-70 million cells per day apoptose
-the rate of cells dying should equal the rate of cells produced by mitosis
-not enough apoptosis leads to formation of tumours
-too much apoptosis leads to cell loss and degeneration
-cell signalling plays a crucial role in maintaining right balance
Compare definitions of genotype and phenotype
genotype = genetic makeup of an organism
phenotype = visible characteristics of an organism
-the appearance of a living organism is influenced by both its genotype and its environment
-mutations have contributed to the process of evolution
-a mutation is a change to genetic material
-this may involve changes to the structure of DNA or changes to the number of gross structure of chromosomes
-sexual reproduction may also lead to genetic variation
Describe the different gene mutations
-certain physical and chemical agents described as mutagen can increase the rate of mutation
-physical agents= gamma rays, xrays, UV light
-chemical agents= benzopyrene (found in tobacco smoke), mustard gas, nitrous acid, aromatic amines, reactive oxygen species, colchicine
-biological agents= some viruses, transposons, food contaminants such as mycotoxins and chemicals in charred meat and alcohol
-these mutations may be harmful, advantageous or neutral
Describe the mutations that occur during gamete formation
-persistent- they can be transmitted through many generations without change
-random- they are not directed by a need on the part of the organism in which they occur
-chromosome mutations occur during meiosis
-part of a chromosome containing genes and regulatory sequences is lost
-section of chromosome may break off, turn through 180 degrees and then join again although all the genes are still present, some may now be too far away from their regulatory nucleotide sequences to be properly expressed
-a piece of one chromosome breaks off and then becomes attached to another chromosome
-this may also interfere with regulation of genes on translocated chromosome
-linked to many genetic disorders such as sarcoma, lymphoma, down syndrome, schizophrenia etc
-piece of chromosome may be duplicated
-overexpression of genes can be harmful because too many of certain proteins or gene regulating nucleic acids may disrupt metabolism
CHROMOSOME MUTATION: non-disjunction
-one pair of chromosomes or chromatids fails to separate leaving one gamete with an extra chromosome
-this is because a spindle fibre fails to be produced from the centriole in anaphase 1
-when fertilised by a normal haploid gamete, the resulting zygote has one extra chromosome
-down syndrome or trisomy 21 is caused by non disjunction
-bananas are an example of a non disjunction mutation
-they are infertile as they cannot produce pairs of chromosomes
-the chromosome number is not an exact multiple of haploid number of that organism
-sometimes chromosomes or chromatids fail to separate during meiosis - e.g. trisomy
-if a diploid gamete is fertilised by a haploid gamete the resulting zygote will be triploid (has three sets of chromosomes)
-the fusion of two diploid gametes can make a tetraploid zygote
-many cultivated plants are polyploid- they have more than two sets of chromosomes
-only occurs in plants
-one centriole fails to produce any spindle fibres
-when fertilised with a normal gamete, the triploid gamete produced is infertile because it cannot produce pairs of chromosomes